Standing in front of the Human Race powerhouse, both feet have begun to melt, and flesh and blood are integrated into the altar!

“Two more than 100,000 people …” Tian Chen complexion was a little bit pale, and saw the same kind was killed by Evil Demon with his own eyes. This feeling was like being stuck in the heart by a human blade.

“Save them!” Tian Chen stepped forward, trying to cast the Black Tortoise Barrier, but was pulled by Tantai Ming.

Tian Chen turned his head to meet the helpless eyes of Tantai Ming. Tantai Ming said: “Can’t save, their lives imprint has been entered into altar by Evil Demon Sovereign. Once they are saved from altar, it is when they die.”

“Don’t leave altar?” Tian Chen pupils flinched, skeptical of his ears.

Tantai Ming complexion The pale nodded, “This is Evil Celestial Demon Altar, the treasure of Evil Demon. I didn’t know how many people were killed in Divine Realm that year, but if the imprint of life was broken into it, it means death.”

“What about destroying Evil Celestial Demon Altar?” Tian Chen frowns saying.

Tantai Ming gently shaking one’s head, “If it could be destroyed, would Evil Celestial Demon Altar have been destroyed in Divine Realm then, wouldn’t it remain to this day? Besides, even if it was really destroyed, the imprint of those people’s lives would also disappear, the same is dead!”

Hearing this, Tian Chen only felt a buzz in his head. Two more than 100,000 people, whose cultivatíon base ranged from Divine Sovereign Boundary to Divine Emperor Boundary, could not match an Evil Celestial Demon Altar.

Silent for a moment, Tian Chen pressed the anger in the heart and asked, “Evil Demon Sovereign made such a big movement, can it really attract World Spirit?”

Tantai Ming sighed then said, “Evil Celestial Demon Altar will soon bring together all people ’s qi and blood and strength, as well as the strength of the former part of Evil Demon Domain destruction into Evil Celestial Demon Pearl. Evil Celestial Demon Pearl is enough for World Spirit has a body, can you say that World Spirit can resist such temptations? “

Tian Chen in the heart suddenly, if World Spirit has a body, it means that even if Evil Demon Domain dies, he will not die. Such a temptation, World Spirit cannot really resist!

And this is two more than 100,000 powerhouse’s strength and breath, and Evil Celestial Demon Pearl which is part of the strength of Evil Demon Domain. Once given to World Spirit, his strength will be enough to sweep Divine Realm!

At that time, would World Spirit care about the tiny Evil Demon Domain? His goal will be Divine Realm and even All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

Thinking of this, Tian Chen only felt the scalp feeling numb, “Is there no way to stop it?”

“Yes!” The determination of Tantai Ming beautiful eyes surged, and it seemed that a decision had been made.

Tian Chen in the heart felt bad, and hurriedly asked, “What is it? What do you want to do?”

“Evil Celestial Demon Altar gave birth to an Evil Celestial Demon Pearl in Divine Realm. At that time, countless powerhouses teamed up to destroy it, but they were accidentally hit by a small Evil Demon, and the Evil Demon, then It’s Evil Demon Sovereign! “

“The strength of that Evil Celestial Demon Pearl is probably not as good as the one-thousandth that is about to be born, so this one must not fall into the hands of World Spirit or Evil Demon.”

Tantai Ming said, slowly turning his head towards Tian Chen, the dignity and decisive color on his face slowly converged, replaced with a soft and delicate smile.

Tian Chen in the heart burst out, “You want to take Evil Celestial Demon Pearl?”

Tantai Ming shaking one’s head, “So important, how could Evil Demon Sovereign and World Spirit take us away? Wait until Evil Celestial Demon Pearl condenses, I want you to attract their attention, I take the opportunity to take Evil Celestial Demon Pearl Exile into space crack. “

Talking, Tantai Ming held the long sword tightly, with the strength of top grade Heavenly Divine Artifact, she should be able to blast a space crack in this area with all her strength, as long as Evil Celestial Demon Pearl is blasted into it, that No one can get it!

Tian Chen pondered for a moment, slightly nodded, “This is the most suitable way!”

Even so, Tian Chen is aware of the danger facing Tantai Ming. Evil Demon Sovereign and World Spirit reacted swiftly. She will immediately discover her actions. At that time, she will face two attacks that determine the powerhouse!

A glance at the huge altar, Tian Chen thoughts move, forced Melting Spirit Sacred Armor out of the body, and found out millions of Heavenly Divine Artifacts, and put them into the Refining Space together.

Not long after, a brand new Melting Spirit Sacred Armor appeared in the hands of Tian Chen. The strength contained in it was hundreds of times stronger than the long sword given to Tantai Ming before!

It is also the top grade Heavenly Divine Artifact. This Sacred Armor has reached the Peak of Heavenly Divine Artifact, but somehow it has not become a higher level.

“Sister Ming, this piece of Melting Spirit Sacred Armor has been with me for many years, I hope we are well!” Tian Chen didn’t know what to say, and sent out the Melting Spirit Sacred Armor with both hands.

Tantai Ming knew that the Tian Chen fleshly body was powerful and could not use this Sacred Armor, so he did not refuse. He took the smile and started to refining, only the surprise and inexplicability that appeared from time to time in his eyes.

After a while, even the most peripheral Yun Mubai and the others, their feet began to melt, and the severe pain caused everyone to complexion deathly pale, but they could not resist.

Yun Mubai gritted his teeth, his voice deepened like a voice from Nine Nether, “Evil Demon Sovereign, against my Divine Court, this is your biggest mistake!”

Evil Demon Sovereign stood silently above altar, with a playful smile on his face, “Soon, you won’t say that!”

Yun Mubai’s eyes were full of anger, “I know you want to kill Divine Realm, so I will wait for you in Divine Realm!”

The words fell, Yun Mubai crushed the token on his waist, immediately, and saw a blood line pouring out of altar, and fell into Yun Mubai’s eyebrows. Then Yun Mubai stepped out and the figure disappeared.

“Hehe, it’s interesting. In the First World War, Divine Court rose. I can’t imagine that Divine Court had a way to get life imprint, but what about it? Soon, All Heavens and Myriad Realms are mine!” Evil Demon Sovereign was slightly surprised, But don’t care at all.

In a painful scream, everyone disappeared, all absorbed by Evil Celestial Demon Altar. Finally, at the top of altar, a colorful light began to slowly gather.

“Haha, it’s finally about to succeed, World Spirit, should you show up? Come out and listen to me!” Evil Demon Sovereign expression excited, with rapt attention glanced at the earth around altar.


The strange wave came from Evil Celestial Demon Altar, and then the color light flourished, and quickly gathered into a fingertips-sized pearl. The amazing strength emanated from the pearl, and the surrounding spaces were constantly cracked!

Tian Chen in the heart moved, “Sister Ming, I’m ready, Evil Celestial Demon Pearl’s relaxed strength can shatter Space, be careful!”

As soon as pearl appeared, the boundless strength spread far and wide, but after a few seconds, the scattered strength began to converge, and soon began to be introverted. At this moment, outside the altar, the ground began to ripple.

“World Spirit is here!” Tian Chen took a deep breath and it was time to do it himself!

Stepping out, Tian Chen played the strength of Divine Venerable Boundary 2nd Rank to Peak, grabbed the pearl above moved towards altar, “Capturing Sky Hand!”

To the surprise of Tian Chen, the Capturing Sky Hand gathered by boundless Divine Power is not yet close to Evil Celestial Demon Pearl, but it has been shaken by the yet-introduced strength around Demon Pearl!

“Haha, Tian Chen, just because you want to win this treasure?” Evil Demon Sovereign smiled slightly, and then laughed.

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