golden list inextinguishable, Supreme undying existence?

Tian Chen with rapt attention watching Tian Yixiao, “meaning, if I ruined this golden list, that guy would be dead?”

Tian Yixiao in the heart anxious, hurried sound transmission said: “Don’t say it, in case it was heard by him, it would be troublesome.”

“But what you said is impossible. Even if you destroy the golden list, he is at best disqualified from Supreme.”

Tian Chen’s eyes lit up.

Tian Yixiao took Tian Chen’s expression into his eyes and couldn’t help saying with a bitter smile: “What do you want to do? This Primordial Chaos Golden List is not comparable to the Primordial Chaos Golden List in the major universes. This is impossible to destroy! “

“I believe everything you say, but don’t believe this one!” Tian Chen with rapt attention said.

Tian Yixiao rolled his eyes, sound transmission said: “If it can be destroyed, the seniors in Sacred Land would have killed him already, can you still come?”

Tian Chen suddenly, Nine Heavens Sacred Land Those seniors also want to kill Saint Exalted?

What Tian Chen suddenly thought of, asked, “There are eight other Saint Exalted in Sacred Land?”

Tian Yixiao said just now that there are nine copies of this golden list, and each one represents a Saint Exalted!

“Well, nine of them, no one can kill anyone, so don’t think about it!” Tian Yixiao did not deny, said with a bitter smile: “I told you too much, I don’t know if the seniors will not Will hit me. “

“I don’t believe it, I can’t tell you any more, I really don’t know what you will get out of it later!”

Tian Chen with rapt attention Looking around, all around here is boundless, boundless with power of Primordial Chaos, I wonder if there is a core area?

“System, Phaseless, help me think of a way to see if I can ruin this place!” Said Tian Chen sound transmission.

System and Phaseless go hand in hand: “Try it with Source World!”

“Source World?” As soon as Tian Chen in the heart moved, a few meters controlled Source World to open a mouth. Immediately, boundless suction emerged, and Continuously absorbed Power of Primordial Chaos.

Tian Chen sensed it carefully and found that the Power of Primordial Chaos coming from above was the most boundless. Immediately rejoicing, stepped into the air, and moved towards the high altitude.

“Induced, here is full of strong Heaven and Earth Will, Tian Yixiao was wrong, not that the Golden List contains Primordial Chaos Land, but just the key to unlock Primordial Chaos Land!” System said suddenly.

“Jiufen Primordial Chaos Golden List is just the key? So, this is indeed a treasure land!” Tian Chen’s eyes lit up.

System pondered for a moment, opened the mouth and said: “Yes! Heaven and Earth Will here are the same origin as Primordial Chaos Realm, but more boundless and overbearing. It should have been separated here for some reason when Primordial Chaos Realm was born!

“If anyone can absorb Heaven and Earth Will here, there is no doubt that it will go beyond the so-called Saint Exalted and reach another unknown level!”

Hearing this, Tian Chen stared wide-eyed, “Really?”

“No, the Primordial Chaos Golden List contains a hint of Heaven and Earth Will, so it can be opened here, but the Heaven and Earth Will here is complete! It can be counted as source!” Said the system very surely.

Tian Chen stayed. Although he didn’t quite understand what the system said about Heaven and Earth Will, as soon as he said source, Tian Chen understood that it was a kind of Supreme strength.

In an instant, Tian Chen suspiciously said: “Strange, in this case, why doesn’t that guy absorb these Heaven and Earth Will?”

“He can’t do it, because Heaven and Earth Will cannot rely on the fleshly body to carry it, that will only make the fleshly body shatter!”

“But you have Source World, you can rely on Source World to carry it, those Divinity of Creation can, they can rely on Universe to carry it, I can understand it, this guy is beheading Divinity of Creation, just because they are afraid of absorbing these Heaven and Earth Will ! “

Tian Chen’s lips twitched, “Since that’s the case, I’m welcome!”

System stunned, “I just said you can rely on Source World to host it, but you better not do that.”

Tian Chen had a big head and was just thinking about the beauty. I plan to use the World to collect the Heaven and Earth Will here.

But the system actually blocked it and didn’t understand why.

“Don’t be surprised, your Source World is full of Power of Primordial Chaos. You will definitely have your own Heaven and Earth Will in the future. If you collect it here, it will cause Source World to be excluded in the future.”

“And you didn’t find it? Now Source World is absorbing the Power of Primordial Chaos here, but it completely blocks the Heaven and Earth Will here. It’s instinctual exclusion!”

Tian Chen shaking one’s head, I can’t sense the Heaven and Earth Will here.

However, since Source World’s instinct is repelled, Tian Chen cannot naturally force it. Nodded, continues to move towards high altitudes, and the more upward, the Power of Primordial Chaos absorbed by Source World becomes more boundless.

This is because the more the Power of Primordial Chaos floods, the more boundless it becomes.

“What’s up there?” After flying for more than half a day, Tian Chen couldn’t help asking, but he still didn’t see the source.

However, at this moment, Tian Chen ’s Power of Primordial Chaos wandering around is actually atomized, and as soon as Source World absorbs it, it is the Power of Primordial Chaos that peaked at Peak and floods into Source World.

In Source World, the Sacred Stones Mountain is still shrinking, and at the moment the boundless Power of Primordial Chaos is pouring in, Source World ’s speed of expansion has more than doubled.

In the past two days, Source World has expanded to trillion li tremendous.

“It’s not clear, Heaven and Earth Will is getting stronger and stronger here, and isolated my exploration,” said System.

Tian Chen shaking one’s head, I still haven’t sensed Heaven and Earth Will!

“Then I’ll continue. For a month, I don’t believe I can’t find the source!” Tian Chen gritted his teeth and cast Escaping Heaven Shadow to continue to rise into the sky.

Walking through the atomized Power of Primordial Chaos, Tian Chen could not feel the consumption of within the body strength at all. Instead, he had a magnificent Power of Primordial Chaos constantly moving towards each pore, and slowly promoted Tian Chen’s cultivatíon base.

Two days later, Tian Chen can no longer suppress the cultivatíon base, breaking through to the Primordial Chaos Saint Late Stage.

Half a month later, Tian Chen has broken through to Primordial Chaos Saint Peak!

It’s just that the fog of Power of Primordial Chaos is still in sight, and the source has not been found.

“Or don’t run anymore, just here is tempering your Primal Chaos Divine Body, and there are more than ten days, enough to make your Primal Chaos Divine Body close to Perfection.” System finally couldn’t help but say.

Tian Chen shaking one’s head, “It’s been so long, how can you give up?”

“Eh? That’s right, but if time still doesn’t find it, it’s a waste of such a good opportunity!” System sighed.

Tian Chen laughed and flew at a constant speed. “This is not to worry. Nine Heavens Sacred Land has eight Primordial Chaos Golden Lists. Maybe they can also open Primordial Chaos Land.”

Five days later, Tian Chen’s eyes finally lighted up, and I saw that the sky above her head was no longer the fog of Power of Primordial Chaos, but the endless ocean!

The sea hanging in the sky is actually the Power of Primordial Chaos in liquid state!

“Haha, there are seven days left, wasn’t it in vain?”

Tian Chen couldn’t help laughing, the Power of Primordial Chaos in the liquid state, if you let Source World absorb it for seven days, the Power of Primordial Chaos obtained is absolutely ten thousand times less than that of the Sacred Stones mountain!

(End of this chapter)

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