“Nine Nether Poison?”

“Yes! Nine Nether Poison can only be performed with the help of powerful Nether Qi. This bastard ran here to actually make Nine Nether Poison!” Phaseless flustered and exasperated said.

“Come to think of it, this poison can kill the Human Race of Spirit Saint Boundary Peak in no time!”

Tian Chen frowned. Originally, she never worried about any poison, because Domination Points can be detoxify, but if she did n’t have time to follow the instructions of detoxify, she was poisoned to death.

Seeing that Nine Nether Poison was approaching him, Tian Chen thoughts move and went straight into Heaven and Earth Tower.


Heaven and Earth Tower’s core fell on skeleton, and then Nine Nether Poison came in, but Tian Chen’s disappearance had disappeared.

“Heaven and Earth Tower is Divine Artifact. Nine Nether Poison should do nothing about it!” Entering Divine Mountain, Tian Chen hurriedly looked up.

Small Heaven’s figure emerged, “That’s for sure, my true body can’t be broken in Extreme Sky World, let alone Nine Nether Poison.”

“Tian Chen, you’re too much. I have been shut down for so many years!” Before Tian Chen breathed a sigh of relief, Li Xueyan’s voice came.

Last time at Emperor Palace, Li Xueyan asked Tian Chen to let her go out, but Tian Chen had forgotten it after going to Forbidden Land. Although it has only been more than ten days, in Heaven and Earth Tower, More than three years!

Tian Chen stunned, then shaking one’s head with a smile, “Can’t you cultivatíon as well as they do? Look at you, only Spirit Venerable Boundary 3rd Rank.”

Li Xueyan looked at Bei Lingxue, Mu Chengfei, and Zhao Rui, who looked far away, and rolled his eyes. “I’ve been waiting for you to let me go out to see Old Ancestor. What about Old Ancestor now?”

“He has lifted Nether Poison, and it’s very good now, don’t say it now. Now we are in the Divine Chaotic Sea Domain. To be precise, it is Nether Beast within the body. I think about it first.” Tian Chen laughed, helplessly said.

Forced into the Heaven and Earth Tower, it is impossible to know what’s going on outside. Tian Chen doesn’t know when to go out. In case those Nine Nether Poison are still there, it is a big trouble.

“Divine Chaotic Sea Domain? Old Ancestor Are you going to Domain Lord Eighty One Cities?” Li Xueyan’s eyes lit up, hehe asked with a smile.

Tian Chen slightly nodded, “Sooner or later, I want to go. I’m wanted by Chen Youbing. I can’t walk through the Space Warm Hole. I can only cross the Divine Chaotic Sea Domain.”

Li Xueyan had a deeper smile on his face. “I heard that Divinity Chaotic Sea Domain has Divinity fallen, isn’t it just right?”

Tian Chen rolled her eyes. “It is also said that Fallen Divinity Mountain has Divinity fallen. What happened?”

Last time Li Xueyan followed Tian Chen to Fallen Divinity Mountain and naturally knew what was going on.

Li Xueyan froze with a smile, reluctantly shook shaking one’s head, looked towards the floating Small Heaven of figure, “little fellow, you seem to look down on the so-called Nine Nether Poison, is there a way to stop it?”

Tian Chen is also in sight, Small Heaven is the most knowledgeable existence, and he has forgotten him!

As long as he can resist Nine Nether Poison, Tian Chen can wear away Nine Nether Sea Snake.

Small Heaven proudly raised his head, “I know no less than 100 ways, but the easiest for Master is to get Heaven and Earth Great Monster!”

“Heaven and Earth Great Monster?” Tian Chen was in front of his eyes. Last time he conquered Monster Locking Palace, he hadn’t rushed to conquer Heaven and Earth Great Monster. I am afraid that guy can’t wait for someone to be himself?

It said, if it can collect Monster Locking Palace, it will be its Master!

Tian Chen thoughts move, I saw Monster Locking Palace floating quietly in his own First Dantian. Even the Devouring Star Nether Dragon Sword aside, there was no opinion on the arrival of Monster Locking Palace.

My heart penetrated into the Monster Locking Palace. After refining the Monster Locking Palace last time, the column connecting the heavens of suppression Heaven and Earth Great Monster disappeared on its own, making Heaven and Earth Great Monster free and able to be in Monster Locking Palace. Free activities.

Feeling Tian Chen’s heart, Heaven and Earth Great Monster slowly raised his head, staring sharply at the sky, “Finally remembered me?”

Tian Chen smiled, “It’s only been more than ten days, and it’s like you’ve been speaking for years.”

Hearing this, Heaven and Earth Great Monster rolled his eyes angrily, “You tried countless years with suppression?”

Heaven and Earth Great Monster has been suppressed for too long, and I can’t wait to go to the outside world to see it. Although it has been delayed for more than ten days, it is like a good year for it!

“Don’t worry, this will let you out, but shouldn’t you give me the Contract Beast Seal? That’s something you said.” Tian Chen said with a smile.

Heaven and Earth Great Monster pointed at the sky not far away, “Let’s put it there waiting for you, come on!”

Tian Chen looked at it, and saw an imprint with a colorful light floating quietly. It is the Contract Beast Seal of Heaven and Earth Great Monster, but it is different from the ordinary Contract Beast Seal. In this imprint, there are mountains and trees. Illusory shadow!

Without any hesitation, Tian Chen popped a drop of blood directly into it and asked, “Heaven and Earth Great Monster, Nine Nether Poison, why can’t you?”

“What? Tian Chen, is this also used to ask? My true body is a World, do you think poison can hurt me?” Heaven and Earth Great Monster said angrily.

Tian Chen smiled, “That’s good, take Heaven and Earth Tower away after going out.”

With that said, Tian Chen directly released Heaven and Earth Great Monster from Monster Locking Palace!

Heaven and Earth Great Monster’s figure appeared in the Nine Nether Sea Snake within the body, immediately angry, “Courting death guy, dare to swallow me?”

Drinking heavily, Heaven and Earth Great Monster detected a fierce press of turtle claw, fiercely banged on a section of skeleton, immediately, and saw that skeleton was shattered, was raged by Great Monster Power, and spread rapidly along both ends Go!

“Tian Chen, you can come out!” Just one hit, Heaven and Earth Great Monster relied on Contract Beast Seal sound transmission.

Tian Chen in Heaven and Earth Tower flashed suspicious, “So fast?”

Without hesitation, Tian Chen left Heaven and Earth Tower, and immediately was stunned by the sight. I saw this World made up of Nirvana Sacred Bone. Those Nirvana Sacred Bone were broken quickly, but all the efforts of ten breaths, all Nirvana Sacred Bone, it’s all broken up!

Over the sky, the 400-500-meter Beast Core fell down, Tian Chen thoughts move and received it directly from the Refining Space, and said in amazement: “How did you do that?”

Tian Chen in the heart is horrified. Heaven and Earth Great Monster of Spirit Sovereign Boundary killed Nine Nether Sea Snake, who was thousands of miles long, and turned his Nirvana Sacred Bone into shreds!

Heaven and Earth Great Monster seems to enjoy Tian Chen’s astounded glance, smiled lightly, proudly: “You can also, you can absorb my Great Monster Power. If it is separated and used alone, all Nirvana Sacred Bone will not Worth mentioning! “

Tian Chen’s eyes light up. Is it the role of Great Monster Power? The Spirit Sovereign Boundary, it can use the Great Monster Power to easily break such a extreme Nirvana Sacred Bone?

Thinking, Tian Chen looked forward to asking: “The Great Monster Power I absorbed last time made me a lot more cultivatíon base, but they are all merged into two dantians. How can they be separated and used?”

Heaven and Earth Great Monster mysterious smiled, “Want to know? Hehe, as long as you learn, all Nether Beast is worthless in front of you.”

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