The voice of coldly snorted came, Void Escaping Divine Turtle stared coldly, and gnashing teeth looked up, “Laozi dignified Void Escaping Divine Turtle, Pei Li, watch out for evil!”

Tian Chen frowned, and saw more than a dozen people outside his feet blocked the way. The leader’s youth was experiencing the fluctuations unique to Primordial Chaos Saint. Hearing this at this moment, complexion was annoying.

The people behind youth are equally incredible.

Pei Li froze, and suddenly said with a smile: “coward, how dare you talk back today? Because of this brat?”

“Haha, little Half-Saint, can he give you back the confidence?” The crowd echoed laughing heartily and said.

Pei Li waved his hand. “Let’s talk nonsense, take out the rent of 100 Sacred Stones, otherwise, I don’t mind removing your turtle shell for artifact refining.”

“There are still seven genius to pay the rent, Pei Li, don’t overdo it!” Void Escaping Divine Turtle coldly said.

Pei Li’s playful face, “Three days later, the Young City Lord will have to pay, so the rent for this month must be paid in advance, otherwise we will explain to the Young City Lord?”

“In a word, cross, or take down your turtle shell!” Pei Li expression cold, shouted.

Void Escaping Divine Turtle’s eyes were full of anger, “Pei Li, the same as Divine Beast, don’t go too far!”

“Idiot! Looks like I have to take down your turtle shell!” Pei Li said coldly, stepping forward.

Tian Chen stepped out and stood in front of Void Escaping Divine Turtle, calmly said, “Your thunder wing is also good. If you refining it, you can definitely increase a lot of speed!”

Tian Chen has already seen that Pei Li’s true body is a Thunder Winged Tiger. Although it becomes a human form, under Tian Chen’s Eye of Evil Demon, its true body has nothing to hide.

“Courting death!” Pei Li was furious, dignified Primordial Chaos Saint, how disdainful he was to be remembered by the brat of Half-Saint.

Tian Chen coldly snorted, Heaven Extinguishing Sword was about to be cut out, but at this moment, an anxious drink came from behind: “Stop!”

A big person of figure sturdy came to me in an instant, blocked between the two parties, and moved towards Pei Li cupped one’s hands and said: “I will pay the rent for Void Escaping Divine Turtle, and I hope Captain Pei sells me face!”

Seeing the big person, Void Escaping Divine Turtle breathed a sigh of relief, sound transmission said: “Tian Chen, his name is Lian Jingang, is an Artificer. These years are good for us. If he didn’t take care of him, I’m afraid we can’t survive in Floating Life City . “

Tian Chen remembered this person secretly. Lian Jingang is also a Primordial Chaos Saint cultivatíon base and an Artificer. The other person should give face!

Sure enough, Pei Li laughed, “We work for the City Lord Mansion. As long as the rent is in place, it is naturally not a problem.”

Lian Jingang cupped one’s hand, stroking 100 white finger-sized white stones, “I have written down this relationship, Captain Pei, many thanks!”

Pei Li took over the Sacred Stones, and moved towards Void Escaping Divine Turtle said, “You can go!”

With that said, Pei Li looked towards Tian Chen again, “Now, it’s time to calculate our account, to insult the guard team, and to sin!”

Without waiting for Chen Chen to speak, Lian Jingang took the lead: “Captain Pei, he’s my Artificer Pavilion.”

Pei Li frowned, looked at Lian Jingang, and looked at Tian Chen, coldly snorted and said: “Master Lian, face has been given to you, do you still want to protect him? Insult the guard team, even your Pavilion Lord is here and I can’t keep him! “

Lian Jingang shaking one’s head, “My Artificer Pavilion is working hard to refining the golden carriage for the Young City Lord. If you are not good for the people at my Artificer Pavilion, then the golden carriage may be difficult to refining. It is trivial, Captain Pei knows it. “

Pei Li complexion chilled and looked at Lian Jingang quietly. It took a long time to coldly snorted and said: “Very good, three days later, I’ll see if the Artificer Pavilion can hand over the golden carriage to the satisfaction of the Young City Lord.”

After that, Pei Li stared at Tian Chen coldly and led the crowd away.

Lian Jingang breathed a sigh of relief, and turned back, “Void Escaping Divine Turtle, I said, despite asking me something, did you forget?”

Void Escaping Divine Turtle reluctantly laughed, “I thought, but the girl also said that I can’t give you trouble.”

Lian Jingang shaking one’s head sighed and turned his eyes towards Tian Chen, his eyes filled with complexity, “You are the omnipotent Tian Chen in Void Escaping Divine Turtle’s mouth?”

Tian Chen was about to speak, Lian Jingang said again: “too weak, Void Escaping Divine Turtle, friends should keep their eyes wide open, don’t make any cat any dog ​​omnipotent!”

Tian Chen both eyes Wei Ning, “For your help, I can ignore it, but it’s better not to have another time!”

“Hmph! Ignorance!” Lian Jingang coldly snorted, gave Tian Chen a disdainful glance, and turned to leave.

Void Escaping Divine Turtle is silent, sullen leader leads Tian Chen to a dilapidated but neat small courtyard, “We live here.”

Tian Chen stared at all around, the familiar atmosphere remained in the small courtyard, but the master of that atmosphere was not here.

“What powerhouse is there in Floating Life City?” Tian Chen sat down casually and asked.

“You want to grab? I’m afraid not.” Void Escaping Divine Turtle sighed, shaking one’s head, and said: “Primordial Chaos Saint Lord powerhouse in the city is no less than ten, Saint is countless.”

“Primordial Chaos Saint Lord? That should be a native Saint Lord without the Universe support?” Tian Chen said.

Void Escaping Divine Turtle nodded, “It looks like you know quite well, indeed, the Saint Lord-level powerhouse with Universe support is impossible to survive in Primordial Chaos Realm. Once it appears, it will be beheaded.”

Tian Chen slightly nodded, Divinity of Creation said the same, Primordial Chaos Realm is extremely hostile to those who created the Universe Primordial Chaos Saint Lord, and they are not allowed to appear in Primordial Chaos Realm.

Therefore, the Saint Lord-level powerhouse of Primordial Chaos Realm is born and raised, not at all to create the universe.

Tian Chen has asked the system carefully and knows a lot of information. In Primordial Chaos Realm, the most powerful cultivatíon base is Primordial Chaos Saint Exalted, and below it is Primordial Chaos Saint Lord, and then it is Primordial Chaos Saint.

According to system, Primordial Chaos Realm’s Primordial Chaos Saint Exalted has a limited number, but all of them are connected to the heavens. At the time, the Divinity of Creation of Myriad Domains Universe was fallenen in the hands of a Primordial Chaos Saint Exalted.

Every Divinity of Creation is a Primordial Chaos Saint Lord level existence!

“The Saint Lord who created the Universe, the battle strength tremendous boundless, is not comparable to these indigenous Saint Lords. Perhaps it is for this reason that Primordial Chaos Realm can not tolerate those Divinity of Creation!” Said Void Escaping Divine Turtle.

Tian Chen also feels that Saint Lord with Universe support can mobilize the strength of the Universe and easily kill these indigenous Saint Lords. It is precisely because of this that Divinity of Creation caused the fear of Primordial Chaos Realm.

Just ask, Divinity of Creation at the level of Primordial Chaos Saint Lord is already extremely powerful. If they let them break through to Primordial Chaos Saint Exalted, wouldn’t Primordial Chaos Realm become the world of these foreigners?

“It’s not good to be strong, maybe, you can find Artificer Pavilion!” Tian Chen in the heart moved, muttered.

“What do you mean?” Void Escaping Divine Turtle suspiciously said.

Tian Chen laughed, “Didn’t Lian Jingang say that before? Artificer Pavilion is refining the golden carriage for the Young City Lord. Our only chance is to start with that golden carriage.”

“However, I have to find a way to intervene in the golden carriage refining, and tamper with the golden carriage.” Tian Chen said, standing up, “take me to the Artificer Pavilion.”

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