Looking at Small Heaven at flustered and exasperated, Tian Chen suspiciously said: “Why not?”

“Ah! I’m so mad, because this last part of the tower was actually refining!” Small Heaven panting with rage said.

Tian Chen both eyes froze, “Refining? Could it be that Heaven and Earth Tower of Hua Family, is this Spirit Transformation Tower?”

“Patriarch Hua Beihai of hmph! Hua Family! Refining my true body, that’s all, actually changed to such an awful name as Spirit Transformation Tower, I was so mad at me!” Small Heaven was so angry, his face was stunned Flushed.

“You can’t be angry. Now that you’ve come in, you just stole the tower!”

Tian Chen is overjoyed. I was just thinking about entering Spirit Transformation Tower to save mother. I never thought that Spirit Transformation Tower was actually Heaven and Earth Tower!

Unexpected gain!

Now entering Spirit Transformation Tower, it is simply one move, two gains!

Small Heaven’s both eyes gradually lit up, “Yes! Only 7th-layer Timeless Acceleration is here. When you get there, you will be able to snatch this tower!”

Hearing this, Tian Chen in the heart moved, “7th-layer Timeless Acceleration, mother must be imprisoned there!”

Tian Chen knows very well that mother was one of the Eight Saints, cultivatíon base connecting the heavens and penetrating the earth. If she imprisoned the 6-layer below, mother would definitely rely on Time Acceleration’s faster promotion cultivatíon base. Heaven and Earth Tower!

So, just in case, Hua Beihai must be her imprison in the 7th-layer of Timeless Acceleration!

“Master, there is bad news. Now that this tower has been refining by others, I ca n’t understand it, so I do n’t know what the situation is. Just now I heard that 7th-layer can never go up!” Worried.

“I’ll know when I get there, not many can stop the Seamless Divine Escape!” Tian Chen said, looking towards Hua Yunzhan waiting quietly, “Yunzhan, I will send you back to Heaven and Earth Tower, there is no need to cultivatíon here . “

Hua Yunzhan is overjoyed, heavily nodded, and bowed down, “Thank you Master!”

Here is only three times the Time Acceleration, but in that Divinity Mountain, but with 100 times of Time Acceleration, it is not a grade at all!

After receiving Hua Yunzhan, Tian Chen turned to look at the empty 1st-layer, and then touched the Concealing Spirit Cloak to put on it, and then moved towards 2nd Layer.

Silently set foot on the 6th-layer, Tian Chen in the heart is getting more and more excited. After ten thousand years, finally I will see mother soon!

See you all forever, is everything OK with mother?

Standing in front of the 6-layer entrance, Tian Chen couldn’t calm for a long time, and took a deep breath for a long time, “mother, I’m here!”

Between words, Tian Chen stepped out of the ladder, immediately, directly and powerfully rebounded from the ladder, and actually forcibly retired Tian Chen shakily two steps!

Tian Chen froze, he has broken through to the Spirit Saint Boundary 9th Rank, facing the last tower of the Heaven and Earth Tower, can’t he actually go up to the last 1-layer?

Staring at the invisible wall in front of him, Tian Chen laughed. “This kind of place is used to house arrest people, but it will not be found by foreigners, mother must be here!”

In the talk, the Seamless Divine Escape was exhibited, and Tian Chen’s figure immediately passed through the invisible wall, and went up the stairs, all the way to the 7th-layer!

Unexpectedly, this 1-layer is no longer a 2000-square-meter tower space, but a vast Heaven and Earth!

Here the mountains and rivers are beautiful, insect noises and bird cries are constantly on, a huge lake is like a mirror inlaid in the mountain range. The scenery is good, but Tian Chen has no intention to appreciate the scenery. At this moment, his eyes have been quietly stood by a woman standing by the lake Attract.

The slender silhouette stood quietly beside the lake, wearing clothes whiter than snow. Under the reflection of the lake, the whole person seemed to be stained with a faint faint blue light, as if Fairy had fallen red in nine days In the flutter, if at any time will go away by the wind.

“Mother!” Muttered in Tian Chen’s mouth, and it seemed that he could not even take his footsteps for a while, so standing in the distance was as if he had been fixed, only the tiny fog gradually appeared from both eyes.

For a long time, Tian Chen took a deep breath and tried to hang a smile, trying to step out, but Small Heaven appeared figure, “Master wait, Old Madam has a weird smell!”

Tian Chen slightly shook the head, “That’s Profound Breath Technique. Mother’s use of Profound Breath Technique will slow down everything inside the body. This will reduce the loss of life essence.”

Said, Tian Chen sighed, “It looks like mother has been waiting here for too long, but I didn’t see father and me here. I purposely performed Profound Breath Technique to keep life essence constant, so as to wait for us!”

“Profound Breath Technique?” Small Heaven’s eyes flashed with shock. Obviously, he knew the origin of Profound Breath Technique, but he didn’t say it. Tian Chen on the side was concerned about mother and didn’t find Small Heaven’s abnormality.

Tian Chen said, the figure flashed directly in front of mother, and he knelt down heavily, scratching his head and saying, “mother, child is here!”

Hua Yunqiu both eyes were slightly closed, as if they were standing asleep, and they didn’t wake up because of the arrival of Tian Chen.

Tian Chen has long known about mysterious Profound Breath Technique, slowly got up, looked at mother quietly, for a long time, thoughts move, and received mother World.

“Uh? Master, don’t wake up Old Madam?” Small Heaven suspiciously said.

Tian Chen slightly shook the head, “mother could hear me, but didn’t wake up, indicating that she had arrangements. I just had to wait. Now, it is the business to accept this Heaven and Earth Tower.”

Speaking, Tian Chen with rapt attention looked towards the lake. This lake is the center of the 7th-layer. If it is not bad, the key is this. As long as you find the core of this Heaven and Earth Tower, recognizing Master.

The entire 7th-layer is only thousands of miles in size. Tian Chen’s Soul Power has been repeatedly searched. Only this lake is invisible, and Soul Power cannot penetrate into it.

Under the quiet induction, Tian Chen found that in this lake of several dozen li in size, every drop of water in the lake has a slight soul breath. Obviously, the entire lake is the core of this Heaven and Earth Tower!

And Hua Beihai’s soul imprint has been integrated into the lake!

If you want to erase the recognition master of Hua Beihai, you can only erase the soul of every drop of water in the lake!

“It’s cruel enough. Without Soul Skill, it would take at least a month to erase the soul imprint of Hua Beihai, and at that time, Hua Beihai had already arrived!” Tian Chen expression grave said.

“What should we do? The Master must not defeat him if he comes!” Small Heaven worriedly said.

Tian Chen still stared at the lake, turned his hands, and found a statue. “Without Soul Skill, I have a statue of Soul Emperor. Before Hua Beihai reacts, he should be able to erase his imprint. By that time, you will be the first. Time controls Heaven and Earth Tower, and we succeed! “

Small Heaven patted his thigh and was shocked said: “It’s so good! That bastard!”

Tian Chen slightly nodded, what I need to worry about is how to leave the Hua Family after being discovered by Hua Beihai.

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