Tian Chen frowned, and looked towards the departing old man staggered, “Give me this mission?”

The Affairs Palace is quiet, Tian Chen rubs his chin, this old man has no acquaintance with himself, but has returned to himself with this mission intentionally. Why?

The original three missions were all clueless, but the old man told himself a place, Southern Mound Forest Center!

The meaning is very obvious. The mission in jade slip is in the center of Southern Mound Forest.

In jade slip, the mission of Profound Origin Spirit Tree is recorded.

“Profound Origin Spirit Tree is at the center of Southern Mound Forest. He asked me to hurry up. I’m afraid this news is not only known to Dao Miraculous Sect!” Analyzed quickly, Tian Chen came to a conclusion.

Without hesitation, Tian Chen turned around and moved towards the west. It was tens of thousands of miles away from the Southern Mound Forest, and after arriving, went to the center of the Southern Mound Forest, and went for five or six thousand miles!

Without Flying Monster Beast, it takes at least five days!

“Boss, why run so fast? Slow down! I’m almost fainted by you!” Phaseless’s voice sounded very depressed.

“Go to the center of Southern Mound Forest.” Tian Chen responded, left Dao Miraculous Sect, and stormed away at a faster speed.

“Wow! Great, Boss, be sure to find me Flying Monster Beast this time!” Phaseless was instantly excited, “Hurry up!”

Tian Chen rolled her eyes. The previous second was too fast, but it was too slow?

I also want to be fast, otherwise I’m afraid I can’t keep up with the mission, but I’ve tried my best. The speed is not slow under full power, but the Spiritual Power consumption is also fast.

Tian Chen has been far away from Dao Miraculous Sect, and an old man for Tian Chen jade slip is standing respectfully in front of the Sect Master on a mountain top at the moment, suspiciously said: “Sect Master, we will give him a commission in violation of the rules Will it cause dissatisfaction for several Elders? “

Sect Master stared at the West, lightly shook the head, “Several Elders would admit death, of course they would be dissatisfied, but rest assured, they dare not do anything.”

The old man shook his head helplessly and remained silent for a while, and said, “Can Tian Chen succeed? That is the center of Southern Mound Forest, Ordinary Monster is everywhere, there are many Spirit Monsters, even Profound Monsters! Even in front of the Spiritualist Boundary powerhouse! You may not be able to come back safely. “

The Sect Master was also silent, with anxiety in his eyes. It took a long time to shake one’s head, and said: “If I can take the lead in this matter, I won’t let him go, but oh!”

Tian Chen galloped all the way, two days later, and finally arrived at the periphery of Southern Mound Forest, these two days just rested for a while when the Spiritual Power was restored, Tian Chen did not have time to stop at all.

It is already the limit of Tian Chen to travel Wanli Road two days ago, but when you go forward, you will encounter Monster Beast, and the ancient tree forest is too dense, and it is impossible to have such a speed.

“There are seven and a half days left …” Tian Chen quickly rushed out, Soul Power spread out and guarded him, and said, “Phaseless, sense the surrounding Monster Beast, if there is a Flying Monster Beast, tell me.”

“It’s in the sky!” Phaseless said expectantly.

Tian Chen looked up and saw a Dire Bird galloping through the sky. Although it was just an Ordinary Monster, it was not slow. However, on the back of Dire Bird, Tian Chen faintly saw several silhouettes.

“That’s the owner, and it looks like I’m not mistaken. These people must be for the Profound Origin Spirit Tree!” Tian Chen muttered.

As soon as Profound Origin Spirit Tree comes out, which sect can you sit in Southern Mound City? I’m afraid that it’s the first time to send the discipline to collect it!

“Those people cultivatíon base don’t hesitate, don’t worry, just find a Spirit Monster for me, and they can get them!” Phaseless said confidently.

Tian Chen nodded, of course, each sect will not send too strong people, otherwise, it will inevitably lead to the rest of the sect also being sent out by the powerhouse, which will likely cause a sect war at that time.

But just send the Disciple of Spirit Disciple and Spiritualist Boundary’s discipline. The right should be the experience of the discipline. Even if some of the discipline is lost, it will not cause a war in each sect.

“Ah? Found it, Fire Spirit Sparrow, 7th Rank Ordinary Monster, can’t you?” Thinking, a voice of Phaseless excitement came.

7th Rank Ordinary Monster, equivalent to Spirit Disciple 7th Rank.

Tian Chen rubbed his chin, and he has created 12 meridian, Spirit Disciple 2nd Rank cultivatíon bases, which is equivalent to the ordinary Spirit Disciple 6th Rank powerhouse, plus Explosive Arrow and Grandmaster Level Sword Art, against 7th Rank Ordinary Monster ,Have the opportunity!

What’s more, Fire Spirit Sparrow is not good at battle. What it is good at is speed.


On an ancient tree outside several li, the big bird with a figure of three meters away is lazily bathed in the sun. Under the sun, the red feathers of the big bird are burning.

Suddenly, the big bird suddenly vacated, away from where it had stood before.

As soon as he left, an arrow whistled past, shattering the branch on which it had stood.

“Unfortunately, when the Spiritual Power wave was sensed, Fire Spirit Sparrow ran away.” In the forest below, Tian Chen shaking one’s head. Fortunately, only ordinary arrows were used, otherwise it would be wasted.

“Unfortunately, when it finds your cultivatíon base, it will definitely attack you.” Phaseless said with a smile.

Sure enough, the emptied Fire Spirit Sparrow dived down, and rushed towards Tian Chen like a Fireball. The tweet rang through the forest.

Tian Chen with rapt attention Raised Chasing Stars Bow, iron essence arrow on bowstring, waiting for the best time.

hundred zhang …… ten zhang ……

Fire Spirit Sparrow is extremely fast, and has already reached Tian Chen five feet away, “It’s now!”


arrow Out of the air with a majestic Spiritual Power, Tian Chen flew backwards, and saw an arrow coming, pointing directly at the left wing of Fire Spirit Sparrow, seeing that it was about to hit, and Fire Spirit Sparrow actually turned around and was close to her. arrow Pass!

“Fast response!” Tian Chen both eyes condensed, so close, Fire Spirit Sparrow actually avoided the arrow shot by Chasing Stars Bow!

Even the original Roaring Flame Wolf King of Spirit Monster Level, this distance can not avoid the attack of ordinary iron essence long bow!

In amazement, Fire Spirit Sparrow had already reached Tian Chen, as if a huge cannonball had swept across, and a single wing bombarded Tian Chen.

Tian Chen’s body turned over, Chasing Stars Bow strove down, hit the Fire Spirit Sparrow wings in the middle, and the boundless Spiritual Power instantly burst on its wings, shaking the Fire Spirit Sparrow obliquely and flying out, and it was about to hit an ancient tree At times, it failed to reverse and succeeded.

“The reaction speed is so cool, Boss, I can fix it a few more times!” Phaseless was excited.

“You touch it before you talk!” Tian Chen said, stepping on his feet, and once again met the folded Fire Spirit Sparrow, “Seven Tribulations Destruction Finger!”

Five consecutive Spiritual Power attacks exploded from fingertips, but the Fire Spirit Sparrow responded very quickly, avoiding Spirit Skill lightly, and attacking at an undiminished speed.

Tian Chen wasn’t shocked, and her body turned back again. Phaseless fell from her left wrist and landed on Fire Spirit Sparrow’s wings, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the Fire Spirit Sparrow figure fell down, and slid close to the ground out of several dozen meters, struggling fiercely.

“Good opportunity!” Tian Chen in the heart is overjoyed, as long as he hurts it a bit, Phaseless can succeed!

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