“Haha, do I need to prepare?” The little boy laughed. “I said earlier, All Heavens and Myriad Realms has no beast and heavenly materials earthly treasures that I don’t know.”

Looking at the confident little boy, Tian Chen in the heart is also unreliable, but he remembers the first time he saw Phaseless.

‘I am the Primal Chaos Phaseless Beast of shapeless and phaseless, a unique and unmatched Ultra Level exists between Heaven and Earth! ‘

At the beginning, Phaseless’s words seemed completely boastful to Tian Chen, but at the moment, two times when he felt the little boy’s knowledge, Tian Chen could only put his only hope on Phaseless.

“Oh! It seems that you are not the person I am looking for. Your knowledge is far different than the original Tian Zhan!” The little boy sighed.

Tian Chen smiled, “Primal Chaos Phaseless Beast!”

The little boy froze and thought.

Seeing this, Tian Chen in the heart was looking forward to expectations, both fists shook hands involuntarily, it seems that there is a chance!

After a while, the little boy’s eyes glared, “brat, do you play me? Just make a name of beast to flicker me …”

The words did not fall, beside Tian Chen, something like beach liquid had appeared, it was Primal Chaos Phaseless Beast!

“Boss, what are you doing?” As Phaseless appeared, he spoke human’s words.

The little boy stayed, and Azure Jade Vine on the side also poked out vine and poked on Phaseless. He said weirdly: “This soft thing has the cultivatíon base of Spirit Ancestor Boundary Peak, so amazing!”

The corner of the little boy’s mouth twitched slightly, “Grandma’s legs, shapeless and phaseless, really have Primal Chaos Phaseless Beast between Heaven and Earth?”

“Hey, Azure Jade Vine, you’re enough! Poke again, I’m turning my face!” Phaseless warned.

Azure Jade Vine hurriedly withdrew vine, said with a laugh: “Don’t be excited, Primal Chaos Phaseless Beast, where did you come from?”

“I am the Primal Chaos Phaseless Beast of shapeless and phaseless, a unique and unmatched Ultra Level exists between Heaven and Earth! Where did you ask me? Really stumped me.” Phaseless said deliberately.

Tian Chen smiled and interrupted the words of two beasts, looked towards the little boy, said with a smile: “Is it hard to stop you?”

The little boy stared intently at Phaseless, finally heavily nodded, “I thought the Old Master was flirting with me. After all, there are heavenly materials earthly treasures and Heaven and Earth monsters that I don’t know about Heaven and Earth. I don’t think so, really!”

Tian Chen relaxed, even if it is overjoyed at unexpected good news, in this way, you can get the recognition of Heaven and Earth Tower!

Sure enough, when I saw the little boy got up, moved towards Tian Chen bowed down and said, “From now on, you are my Master. I do n’t talk to the incompetent in Heaven and Earth Tower, I hope the arrangement given to me by the Old Master fallen before correct!”

“Yeah? Boss, he’s Heaven and Earth Tower? Artifact Spirit!” Phaseless found it out and said excitedly.

Tian Chen slightly nodded, waved his hand to stop Phaseless, looked towards the little boy, and asked the question that has been puzzled, “Tian Zhan is my father, are you sure that my father is not the person of Extreme Sky World?”

The little boy froze, looked at Tian Chen up and down, shaking one’s head, and said: “I’m sure, but weird, how are you different from him? Aren’t you born of him?”

Tian Chen in the heart suddenly burst into a shaking one’s head, and gave the little boy a grumpy look, “Do you know where my father is from?”

The little boy coughed and said: “Master, Tian Zhan’s extensive knowledge, even the rarest treasure of All Heavens and Myriad Realms knows, I guess, he must be from Divine Realm, and it is the Ultra Level influence of Divine Realm, otherwise, Where do ordinary people know those treasures? “

Tian Chen frowned, father should have seen Heaven and Earth Tower Artifact Spirit before he was born, but according to Heaven and Earth Tower, father came from Divine Realm?

Shaking one’s head in a hurry, Tian Chen put down the words of Heaven and Earth Tower. Although the heavenly materials earthly treasures that Heaven and Earth Tower knows are countless, the guess on father is not necessarily accurate. Everything will be understood when you find father. And where does it matter?

With this in mind, Tian Chen said, “I know the whereabouts of the seven Heaven and Earth Towers today. It won’t be long before they can help you rehabilitation, rest assured!”

The little boy was overjoyed, and then said silently: “I am annoyed when talking about my true body. For more than XNUMX years, I feel that my true body has come together several times, but these bastards do not know how to use seven towers Look for me, get mad at me! “

Tian Chen brows slightly raise, Sure enough, you guessed it right, seven towers unite is more than once, but the people who have seven towers unite do not know that they lack the core and can only give up, so for so many years, seven towers have been scattered around No one cares about it everywhere.

Because those people know that seven towers unite is useless too!

Tian Chen is relaxed. In this way, it will be a lot easier to collect the seven towers yourself. The three of the Emperor Palace and the Wu Family will not have any problems, even if you can get it by yourself. The only trouble is Hua Family ’s That one!

Both Grandpa and mother have left the Hua Family. If you want to get the Hua Family tower, you have to find another way!

“Master, come with me, refining my core first, as for the seven towers, there is no rush.” ​​The little boy turned and led Tian Chen toward the distance.

Stepping out of several hundred meters, the little boy stepped on his feet, and white light halo immediately diffused along the ground, instantly sweeping the entire Fallen Divinity Peak!


In Tian Chen’s suspicious, the earth under his feet cracked, and then a dark pearl rose slowly from it. “That’s it, the core of the entire Heaven and Earth Tower originates from almost all strengths. it.”

The little boy said, looking for a trick, pearl flew to Tian Chen.

Tian Chen’s eyes brightened, and a drop of blood popped out of the pearl without the slightest hesitation, and the little boy also became a rainbow into the pearl, then the blood disappeared and was completely absorbed by the pearl.

Suddenly, Tian Chen felt his connection with Heaven and Earth Tower, and even the five towers scattered around had a slight touch!

A quick glance at pearl revealed that there was indeed a big mountain inside, which was the Divine Mountain that I had gone in!

The little boy was lying half-heartedly on the Divine Mountain mountain peak, suddenly expressing a move, “Oh, forgot a major event!”

Suddenly, the little boy appeared in front of Tian Chen, and hurriedly pointed to the Fallen Divinity Peak at his feet, and said, “As soon as I leave, Fallen Divinity Peak will collapse!”

As soon as it fell, Tian Chen just felt that his feet were empty, and the whole mountain peak started to fall!

In the fall, the floating peaks began to shatter from the edge, separating a boulder, and moved towards the Enlightening Palace strikes below.

The whole floating peak has thousands of miles of extremes, falling from a height of more than 100,000 meters. If you let him fall, there is no doubt that the entire Enlightening Palace will fly away under the shock of that extremes!

Tian Chen also fell with the fall. At this moment, she still cannot fly!

Suddenly, a strength emerged from pearl to wrap Tian Chen, stopping Tian Chen’s falling figure. The little boy’s voice sounded, “Master, I have to hurry to evacuate the people below.”

Tian Chen stabilized the figure and glanced at the falling floating peak. Slightly shook the head: “No, Phaseless, get ready!”

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