Hundreds Treasures King closed the Crossing World Teleportation Formation, turned his head and looked towards Vice Sect Master Li Xingyu, “It can be closed for up to three days, enough to give you Tri Refining Sect face?”

Li Xingyu looked at the Hundreds Treasures King by mistake, hurriedly nodded, and closed the Crossing World Teleportation Formation, but the major event, every moment will make the Hundreds Treasures Plane loss is not small, he can do so, it has really given his face!

Li Xingyu cupped one’s hand, “Sir Hundreds Treasures King, my Tri Refining Sect remembers that there will be places to cooperate in the future. My Tri Refining Sect must consider Hundreds Treasures Plane first.”

For three days, even if Tian Chen is going to stay in the city, he is still sure to force Tian Chen out of the city and do it, enough for him to capture Tian Chen!

Tian Chen’s brow frowned long ago, Hundreds Treasures King closed the Crossing World Teleportation Formation, and it was clear that he would not let himself escape, so that Li Xingyu could capture himself!

In front of Hundreds Treasures King, he is just an unnamed pawn that’s all. By contrast, of course, he has to lean towards Tri Refining Sect. After all, Tri Refining Sect influence tremendously. It is naturally good to lay the foundation for the opportunity of cooperation in the future.

And the shutdown took three days, Tian Chen understood that Li Xingyu must have enough ways to force himself out of the city!

“Hehe, it is naturally best to have the opportunity to cooperate. The Vice Sect Master came to my Hundreds Treasures Plane in person. Why not show my skills and let me see the power of the 10-Star Alchemist?” Hundreds Treasures King said with a smile, hehe.

Tian Chen frowned and looked at all this. Before that, Hundreds Treasures King coldly shouted at Vice Sect Master as soon as he appeared, but he didn’t give any meaning to his face, but at this moment, a big reversal came, making Tian Chen really confused.

But when he heard that Hundreds Treasures King asked Li Xingyu pill to refining, Tian Chen vaguely guessed.

There was a hint of playfulness in Li Xingyu’s eyes, his eyes retracted from Tian Chen, looked towards Hundreds Treasures King, and in the heart of course understood the intention of Hundreds Treasures King.

10-Star Alchemist can refining Emperor Level Spirit Pill. If he can refining in person, Hundreds Treasures King will definitely respect him, but if he cannot refining, he is afraid that he will directly open the Crossing World Teleportation Formation and ignore him. Tian Chen things.

Thinking of this, Li Xingyu laughed, and the laughter even spread to more than half of the Hundreds Treasures City, “haha, Sir Hundreds Treasures King needs pill refining, of course, it is better to respect him than to follow him!”

“I just need Exalt Emperor Pill. I heard that Hundreds Treasures Plane has no shortage of spirit materials. Why not refining furnace Exalt Emperor Pill?” Li Xingyu’s eyes flashed with playfulness, and his face was full of confidence.

“Exalt Emperor Pill? That’s the most difficult Spirit Pill in Emperor Level Spirit Pill. One that can make Spirit Emperor Boundary’s powerhouse promotion 1st Rank cultivatíon base very rare!”

The numerous powerhouses surrounding the spectator talked in amazement.

Tian Chen is also slightly raises. It seems that Tri Refining Sect really is the name is not in vain. As soon as I open my mouth, I plan to refining the most difficult refining Emperor Level Spirit Pill!

And it’s not difficult to see from Li Xingyu’s expression that he can definitely refining successfully!

Hundreds Treasures King eyes slightly narrowed, and also laughed, “Extreme Sky World’s 10-Star Alchemist does not exceed 20, but more than half of them are in Tri Refining Sect, Vice Sect Master Sir really out of the ordinary, please!”

Speaking, Hundreds Treasures King directly found a storage ring, which is obviously well prepared.

Exalt Emperor Pill, with Emperor Protecting Melon as the main material, and refining with more than 30 auxiliary materials, a cultivatíon base that can promote the Spirit Emperor powerhouse 1st Rank is enough to withstand thousands of years of hard work!

This kind of medicine pill is very difficult to find even in the Desolate Antiquity Domain. Even with the rich and imposing of Tri Refining Sect, it has not been refining a few times in many years. Because of the lack of spirit materials, Hundreds Treasures King turned it over. He felt it.

“The spirit materials of my Hundreds Treasures Plane are top grade. The two materials are also top grade. The Exalt Emperor Pill from the refining will be a lot stronger!” Hundreds Treasures King flipped the storage ring over.

As soon as Li Xingyu smiled, territory sat down and began to sort out the spirit materials.

With his movement, the entire Hundreds Treasures City seemed to be sensed, and countless powerhouses gathered quickly.

“Fast, the Vice Sect Master of Tri Refining Sect personally refining Exalt Emperor Pill, our Hundreds Treasures Plane will have 10-Star Dan Master’s Master open pill refining for the first time!”

“Don’t squeeze, I’ll come first …”

However, a few breaths of time, on the paza that originally stood the cross-border Teleportation Gate, have been occupied by people, countless powerhouse came to observe the ceremony.

Tian Chen stood in front of the crowd and was also very curious. Tri Refining Sect’s pill refining method is very unique. How high is the success rate, and can he refining the Spirit Pill of Peerless Grade.

In the expectations of many powerhouses, Li Xingyu started, and saw the of of his hands slowly lifted up, propped up a flash of rays of light in front of him, and then a piece of spiritual grass flew into the gas, Quickly being refining.

“According to this speed, two days is enough to pill success. It is indeed the 10-Star Alchemist of Tri Refining Sect. This speed is not comparable to other 10-Star Alchemist!” Hundreds Treasures King said to himself.

Tian Chen rubbed his chin, Desolate Antiquity Domain inherited from Desolate Antiquity Era. It really is not comparable to Extreme Sky World. It is placed in Extreme Sky World. Not to mention that no one can refining Emperor Level Spirit Pill. Even if someone can do it, it is not two. God can succeed.

And just like the ancient records that Tian Chen handed over to Luo Shen, the Alchemist pill refining of Tri Refining Sect does not require Pill Cauldron!

Tian Chen murmured secretly. Although the people at Tri Refining Sect are abominable, the pill refining technique is really first-rate!

Hundreds Treasures King expected nothing wrong. In the past two days, several Spirit Pill prototypes have appeared in the spirit of Li Xingyu’s hands. With his control, several Spirit Pills are rapidly condensing!

Waited for two days, but no one was impatient. Everyone was looking forward to Li Xingyu, even Tian Chen. Until he saw Li Xingyu not far from the pill success, Tian Chen moved in the heart, and the figure was unexpected. Appeared outside Li Xingyu several feet.

Hundreds Treasures King was shocked and hurriedly blocked, but Tian Chen did not continue to approach, but just sat down and took another copy of the Spirit materials of Exalt Emperor Pill in the angry expression of Hundreds Treasures King. come.

“What do you want to do!” Hundreds Treasures King complexion sank, politely.

Tian Chen glanced at Hundreds Treasures King, said with a smile: “I heard that Tri Refining Sect’s Tri Refining Technique unparalleled in the world, and now I can see it, I admire it, but Tri Refining Technique is from Nine Celestial Divine Dragon I came from insights on Cauldron, and I would like to know, is Tri Refining Sect really unparalleled in the world? “

Then, Tian Chen threw all the spirit materials directly into the Refining Space.

“Prompt: A complete Exalt Emperor Pill spirit materials was detected. Refining consumes 120 million Domination Points. Is it refining?”

“refining !”

Looking at Tian Chen’s actions, Hundreds Treasures King frowned deeper, the people around him were even more disdainful, coldly snorted, “Who is this brat? Since I admire Tri Refining Sect, I dare to cooperate with Tri Refining Sect’s 10-Star Alchemist. A higher or lower? “

“No matter who he is, he doesn’t know how to live or die. But that’s the 10-Star Alchemist of Tri Refining Sect. How can he compare?”

Whispering discussions gradually filled the city. Hundreds Treasures King wanted to interrupt Tian Chen, but then, the furnace spirit materials would be gone!

Thinking of this, Hundreds Treasures King had to clenched his teeth, “brat, if you are successful, otherwise, don’t use Li Xingyu to capture you, old man must tear your body to thousands of pieces!”

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