Snow Spirit Race is born to be the darling of ice and snow. They have been with ice and snow in their lives and have always been aloof from worldly affairs.

But according to ancient records, no one dares to underestimate Snow Spirit Race. Where there is ice and snow, Snow Spirit Race people are almost invincible.

They are unique in being able to immerse themselves in ice and snow and integrate with ice and snow.

Recalling the relevant records of Snow Spirit Race, Tian Chen raised his eyebrows, his lips slightly hooked, “Are you the Snow Spirit Race?”

“Yes, my name is Xue Xun.”

To the surprise of Tian Chen, the woman answered very frankly, not at all changed because Tian Chen recognized her identity.

Tian Chen is mistaken. In theory, women should be surprised, right?

“Bei Lingxue is your friend, isn’t it?” Tian Chen hurriedly asked the woman expectantly.

As soon as Tian Chen was in the heart, Zhao Rui rushed out, “What are you doing with her?”

Tian Chen stopped Zhao Rui and turned to Xue Xun. “You came to us for her?”

Xue Xun had a charming smile on her exquisite face, “I have been with you for two days just to confirm that you are not her friends. If so, come with me!”

The Yue Mu looked at each other, and they all saw the astonishment in the eyes of the other person. For two days, everyone didn’t even notice it? Xue Xun’s cultivatíon base, clearly also just stepped into the Spirit Master Boundary!

“This hidden ability is stronger than the Concealing Spirit Cloak!” Tian Chen secretly thought, leading the Yue Mu trio to be nodded.

Xue Xun step and walk in the sky, snowflakes entangled in his whole body, as if holding his figure forward, it surprised the Tian Chen people again.

“Xue Xun, come on, Dire Bird takes less effort,” Su Lan shouted.

Xue Xun rejoiced, the figure flew backwards, landed next to Su Lan, and said with a smile: “Hello Elder Sister!”

The thing that surprised Tian Chen’s three men appeared, and the two women were soon merged into one, as if they had met with old knowledge, there was nothing jerky.

“The woman is really amazing!” Zhao Rui whispered.

Tian Chen and Yue Mu smiled at each other, but both in the heart were confused. How did Xue Xun know the whereabouts of Bei Lingxue, and it seemed that Bei Lingxue asked her to come to everyone.

Two days later, Dire Bird has taken everyone to a peak, and the peak soars into the clouds, covered by thick ice and snow.

“Here!” Xue Xun’s voice filled with joy.

A few people looked at each other suspiciously. There is only an endless mountain range here. Does the Snow Spirit Race live in this mountain range?

Xue Xun smiled and hehe looked at the four of them, rejoicing on his face, and found out that the jade hand struck out a Spiritual Power submerged in the mountain peak. Immediately, I saw the place where the Spiritual Power did not enter, and the air rippled.

In the ripples, the ice and snow in the range of ten zhang spreads quickly as if faded, revealing a XNUMX-meter-long Channel. The other end of the Channel is also the world of ice and snow.

“It’s a great hidden formation!” Tian Chen lost her voice in shock, this looks like an ice and snow mountain range, but it’s not the case, it’s just a camouflage formed by some form.

Although Tian Chen does not understand formation, Soul Power is covered by formation, and the margin of formation cannot be seen. We can see the extremeness of this formation, which is naturally shocking.

Passing through the Channel, my eyes suddenly opened up. Between the mountain range of the world of ice and snow, there were ice and snow houses standing on top of each other.

“Young Sister Xue Xun, is this your home? What about Junior Sister Xue’er?” Su Lan glanced for a moment and asked.

The charming smile on Xue Xun’s face has not changed, and she turned around and said, “Bei Lingxue body carrying Ice-Snow Divine Body is our Saintess, and now she is closing in the Forbidden Land. Come with me first, and I’ll take you to see Patriarch. “

Ice-Snow Divine Body? Tian Chen in the heart is shocked. Innate Spirit Body is very rare. Could it be owned by Bei Lingxue, is it Innate Divine Body?

Waiting for Tian Chen to think more, Xue Xun has taken steps, moved towards a house on top of a mountain peak.

Moving forward, Tian Chen looked at the area secretly, and saw that there were no less than a thousand people living here, all of them beautiful women, who were busy and did not change because of the arrival of the four Tian Chen.

“It looks like they can often see foreigners, and we won’t be surprised to see us at this moment.” Tian Chen in the heart secretly thought, and then relieved that the people of Snow Spirit Race can hide figures in ice and snow, and even snow owls, I’m afraid that foreigners have already been used to Myriad Beasts Mystic Realm.

At the mountain peak, an ice and snow house of less than XNUMX square meters stands, the door is open, and a gentle voice comes from it. “Friends of Saintess are my noble guests of Snow Spirit Race, please!”

Xue Xun made a ceremony inside the house before leading Tian Chen into it.

What caught the eye was an old man sitting on an ice seat. The old man was dressed in a white robe and covered with white hair. The bark-like face was a little shocking.

“Patriarch, I found them.” Xue Xun saluted again, and the smile on his face was a little sweeter.

Patriarch slightly smiled. With a wave of his hand, the four ice and snow seats rose slowly and appeared behind Tian Chen. “Noble guest, please sit!”

“Saintess was worried about your safety. I deliberately found you before the retreat. Fortunately, I did not disappoint Saintess’ expectations.” Seeing Tian Chen and the four of them sitting down, Patriarch said.

“Excuse me, how could Cher be your Saintess? Just because she owns the Ice-Snow Divine Body?” Su Lan asked, looking worried.

“My race believes in Divinity of Ice-Snow, body carrying Ice-Snow Divine Body, naturally my race Saintess!”

Patriarch was slightly nodded, and then went on to say: “We Snow Spirit Race has always been aloof from worldly affairs, so even the Hundreds Races battle that took place millions of years ago did not affect us so much that we have been passed down.”

“However, in the last ten thousand years, the population of my race has been getting smaller and smaller, and only what you see is left. If you continue this way, it won’t be long before Snow Spirit Race is about to disappear.”

“To rescue my race, I can only rely on Saintess, who is carrying an ice-Snow Divine Body, as long as her Divine Body’s power can be fully exerted, maybe it will help my race to revive again.”

“Just rest assured, Saintess volunteered to help us!”

As soon as Patriarch said, Tian Chen and the four knew it. With the kindness of Bei Lingxue, it was difficult to see Snow Spirit Race.

Tian Chen took a look at Patriarch, and in the heart, he felt that even if Bei Lingxue fully inspired the strength of Ice-Snow Divine Body, he might not be able to help them!

After all, the decline of Snow Spirit Race started from these ten thousand years, Tian Chen thinks that this should be related to Divine Court!

Especially the mysterious existence of Myriad Beasts Mystic Realm that can attract blood essence, it must be related to Divine Court. Maybe the plight of Snow Spirit Race is caused by that thing.

Thinking, Tian Chen’s eyes lit up. Although the Snow Spirit Race has nothing to do with himself, the existence of that mysterious person needs to be investigated. Now there are only two months left. Perhaps, the Snow Spirit Race can help. busy!

With this in mind, Tian Chen looked forward towards Patriarch and calmly said, “Senior, is there any clue as to why you have less clansman?”

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