Tian Chen in the heart guessed that Ge Sanqiu and Sima Yang should have escaped from Ye Zhu and the others. Perhaps Sima Yang was seriously injured and killed by Ge Sanqiu instead.

After all, Ye Zhu in the rage should not have thought that Sima Yang was dead, so she let them out when she spoke.

But Tantai Ming’s statement also makes sense, in case Sima Yang died in his hands, at this moment he intentionally said so that the Sima family would break with the Ge Family!

In Ge City, Ge Sanqiu’s breath was buoyant. Obviously, it was not easy to face the siege of Ye Zhu.

Two families brought together many powerhouses, and everyone in Sima family brows tightly frowns, “Patriarch Ge, what about our Sima family Patriarch?”

Ge Sanqiu with rapt attention staring at Ye Zhu outside the great formation and dozens of Ye Family powerhouses, said solemnly: “Patriarch Sima was killed by Ye Zhu!”

The Sima family’s complexion greatly changed, Qi Qi turned her angry eyes to Ye Zhu.

In addition to the great formation, Ye Zhu clearly put everyone’s conversations in his ears, coldly snorted and said: “Sima Yang is dead? Don’t pretend, let him roll out, and his Divine Soul escapes. It should be restored at this moment!”

Ge Sanqiu was furious, “bastard Ye Zhu, you killed him but didn’t dare admit it, did you miss me Ge Family and Sima’s family?”

“Haha, Ge Sanqiu, I see. You and Sima Yang fled together, but you killed him on the road. In order to stimulate the anger of the Sima family, you will work together to destroy my Ye Family first, and then the Sima family that lost Sima Yang. Ye Zhu seemed to think something and laughed.

Everyone in the Sima family turned their eyes to Ge Sanqiu, Ye Zhu said it makes sense, so that they couldn’t tell who killed Sima Yang for a while.

“Don’t listen to Ye Zhu’s bastard talk nonsense, he clearly wants to see my two families inward, so we can destroy us in one fell swoop!” Ge Sanqiu hurriedly moved towards everyone in the Sima family.

At this critical moment, the decision of the Sima family will affect the survival of Three Great Families. If they believe that Ge Sanqiu killed Patriarch, of course, it is impossible to join forces with the Ge Family, and even the Ge Family. By then, the Ye Family will be able to Take advantage of fishermen.

And if they believe in Ge Sanqiu, it is not difficult to defeat Ye Zhu and the others in cooperation with the Ge Family in the fury at this moment.

“I talk nonsense? Ge Sanqiu, I Ye Zhu behaves brightly and clearly. If someone kills me, I will admit it naturally, but no, you do n’t even think about wronging me!” Ye Zhu coldly snorted, fiercely moved towards great formation one strike.


The rays of light flow on the great formation, easily blocking Ye Zhu’s attack.

Ge Sanqiu complexion chilled and snarled, “Bastard, you are shameless!”

Glare like a tiger watching his prey’s eyes, Ge Sanqiu was very angry and wanted to say something, but Tian Chen appeared neither far away and said calmly: “I can testify, indeed Ye Zhu killed Patriarch Sima! “

Hearing this, Ge Sanqiu stagnation, and then overjoyed at unexpected good news, “haha, Sima Yang and I went out with Master Tian Chen. You know this. Master Tian Chen testifies now, should you believe it?”

Everyone in the Sima family knew of Patriarch’s visit to Master Tian Chen. At this moment, he heard the truth from Tian Chen, and finally turned his finger to the Ye Family powerhouse outside the great formation.

“Hmph! Sima Yang was my friend of countless years, everyone in the Ge Family obeyed and shot with me, destroying these bastards in the Ye Family!” Ge Sanqiu took the opportunity to sing loudly, and then the first one broke out.

Ge Family and Sima’s those Divine King Boundary powerhouse have set foot in the air. They both passed through the great formation, and they fought again with the Ye Family!

At present Ye Family powerhouse Although the cultivatíon base is generally higher, the Ge Family and the Sima family moved together this time, with more than 100 to 40 people, almost double the Ye Family!

“Patriarch’s hatred, report it now, kill!”

The shouting and killing sounded through the sky, and Berserk’s Divine Power was agitated outside the great formation, shaking the Protecting City Great Formaion trembling, and the tragic atmosphere was suddenly filled.

Such a many Divine King Boundary powerhouse melee, this Divine Power between Heaven and Earth has already been shaken and chaotic, the blood is pouring like raindrops, and the tragic atmosphere is set against Peak.

The two families powerhouse was almost two enemies, and the Ye Family was suppressed after the start of the war, and it stood firm. After a while, the Ye Family powerhouse had been killed by almost half.

In the city, Tian Chen looked up at the scene, shyly shook the head, “Ge Sanqiu is so stupid. I actually called back the two families powerhouse and let them go to war. Isn’t there so much trouble?”

Before Ge Family and Sima’s powerhouse, after Ye Zhu’s return, they had already gathered to prepare for the war, but they were called back to the city by Ge Sanqiu sound transmission. I really don’t know what the guy thinks.

“He’s not stupid. He did that. He should want to use the protection of Protecting City Great Formaion. When you pill refining, with Inextinguishable Rotational Pill, they can minimize the loss.” Tantai Ming said with a slight smile.

Tian Chen raised an eyebrow. It seems that this is the case, but Ge Sanqiu did not expect that the Sima family powerhouse became a time bomb.

Right now, Sima Yang’s death angered everyone in Sima family. Ge Sanqiu had only brace oneself to lead the crowd. It was impossible to wait for Tian Chen pill refining.

“I’m probably the most satisfied this time, Tian Chen, don’t you tell me what the deep hatred is?” Tantai Ming calmly smiled and smiled.

Tian Chen smiled, and of course he was satisfied. Ye Family was destined to die, and Ge Family and Sima family suffered heavy losses. At that time, they added fire and let Sima family and Ge Family fight again. In this way, the remaining two The Great Family is also dead.

Did not respond to Tantai Ming, Tian Chen looked up again towards the sky, and saw a corpse falling, or Divine Soul drifting, Three Great Families, all suffered heavy losses.

“Tian Chen! I Ye Zhu is not thin to you, but you have harmed my Ye Family. In this life, I will tear your body to thousands of pieces!” Ye Zhu’s roar sounded, and he was already bathing in blood, instantly from Ge Sanqiu’s battle blade detached, and the figure flickered and disappeared.

Ye Family, off!

Tian Chen stared calmly at the place where Ye Zhu disappeared, and then turned his attention to Ge Sanqiu who fought for others. He couldn’t see it, Ge Sanqiu deliberately let go of Ye Zhu!

It seems that Sima Yang was killed by Ge Sanqiu!

He deliberately released Ye Zhu in order to put Tian Chen in danger and face Ye Zhu’s pursuit at any time. At Divine Serene Territory, at the moment, only he can ensure the safety of Tian Chen.

Tantai Ming frowned slightly. “Ge Sanqiu is really bad. You helped him, but he intentionally left you the bane and wanted to hold you firmly.”

“You see it too? Don’t worry, mess with me, he will soon regret it.”

“Don’t! With me, I can guarantee you nothing, but after the one-year contract is over, I am afraid that only Ge Sanqiu can guarantee your safety. I think you should not touch him for the time being!” Tantai Ming seems to guess Tian Chen used the Sima family to fight back and said hastily.

Tian Chen frowned, facing Ye Zhu of Divine King Boundary Peak, he really couldn’t protect himself, and he was bright and dark, Tantai Ming was completely right!

It seems that he can only tolerate Ge Sanqiu’s actions first!

“Okay, Ge Sanqiu will be very bad luck when I get it done!” For a long time, Tian Chen loosened his fist and muttered.

For a long time, the battle in the sky subsided. Except for the escaping Ye Zhu, no other Divine King Boundary powerhouse survived. As for those in Divine Monarch or lower cultivatíon base, it was not an issue at all.

Ye Family, it’s gone.

Ge Sanqiu led the crowd down, but the complexion of the crowd was not good-looking. Before the hundreds of people, there were only more than 40 people left.

It seems that it was intentionally harmed by Ge Sanqiu. The Divine King Boundary powerhouse of the Sima family only has more than ten people left.

Such a terrible loss, Ge Sanqiu did not seem to be at all at heart, as soon as he fell, he laughed heartily and said: “haha, Master Tian Chen, many thanks!”

Tian Chen in the heart coldly snorted, ‘Thank me? Do you think you can hold Divine Serene Territory alone? ‘

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