A few hours passed, Tian Chen had more than XNUMX Spirit Pills haunting the Pill Cloud.

“I don’t think that there are many, these Spirit Pills, enough for him!” Said System.

Tian Chen smiled, and moved towards the position of the giant’s lips. “This guy has been born for a few years, but has no spiritual wisdom, and there is no harm in starting Spirit Pill.”

Then, as soon as Tian Chen sent a hand, boundless Power of Primordial Chaos wrapped in Spirit Pill, and as the giant breathed, it entered into his mouth.

“Can you turn on spiritual wisdom? It depends on your creation!” Tian Chen laughed, and moved towards the fourth vortex.

Before arriving at the vortex center, the system showed Jade Slip real body, and can’t wait to move towards the center, “Tian Chen, mine, this is my birthplace!”

Tian Chen stopped, and breathed a long sigh of relief. The joyful voice of system made Tian Chen feel the same and couldn’t help but be pleased with it.

“I’ll take a look at the next few, you stay here first.” Tian Chen explained, and flew directly to the fifth.

The fifth vortex center is empty, but as Tian Chen approaches, a familiar feeling emerges from Tian Chen in the heart.

Standing in the center of vortex and feeling something, Tian Chen looked around with rapt attention, “This is the breath of Primordial Chaos Realm!”

“Primordial Chaos Realm was born from here!”

Tian Chen’s induction can not be wrong. The remaining breath here is exactly the same as the Divine Dragon originally encountered in Primordial Chaos Realm. The same breath indicates that Primordial Chaos Realm was born from here!

Primordial Chaos Realm represents countless universes, they are actually born from this place!

“This Primal Chaos is really strange. Phaseless, axe, giant, system, Primordial Chaos Realm were born. What will be the last four?” Tian Chen turned his eyes to the sixth vortex, immediately looking forward to it.

The sixth vortex center is also empty, but here, Tian Chen also feels the familiar atmosphere, which is the atmosphere of Nine Heavens Sacred Land!

Tian Chen immediately understood that the same World was born here, but it has been broken. One of them is now Nine Heavens Sacred Land, and the other was received by Source World by myself. As for the others, I am afraid that it is scattered around Primal Chaos .

Looking at it, Tian Chen continued to move forward, but as soon as he flew up, Tian Chen found that the latter three vortexes were quite illusive in comparison, and they seemed to be on the verge of dissipating.

“I don’t know where it was born. Will the Tian Family come from there or from the broken World in the sixth vortex?” Tian Chen thought.

The last three vortexes don’t need to be seen anymore. The objects that were born have long been unknown, and whether they exist in Primal Chaos is not necessarily.

Returning to the sixth vortex center, Tian Chen directly opened Source World, prompting Source World ’s suction of boundless, immediately, the entire vortex was rotated sharply, and boundless Primal Chaos Qi, all moved towards Source World.

Vortex has a number of 10 million li tremendous, and the implied Primal Chaos Qi is dense to Peak, and it absorbs a ray of light, even exceeding the sum of the previous days.

Such a boundless Primal Chaos Qi enters Source World, and immediately bursts the earth of Source World, and the entire Source World is like the advent of World!

Tian Chen was shocked and was about to shut down Source World, but found in horror that Source World was actually resisting his shutdown!

“What the hell is happening!” Tian Chen was amazed. Since Source World was reborn, it has never happened!

Now, the entire Source World, only the Primordial Chaos Opening Heaven Tree remains motionless, happy to absorb the boundless Primal Chaos Qi, and everything else is bursting!

The ground is broken, and under the Primal Chaos Qi of berserk, almost a few breathing chambers become dust!

Source World resisted, and Tian Chen was not reluctant, because in dantian, there was no slight damage to the outside of Source World.

I want to see what changes will happen to Source World!

After a while, Source World has no continent, and even the heavy and heavy soil has become dust, scattered around Source World.

In the past two days, Source World has become a Primal Chaos. Those scattered dust have been squeezed to the corner of Source World, and even Primordial Chaos strength has been squeezed there, enveloping those dust.

Around Tian Chen, vortex is only a few miles away, and hesitates a bit. Tian Chen runs the cultivatíon technique and starts to absorb Primal Chaos Qi.

All of a sudden, Bermalk’s Primal Chaos Qi poured into every corner of Tian Chen’s body, and Source World also released boundless Primal Chaos Qi at this moment, walking around Tian Chen within the body.

Sacred Level Bloodline is motivated, Primal Chaos Divine Body is like the land of drought and dew. Every cell seems to be nourished at this moment, and Primal Chaos Qi is greedily absorbed.

A few days later, the sixth vortex has disappeared, but Tian Chen is still sitting in Primal Chaos. Divine Fire surges in every pore on and around the body, even within the body.

Many Divine Fires got into Source World, Tian Chen didn’t notice. As soon as those Divine Fires entered Source World, they were divided into tiny intricacies, submerged into the corner of Source World, and merged with those dusts, forming the burning of each and everyone Dust.

Primordial Chaos Opening Heaven Tree seemed to feel something, releasing boundless green light that enveloped that corner, shining on every dust, and boundless life force permeated.

What is even more frightening is that those dust are affected by the Power of Space of Primordial Chaos Opening Heaven Tree. They still seem to be dust, but they have been reduced to tens of thousands of miles for each and everyone, even hundreds of millions of planets of different sizes!

The former Source World had a land of several millions of li, all turned into dust, and the amount of these dust was innumerable, but now, all have become planets of different sizes!

These planets may be ignited by Divine Fire, burning endlessly, or full of boundless life force, like the birth of Heaven and Earth Rare Item.

Even so, this only takes up a very small part of Source World, and most of Source World is still Primal Chaos!

“Well? Tian Chen, did you absorb the last few vortex?”

Suddenly, the voice of system came, awakening Tian Chen who closed his eyes.

Tian Chen suddenly opened both eyes, and Divine Fire retracted within the body, shaking one’s head, and said: “This one was absorbed by me, but the last three are not. They should dissipate by themselves, but they were born. Things are long gone. “

“Well? Your Sacred Level Bloodline and Primal Chaos Divine Body are perfectly integrated? Primal Chaos Divine Body actually surpasses Perfection?” System suddenly discovered the change of Tian Chen, and was surprised.

Tian Chen smiled, “It’s called tentatively Great Perfection! I was also surprised, it was smoother than I thought, it seems to be the cause of Source World.”

“Maybe! I also absorbed the fourth vortex, I don’t know what happened to Phaseless.” System said with a smile.

“Absorbed? I didn’t feel your change!” Tian Chen looked up and down at Jade Slip, suspiciously said.

Jade Slip trembled, said with a smile: “How can change not be possible? But it takes more time to integrate those Primal Chaos Power that’s all! Hmm? Look at the Portable Space!”

The portable space is integrated with the system, and the changes in it certainly cannot escape the perception of the system.

Looking at Tian Chen suspicious’s moved towards Portable Space, I saw the Primordial Chaos Golden List given by Tian Xi, and it actually cracked a crack!

Seeing this, Tian Chen pupils shrank, “Tian Xi has suffered a heavy injury! Primordial Chaos Realm has an accident!”

(End of this chapter)

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