Chapter 15 Awkward Encounters

A hundred miles away, the silhouette of Tian Chen suddenly appeared.

Stable to stabilize the figure, Tian Chen rushed to guard. Although using Spirit Escape Scroll to leave Forbidden Land, Tian Chen didn’t know where he was at the moment.

There is tranquility around, moonlight pouring down through the leaves and leaves, this Heaven and Earth is more peaceful.

“Prompt: Congratulations on completing mission ‘Forbidden Land Mystery’, reward Domination Points 600, System Exp Points 600, and a mysterious great gift box.”

Listening to the Prompt sound, Tian Chen relaxed, spread his left hand, looked at a beach liquid in his hand, and slidly shook the head: “little fellow, can you only be like this without a body?”

“Boss, don’t ridicule me? Isn’t there a Phaseless in my name? Naturally it doesn’t have its own form.” Primal Chaos Phaseless Beast helplessly said.

Tian Chen faintly smiled, “Well, I’ll call you Phaseless from now on!”

“Uh? I’m so powerful, Boss, you named me so sloppy? Anyway, give me a prestige …”

Tian Chen didn’t bother with it, and her legs suddenly exerted strength. She glanced over the canopy more than ten meters high and looked up. “I don’t know where we are, I’m not too familiar with tribe.”

I only know that I am hundreds of miles away from Forbidden Land, but I don’t know the specific location, so I need to determine it first.

After a while, Tian Chen determined his position and stared at the north muttered: “Violent Spirit Tribe can’t go back, simply go to Southern Mound City to participate in the Great Hunting Competition!”

The biggest benefit of participating in the Great Hunting Competition is to get sect recognized. Joining Great Sect, Tian Chen could not have participated, but the Great Profound Sect Sect Master threatened himself with the entire Violent Spirit Tribe.

Maybe the Great Profound Sect Sect Master is afraid of joining other Sects, so he is afraid of Violent Spirit Tribe, but he would not think that Tian Chen hates it most is threat!

“Although the high levels of Violent Spirit Tribe are annoying, and the entire tribe people are also very influence, but they were very good to me six months ago. This is the home of Hou Zi, and I ca n’t be harmed by not going to the Great Hunting Competition Fuck them! “Tian Chen muttered, and figure fell from the canopy.

“Boss, find me a body again, it’s so uncomfortable!” As soon as Tian Chen fell, Phaseless couldn’t wait to say.

Tian Chen nodded, “At least there are thousands of miles from here to Southern Mound City. I don’t want to run by my legs, but don’t worry, the Great Hunting Competition is held in Southern Mound Forest, including countless Monster Beasts, etc. ! “

“Oh, you must find me a terrific Monster Beast, oh … preferably Spirit Monster!” Phaseless said again, full of expectations in his words.

“Can you take over Spirit Monster’s body?” Tian Chen eyes shined, asking expectantly.

“Surely it won’t work directly. If you kill it for a while, I’ll go up again, no problem!” Phaseless still said expectantly.

Tian Chen’s footsteps, said with a bitter smile: “Unfortunately, you can think of it, Spirit Monster has a Spiritualist level. My Spirit Disciple Boundary hasn’t arrived yet. Can I handle it?”

“Oh, yes, then Ordinary Monster will do too, preferably Ordinary Monster of flying-type …”

This little fellow is endless as soon as he speaks, Tian Chen shaking one’s head not to bother to pay attention, moving towards the north and looting away.

At the speed of Tian Chen Refining Spirit Stage Supreme Boundary, day trips are not a problem, there are 14 days left, and there is no problem in rushing to Southern Mound City.

Therefore, Tian Chen was not in a hurry. He left Violent Spirit Tribe for the first time and naturally enjoyed the scenery along the way.

Southern Mound Forest is northwest of Southern Mound City. Tian Chen heads north all the way to pass the edge of Southern Mound Forest. On the fifth day, Tian Chen has traveled almost half the distance. Further forward, there are two three thousand miles. Southern The edge of Mound Forest.

Even on the fringe, Monster Beast is inevitable along the way, but this is exactly what Phaseless is looking forward to.

“Boss, I feel the breath of Monster Beast, wow, over there!”

“Oh!” In the past few days, Tian Chen has been annoyed by Phaseless, helplessly said: “Don’t you hurry? Ordinary Monster Beast, do you like it?”

The towering trees stand tall, and in this ancient tree forest, there is a road that extends to the north, but in the past few days, no one has encountered it.

“Wow! Waterfall, good sense of Spiritual Qi, Boss, let’s go bath!” Phaseless’s voice sounded again.

Tian Chen also faintly heard the sound of the waterfall, and finally frowned, “Phaseless, you always figure out a good idea!”

Sweeping in the direction of the sound, after coming out of several dozen li, I saw a crystal clear river winding, and at the end of the river, it was a waterfall of three or four kilometer high. The coolness from the waterfall.

Taking off his shirt, Tian Chen jumped into the river in a stripe and enjoyed it happily. On the other hand, Phaseless can no longer see its existence and seems to be integrated with the river.

Floating quietly in the river, looking up at the blue sky and white clouds over the ancient tree forest, Tian Chen just felt like he had never been so relaxed before he unknowingly fell asleep.

I don’t know how long, Tian Chen felt his shoulders tight, and then the figure was carried with a strong force and flew up, but on his shoulders, there was a fragrant fragrance.

Tian Chen froze and quickly opened both eyes. The eyes were actually a flawless face, but Tian Chen didn’t wait to think about it, there was a panic voice in his ear, “Rogue!”

With this flustered voice, Tian Chen’s shoulders loosened and they just fell down.

When a woman turned over and landed steadily, Tian Chen hurriedly looked towards the woman who grabbed herself, only to see the woman turned her back on her, and her pale blue long skirt could hardly conceal her stature, just like the beautiful fairy in heaven came to earth.

“I thought you were dizzy … you aren’t wearing it yet?” The woman’s voice became more flustered, and she didn’t dare to turn back and said in a hurry.

Tian Chen was dumb, just taking a bath by herself, too relaxed and asleep, she thought she was dizzy and rescued!

Take out the clothes in the Portable Space, Tian Chen quickly put on, a cough, said awkwardly: “That … sorry!”

The woman hesitated, never turning around, lowered her head and moved toward the road, but Tian Chen saw that the woman’s cheeks had already turned red.

Tian Chen also hesitated for a moment, then greeted Phaseless, and also moved towards the road.

Soon, Tian Chen had seen the avenue far away, and they were far apart, but a sound of laughter rang through the ancient tree forest.

Looking at the sound, I saw a group of five people sitting on the back of a monsterous Monster Beast, and the woman who had pulled herself up from the river was suddenly among them.

Tian Chen stared at that Monster Beast, in the heart, quite surprised, ‘5-level Ordinary Monster, Scorpion Tail Lion! Equivalent to the existence of Spirit Disciple 5th Rank! ‘

“Well? Brother over there, you also go to Southern Mound City?” Tian Chen found on the side of the road, one of them opened the mouth and said.

“Xuan Tai, what do you do?” I heard youth invite Tian Chen, the woman said coldy.

Youth froze, hurriedly lowered his head, the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

In the distance, Tian Chen shrugged, there was the woman, and I was embarrassed to go with them to Southern Mound City. After all, the previous scene was too embarrassing.

Moved towards the crowd holding a cup one fist in the other hand, Tian Chen turned and left, but as soon as he walked out, a terrifying wolf howling rang out in the nearby ancient tree forest.

Hearing the wolf howling ringing through the woods, Scorpion Tail Lion’s limbs were soft and almost fell down. The five people above, also complexion, changed together.

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