“Prompt: Congratulations on killing the enemy of the Spirit Disciple 1st Rank and earning Domination Points 200 and System Exp Points 200.”

Long sword penetrated Wu Xiong’s left chest. Tian Chen held Wu Xiong’s corpse with one hand. Finally, he avenged Hou Zi!


Throw out Wu Xiong’s corpse, Tian Chen’s long take a deep breath, ignoring the Prompt sound that sounded in my mind at the moment, secretly thought: “Unexpectedly, the cultivatíon base of the Refining Spirit 10-layer is actually not weaker than Spirit Disciple 1st Rank ! “

On plaza, the entire tribe people forgot to breathe in shock. Who can think that after losing half a year of Tian Chen, Wu Xiong was actually killed in two ways?

“Xiong’er!” Vice-Chief also erupted at this moment, and the figure quickly flew onto the ring, kneeling in front of Wu Xiong corpse, his body trembling.

Vice-Chief thought that Wu Xiong breakthrough had reached the Spirit Disciple Boundary, and it was only very easy to kill Tian Chen, but he did not expect that Tian Chen, who broke through to the Refining Spirit 10-layer, was so much stronger than Wu Xiong.

“I’m going to kill you!” Kneeling for a moment, Vice-Chief suddenly got up, staring at Tian Chen with a stunned look, his voice coming out of his throat like Nine Nether.

Waiting for Tian Chen to say more, Vice-Chief has moved, the figure disappears instantly, and the Spiritual Spirit Power threatens Tian Chen.

As Tian Chen pupils shrank, Vice-Chief’s cultivatíon base was at least a Spiritualist Boundary, not at all able to resist, without the slightest hesitation, Tian Chen stepped on his feet, and the figure flew back.

However, in the face of the Spiritualist Boundary’s powerhouse, Tian Chen’s speed was still slow. He was caught up by Vice-Chief in an instant, and the violent fist moved towards Tian Chen’s chest.

If he was hit by this fist, Tian Chen without the slightest doubt would end up at his own moment. At this moment, Tian Chen felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he was full of coolness.

Just when the fist with boundless strength was about to hit Tian Chen’s chest, shout out loudly finally sounded, “Stop!”

In the throbbing sound, I saw Chief had reached behind Vice-Chief, and the claw forcibly held Vice-Chief, making it difficult for his fist to enter.

Tian Chen keeps violently retreating, in the heart long relaxed, Chief will stop it!

“Wu Hai, do you know what you are doing?” Holding Vice-Chief, Chief said solemnly.

“Go!” Vice-Chief yelled, turning and Fist blasted to Chief.

“Hmph!” Facing Vice-Chief’s sudden fist, Chief coldly snorted, his palms blasted out suddenly, and immediately hit the Vice-Chief’s fist.

Suddenly, the boundless air wave burst from where the two fists met, and moved towards all around swept away.

With one blow, both took a few steps back, and the Chief complexion chilled, “Where is the Law Enforcement Team? Captured Wu Hai!”


In the crowd, more than ten figures rushed out, and the powerful breath was unmasked, and Vice-Chief was immediately taken down!

Tian Chen watched this scene in amazement and came to the Violent Spirit Tribe for a year. I have never seen the Law Enforcement Team shoot. At this moment I know that the cultivatíon base of the Law Enforcement Team is not weaker than Vice-Chief!

They should be the powerhouse of the Spiritualist Boundary!

“Bold Wu Hai, destroying Rule first, attacking Chief afterwards, this crime should be punished!” Captured Wu Hai, Law Enforcement Team Captain shouted.

The Chief waved his hand. “Seal cultivatíon base will imprison him, and I’ll say it later.”


Soon, Vice-Chief was taken away by Law Enforcement Team, and Tian Chen looked at Chief in doubt. He had previously played against Wu Hai and was not in the upper hand. He seemed to be injured.

However, Chief is concealing his injuries and obviously does not want everyone to see why.

“Well, great competition continues!” Tian Chen thought, Chief’s voice came.

Hearing this, Wei Qing grabbed the platform and held a cup one fist in the other hand to Tian Chen, saying calmly, “I know I’m not your opponent, but I still want to try.”

Tian Chen cup one fist in the other hand As a gift, said with a smile: “Do you want to seize the opportunity breakthrough to Refining Spirit 10-layer? Good luck!”

Wei Qing had a smile on his lips, lightly nodded, made a gesture of please, and then, flicking over the long sword, Spiritual Power surged around him.

Wei Qing suppressed the cultivatíon base in Refining Spirit 9-layer for more than two years, in order to find a chance to break through to Refining Spirit 10-layer. After two and a half years of deposition, Spiritual Power is naturally magnificent.

However, compared to Tian Chen who has broken through to Refining Spirit 10-layer, there is still a big gap.

Tian Chen once again took a long sword and held it in his hand, and swiped to the side at will, and the surge power of the unrolled bolt of white silk surged on the long sword.

“My Sword Art has reached High Level, be careful!” Wei Qing sensed that Tian Chen was ready, and a step came with a reminder.

Sword Art is divided into Initial Level, Middle Level, High Level, Master Level, Grandmaster Level and other boundary. Unlike Spirit Skill, Sword Art is a cultívator’s understanding of swords. It is displayed as do one pleases, and does not require too much Spiritual Power.

The implementation of Spirit Skill is often accompanied by a huge consumption of Spiritual Power.

High Level Sword Art, can easily break the Ordinary Level Spirit Skill displayed by the same level powerhouse!

Tian Chen was a little surprised. This somewhat lonely guy actually brought Sword Art cultivatíon to High Level. If there is powerhouse guidance, I’m afraid I will not lose myself in Sword Art’s accomplishments.

Thinking about it, Wei Qing has looted in front of Tian Chen, and the long sword danced in his hands, like a snake-like instability, which made the sword’s direction unpredictable.

In the eyes of everyone on plaza, there was even a surprise scene. I saw that the long sword in Wei Qing’s hands seemed to disappear, leaving only a strong breath moved towards Tian Chen.

“Tian Chen is going to lose after all, High Level Sword Art, he can’t resist it!” Everyone thought.

And Tian Chen, expression calmly watched Wei Qing attack, just when everyone thought Tian Chen was about to lose, Tian Chen suddenly lifted up the long sword, and the light sword stabbed out!

Seemingly ordinary sword, it immediately stopped Wei Qing, and the word tip was pressed on Wei Qing’s throat. “Blitz, the Sword Art you realize is not for you!”

Wei Qing froze. I did n’t know what the expression was under the black cloth strip. It took a long time for me to retract the long sword that was stiff in the air. There was no decadence, but I turned away with a big laugh, only the voice came, “Thank you, Tian Chen, I finally understand! “

Wei Qing has left, and plaza has fallen into silence again. Everyone is staring at the long sword in the hands of Tian Chen, with some unreal feelings.

Sword broke Wei Qing’s High Level Sword Art? Isn’t Tian Chen’s Sword Art even better?

Even Chief looked at Tian Chen in shock, and then turned into a deep surprise, grabbed the ring, and exclaimed: “No need to say it? Congratulations Tian Chen won the first place in great competition!”

With that said, Chief expression became excited, “For many years, hundreds of tribes throughout Southern Mound City have not appeared in the peerless genius of the Refining Spirit 10-layer, but I have come out of the Violent Spirit Tribe!”

“Three days of feasting, celebrating the appearance of my Peolent Spirit Tribe so peerless genius!”

Before, Tian Chen broke through to Refining Spirit 9-layer in only half a year. It has been amazing. Now breaking through to Refining Spirit 10-layer is even more exciting. If this thing goes out, I am afraid those in Southern Mound City Great Sect will come to grab Tian Chen!

With Chief’s excited words, the entire tribe boiled instantly, shouting ‘Young Chief’, for a long time.

The entire Violent Spirit Tribe is boiled, and a peerless genius appears, but it represents the rise of tribe!

If it was a Great Sect who took Tian Chen as disciple, the whole tribe would be the divine steed Huang flashes past, which is a man attains the Dao, even his pets ascend to heaven!

Today’s Violent Spirit Tribe is not weak, but the surrounding tribe is stronger. It has always been about Violent Spirit Tribe glare like a tiger watching his prey. As long as Tian Chen joins which Great Sect, the situation is different.

Throughout the tribe boiling, Tian Chen’s head sounded again.

“Prompt: Congratulations on completing the mission ‘great competition first’, getting reward Domination Points 200, System Exp Points 200, and turning on the Daily Benefits Sub System.”

“Prompt: Daily Benefits Sub System is on. You can receive certain benefits every day. Items will change with cultivatíon base promotion. Please check the Sub System for details.”

Hearing the Prompt sound, Tian Chen hurriedly looked towards the Daily Benefits Sub System. I saw that the Daily Benefits Sub System was actually a Storage Ring-like Space with a small package in it.

There is a detailed introduction on the package.

Level 0 daily benefits gift package: 1 Cleansing Marrow Pill, 1 Healing Injury Pill, 1 Fasting Pill, 1 Spirit Accumulation Pill, 1 mysterious gift box.

Upon seeing the introduction of the gift package, Tian Chen stagnates, and his eyes are full of incredible expression. There are actually four kinds of medicine pill and mysterious gift box!

Tian Chen has an unusual impression of mysterious gift box. In the last mysterious gift box, I got Primal Chaos Phaseless Beast at this time. What will I get?

But it seems to be different. The last time, it was ‘Ultra Level mysterious gift box’, and it can be received daily at the moment, without the word ‘Ultra Level’.

Shocked for a moment, Tian Chen not at all eager to receive the gift package, after all, at this moment, it is in the public.

It took a long time for everyone’s excitement to fade away, and Chief also sent Tian Chen’s reward.

“One Cleansing Marrow Pill, ten Spirit Stones, and 1-level Spirit Artifact, Tian Chen, congratulations!” Chief sent reward, pats Tian Chen’s shoulder, laughed heartily and said.

Then, Chief found a battle blade again, “This is the spoils of war of your Life and Death duel. There was originally a storage bag, but it was secretly taken away by Vice-Chief.”

Tian Chen certainly recognizes that this battle blade is exactly the handle used by Wu Xiong. This spoils of war Tian Chen doesn’t care. What he cares about is the storage bag. Unfortunately, if I take it away from Vice-Chief, I wo n’t have a chance to get it back. .

Tian Chen doesn’t think too much. As long as there are enough Spirit Stones in the future, why worry about storage item?

“Chief, I’m going to refining Cleansing Marrow Pill first!” When moved towards Chief pleaded guilty, Tian Chen turned around and left. Cleansing Marrow Pill is most effective only when taken at the Refining Spirit Stage, but you can’t miss it.

Looking at the back of Tian Chen’s departure, the smile on Chief’s face didn’t stop, but there was an inexplicable joy in his eyes, “waiting for you to refining Cleansing Marrow Pill, hehe …”.

Back in the room, leaving Dire Dragon Elephant waiting outside, Tian Chen couldn’t wait to check out towards Daily Benefits Sub System, “Get it!”

Thoughts move, four medicine pills and mysterious gift boxes all appeared in the hands of Tian Chen. Although it was only a 1-level medicine pill, it immediately emitted a weak light halo, and the thick pill fragrance was assaults the senses.

“Pill Halo! These four 1-level medicine pills are actually Peerless Grade!”

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