Looking at the incredible color on Li Wencheng’s face, Tian Chen brows slightly raise, “Brother, what do you think?”

Li Wencheng opened his mouth for a long time, and then said hard: “The last person who contacted the Master was Eldest Senior Brother!”

Tian Chen in the heart suddenly said, “You mean, Eldest Senior Brother got Battle Emperor Five Forms?”

Voiced out, Tian Chen only felt that his blood was coagulated. Second Senior Brother was right. The last contact with Father was indeed Eldest Senior Brother. It is very likely that Eldest Senior Brother got Battle Emperor Five Forms first. Only taught it to the Chen Family!

Could it be that Eldest Senior Brother killed father and got Battle Emperor Five Forms from father?

“Although it is true according to the clues we have introduced, it is impossible. Eldest Senior Brother is upright and obedient to the Master. He cannot do it!” Li Wencheng said with certainty.

“Maybe it was Chen Youbing who secretly got the Battle Emperor Five Forms when it was passed to the Chen Family,” Li Wencheng continued.

Tian Chen is also reluctant to believe this is true, but in all this, there will be As the water recedes, the rocks appear, and when you find Chen Youbing, the truth will be revealed!

Thinking of this, Tian Chen said, “One day, I will make Chen Youbing regret everything I did, and that day is not far away!”

“Count me, that slut has deceived us for thousands of years, and I will tear her to the body to thousands of pieces!” Li Wencheng complexion ugly, diffuse intentions permeated.

Tian Chen took a look at Li Wencheng and rang Lu Daoqi’s words. He said that none of the eight disciples of father appeared after the accident that year, and now they understand, because they are all looking for father.

Perhaps it was the absence of eight people that gave Divine Court time to drill, and deal with the Tian Family!

After all, the Battle Emperor was the only Great Emperor at the time. The eight disciples were extraordinary. There were eight of them. How could Divine Court deal with the Tian Family?

Thinking of this, Tian Chen asked again: “Who is the Court Lord of Divine Court?”

Divine Court was established after the Battle Emperor disappeared, sweeping the great influences of Extreme Sky World, not even the Tian Family. Tian Chen would like to know who he is!

Li Wencheng shaking one’s head, “This, I ’m afraid no one knows. We eight people killed Divine Court, but Divine Court Lord has Divine Artifact Emperor Intent Catalog in his hand, covering his breath and appearance, I do n’t know if he is Who, and we can’t help but join forces, we have to settle for the next and set up influence against Divine Court. “

Emperor Intent Catalog, Tian Chen is not the first time to hear this treasure. When I chose Divine Court Guard, I knew it was a strange Divine Artifact with infinite doppelganger.

Even before, Tian Chen was controlled by Xie Xiao using the Emperor Intent Catalog. Even so, the Emperor Intent Catalog he used was just Divine Artifact doppelganger.

“Even eight brothers didn’t defeat him. He is probably the strongest person in the world. I wonder if he broke through to the Spirit Emperor Boundary?” Tian Chen muttered.

“This is not true. His cultivatíon base, like us, is the Spirit Saint Boundary Peak, but why he has Divine Artifact!” Li Wencheng said with certainty.

Tian Chen slightly nodded. After the extreme calendar, there is no Great Emperor. The powerhouse of Spirit Saint Boundary Peak wants to step into Spirit Emperor Boundary. It is as difficult as heavenly ascension.

While speaking, Bei Yidao came in from the outside, “Are you almost chatting? Tian Chen, see what I brought you!”

Tian Chen turned around and saw Bei Yidao’s left right hand each holding a treasure tower, which is Heaven and Earth Tower!

According to Small Heaven, when Senior Tian Ji broke up Heaven and Earth Tower, the Heaven and Earth Tower was divided into Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Azure, Blue, Purple and seven cores. The ordinary person did not know The existence of the core part has been gathered several times but has no effect, and it is only allowed to be separated by seven towers.

Otherwise, with the temptation of Divine Artifact, who doesn’t want to gather seven towers?

Seeing two Heaven and Earth Towers, Tian Chen was overjoyed, “many thanks Senior Bei!”

“Haha, thank me for what? It wasn’t what I gave. This was given by Wencheng’s eldest disciple and second disciple. If you want, you can send them some Spirit Pill.” Bei Yidao jokingly said.

Tian Chen received Source World from the two Heaven and Earth Towers, which was heavily nodded. He turned out two jade bottles and said, “This is what we should do, and we will give them to Senior Bei.”

Bei Yidao said dumbly, “I said casually, don’t take it seriously, in fact, I can give you Heaven and Earth Tower, they are so happy, where can I thank?”

“Helpless, there is no shortage of Spirit Pill.” Tian Chen laughed, casually, fell into the ears of Bei Yidao and Li Wencheng, but it was a different taste.

Suddenly, a burst of The earth shook and the mountain quivered came, making the three of them complexion a stagnation, Bei Yidao exclaimed: “The Mountain Protecting Great Formation of the Headquarters turned on by itself.

Li Wencheng frowned, “I am the one who dared to break into my Emperor Palace Headquarters, Domain Lord Eighty One Cities!”

Sure enough, as soon as Li Wencheng’s words fell, a very vigorous voice rang out in the sky outside, “Sir Domain Lord has orders to capture Tian Chen! Blocker kill without mercy!”

“I urge you to surrender Tian Chen!”

That majestic voice sounded through Heaven and Earth, and a shocking imposing manner, also quietly permeated the Heaven and Earth in the Emperor Palace.

Hearing that voice that sounded through Heaven and Earth, Li Wencheng coldly snorted, “Sure enough, Chen Youbing knows that Junior Brother is still alive, so he can’t wait to send someone here, and still want to kill Junior Brother once? Don’t forget!

With that said, Li Wencheng stepped out of the beam of light, “blade, can fight side by side again!”

Bei Yidao was active with both fists, and a funny smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. “The person who came here seemed to be Vice-Domain Lord Chen Yi. Let’s meet him when we go out! “

Tian Chen clearly felt the impetuous imposing manner outside Emperor Palace. Compared with the nine Spirit Saint Boundary powerhouses who had previously captured him, these hundreds were stronger.

With so many Spirit Saint Boundary powerhouses coming together, I’m afraid the Emperor Palace can’t resist at all, not to mention, the Emperor Intent Catalog that neither the other party nor Bei Yidao can break!

For a while, Tian Chen was worried. Once the war started, Emperor Palace will not have good results!

With this in mind, Tian Chen hurriedly stopped Bei Yidao and Li Wencheng and shook shaking one’s head before saying: “Senior Bei, brother, you don’t have to fight with them, just as I plan to leave, let me lead them away!”

“Leave? Junior Brother, where are you going?” Li Wencheng hurriedly.

Tian Chen smiled, and his killing intent gradually came out. “10 million li north of this place should be able to reach Divine Chaotic Sea Domain, crossing the Divine Chaotic Sea Domain tens of 100 million li will be able to go to Domain Lord Eighty One Cities, waiting for me to When Domain Lord Eighty One Cities, Chen Youbing is kneeling down Heaven and Earth! “

Li Wencheng was startled, “No, listen to Bei Yidao saying that the Divine Chaotic Sea Domain has been occupied by Nether Qi. Even the powerhouse of Spirit Saint Boundary cannot be crossed!”

But Bei Yidao was shaking one’s head with a smile, Pats Li Wencheng, and said: “It seems that I know Tian Chen, Tian Chen better than you, take me a daughter, rest assured!”

Tian Chen nodded, and turned over two storage rings. “This is my little heart intent. Among them is Bei Li’s Remnant Soul, Senior Bei. I leave it to you.”

Bei Yidao didn’t hesitate, took over the storage ring, and severe expression flashed between the eyebrows, “Move me clansman of Bei Yidao, then collect some interest first!”

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