Tian Chen’s worry appeared. A Spirit Saint Boundary’s Nether Race came, which was catastrophic for the Spirit Venerable Boundary.

Zhao Rui took Whistling Cloud Beast and Blue Light Qilin Beast. Just on the road that Spirit Saint Boundary Nether Race powerhouse passed, two beasts of one person did not seem to notice, but Tian Chen in the distance was a complexion that suddenly changed, “Be careful!”

Without the slightest hesitation, Tian Chen stepped out of the Nether Dragon Three Transformation, but it was too late, then the Nether Race powerhouse of Spirit Saint Boundary was not far from Zhao Rui, and the skeleton raised his hand, and boundless strength went Zhao Rui blasted away.

With the Spirit Saint Boundary powerhouse shot, Zhao Rui only feels that he is under the control of invisible pressure and cannot move at all. If he is bombarded by that attack, Zhao Rui without the slightest doubt is dead!

When Tian Chen saw this, even the pumps suddenly tightened, and the complexion was instantly pale, it was too late!

Suddenly, Zhao Rui side Whistling Cloud Beast and Blue Light Qilin Beast turned around and blocked in front of Zhao Rui. Immediately, they were attacked. I saw two beasts’ bodies dried up instantly, and they fell weakly!

In one hit, Whistling Cloud Beast and Blue Light Qilin Beast are both dead! Even Soul Body has no chance to escape!

Staring at where the two beasts fell, Tian Chen stayed, Whistling Cloud Beast and Blue Light Qilin Beast, dead?

“Whistling Cloud Beast! Blue Light Qilin Beast!” Muttered in Tian Chen’s mouth, showing the sadness in the heart. Two beasts have been following him for a long time. Although there is not much communication, but his own orders, two beasts. It is the execution without the slightest hesitation.

For now, Tian Chen asked the beasts to protect the three of Zhao Rui. Whistling Cloud Beast and Blue Light Qilin Beast did not hesitate at the moment when Zhao Rui was in distress, blocking Zhao Rui from the attack.

Even if they died, they completed Tian Chen’s account without complaint.

Zhao Rui was also stunned, his face full of fat was full of apologies, if he could not, how could the two Spirit Beasts of Tian Chen die?

Gradually, the apology on Zhao Rui’s face turned into anger!

The monstrous anger came out undisguised, and even the opposite Spirit Saint Boundary Nether Race was trembling under Zhao Rui’s anger!

Then the Spirit Saint Boundary’s Nether Race stunned, and then coldly snorted, probing the skeleton and squeezing his hands, immediately more aggressive attacks poured out!

Tian Chen was awakened by the terrifying attack and rushed to rescue Zhao Rui, but a scene of strange appeared, and Zhao Rui opened her mouth slightly, and then suddenly took a breath, and actually inhaled the attack!

Tian Chen stayed again, Zhao Rui slowly moved towards the Spirit Saint Boundary’s Nether Race powerhouse volleyed, and a low voice came out of his throat, “Old Fatty I promised the Master, Eternal Life will no longer use the strength of the true body , Now, you bastard forced me not to keep my promise! “

The low roar sounded through Heaven and Earth, making all Nether Race and Tian Chen and the others stagnate. Zhao Rui’s voice turned into a sound wave. The powerful imposing manner is contained in it, which is scalp feeling numb. !!

“Second Senior Brother, no!” Bei Lingxue complexion also changed, and hurried.

Zhao Rui, as if he hadn’t heard Bei Lingxue’s voice, neither fast nor slow volley stepped out, and his cold eyes stared at the Nether Race of Spirit Saint Boundary, the latter figure seemed to be anchored and couldn’t move!

Every time Zhao Rui took a step, the figure would rise a little, and the imposing manner would be a little stronger. When he came to the one in front of the Nether Race powerhouse, he had become a 30-meter tall giant!

“Second Senior Brother don’t, it will be a waste of effort in these years to restore the true body!” Bei Lingxue shouted anxiously, but it was too late!

I saw Zhao Rui leaning down, a strong fists shake, a ripple from the top of his head, instantly diffused the whole body, under this ripple, Zhao Rui grows out of gray hair quickly, both fists Into sharp claw, the same goes for your feet!

Suddenly, Zhao Rui had become a magnificent giant beast, with a brutal atmosphere.

On the other side of the golden mountain, tens of thousands of Nether Race powerhouse fled, “Flee! Illusory Nether Devouring Firmament Beast!”

At this moment, even the existence of the Spirit Lord Spirit Saint Boundary Peak did not even care about his face, even Trigram Soul Tablet, and flew away towards the exit.

“Illusory Nether Devouring Firmament Beast?” Tian Chen frowned at the giant beast transformed by Zhao Rui, in the heart complex.

“Escape? It’s late!” Zhao Rui’s great thunder-like voice went through Heaven and Earth, and then he looked up and opened his mouth, “Swallow me!”

Suddenly, the Nether Qi within thousands of miles was trembling, and quickly moved towards Zhao Rui, and the Nether Race in this range also solidified, slowly dissipated, and turned into a pure strong influx. In Zhao Rui’s mouth.

Tian Chen looked at this scene in amazement. Under the influence of Soul Power, I saw only four 50 Nether Race powerhouses fled, and the rest fell off instantly, leaving only one skeleton that fell.

After devouring XNUMX-XNUMX Nether Race powerhouse in one sip, Zhao Rui finally stopped, gasping for breath, his eyes struggling, both eyes gradually became scarlet-red!

“Come on!” Bei Lingxue’s face was covered with despair, and she pulled Tian Chen aside, and quickly moved towards the distance.

Li Xueyan and the beasts hurried to keep up, and did not understand why Zhao Rui should be discarded, but at the next moment, Zhao Rui’s Illusory Nether Devouring Firmament Beast was suddenly blocked in front of Tian Chen and the others, with red eyes staring closely. As the animals and beasts murmured, a deep voice came out of their throats, “Dead!”

Bei Lingxue was frightened, and Huarong’s overwhelming haste hurriedly stood in front of Tian Chen and the others, “Second Senior Brother, wake up soon!”

Hearing the nervous and anxious voice of Bei Lingxue, Zhao Rui’s crimous both eyes flashed through the struggle again, and then turned away and moved towards the depth of Land of No-Return, and disappeared in the sense of Tian Chen instantly. .

When seeing Zhao Rui’s departure, there was a fog in Bei Lingxue both eyes, slowly leaning down and squatting in the volley, like a helpless girl crying softly.

Tian Chen stared at Zhao Rui’s direction of departure. In the heart, how did he not understand, Zhao Rui was actually Illusory Nether Devouring Firmament Beast!

Although I have not heard of Illusory Nether Devouring Firmament Beast, from the previous Zhao Rui’s performance, it is undoubtedly very powerful, and it seems to have a very strong restraint on Nether Race. Even Spirit Saint Boundary’s Nether Race is more than half dead!

I had guessed that Zhao Rui was hiding something, but I didn’t expect that the truth would be so amazing.

“Ling Xue younger sister, don’t be too sad, Zhao Rui he will come back.” Li Xueyan has been comforting Bei Lingxue, but I am afraid that only Bei Lingxue knows the consequences of Zhao Rui’s true body, no matter how much comfort, for a while Difficult to work.

It took a long time for Bei Lingxue to calm down, and a soft voice sounded, “Sorry, Big Brother Tian Chen, Senior Brother Zhao Rui is the rare beast of father. Once you restore the true body, you will lose your mind for a long time, even if you restore your mind, It’s violent, so I want to stop him from returning to true body. “

For Rui Tian ’s two Spirit Beast fallen heads, Zhao Rui is very blame, otherwise Zhao Rui would not have regained the true body despite such serious consequences.

Bei Lingxue, why not? If it weren’t for Zhao Rui, the Spirit Beast at the two ends wouldn’t fallen!

Tian Chen hurriedly shaking one’s head, said with a smile: “girl, I’m sorry, Zhao Rui has avenged them.”

“Don’t say that, I will finish the work here as soon as possible, leave Nether Domain as soon as possible, and send you back to Heaven and Earth Tower first!” Tian Chen said, taking the beasts back to Source World and bringing Bei Lingxue and Li Xueyan Returned to Heaven and Earth Tower.

After doing this, Tian Chen took a look at Zhao Rui’s direction of departure, and then he looked towards the golden mountain, “Small Heaven, this time there is no interruption by Nether Race, how is the restriction of this Trigram Soul Tablet broken?”

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