Listening to Void Escaping Divine Turtle’s words of begging, Tian Chen smiled, “It really makes my speed faster than Five-Clawed Golden Spirit Dragon, why not give you Sacred Void Fruit?”

Hearing this, Void Escaping Divine Turtle overjoyed at unexpected good news, the long relaxed word: “Actually, Tian Chen your so close, yet worlds apart can have two development directions. The first one is of course speed. Now you can do it once. It’s not difficult to get two 30000 li, and it will become two 300,000 li. “

“The second direction is Space Warping! Your so close, yet worlds apart can be regarded as the prototype of Space Warping. If you go further, you can become a real Space Warping. At that time, the speed may not be much promoted, but it is very strong. Attack method. “

“These two directions can only come one by one. Do you really need speed now?” Void Escaping Divine Turtle’s voice was tender, but what he said made Tian Chen’s eyes bright as if he had opened a door for himself.

Without answering Void Escaping Divine Turtle, Tian Chen both eyes flashed with hope, “I see! What should I do?”

Void Escaping Divine Turtle nodded, “You can only rely on the Power of Space within two 30000 li. It is obviously not easy to use the broader Power of Space in a short time, so we will show you so close, yet worlds apart Continuity starts! “

Tian Chen understood the importance of continuation from the moment of insights to so close, yet worlds apart. Although I have been working hard, there is still a gap between each performance, far from the point of brought to the point of perfection. .

Now that Void Escaping Divine Turtle has a solution, Tian Chen naturally looks forward to it.

Void Escaping Divine Turtle discovered two forelimbs, and two gray light dots began to converge between its claws. “I gather two Space Runes for you, and you refining them into your legs, casting so close, yet worlds apart. It ’s unobstructed, as smooth as normal running. “

Paused, Void Escaping Divine Turtle added: “But these two Space Runes can last up to three days. If you can comprehension their strength after three days, you will be truly successful.”

Tian Chen stared suspiciously at two light dots. How amazing is this thing?

However, Void Escaping Divine Turtle is known for its space ability, and Tian Chen chose to believe it.

I put two light dots in my leg. After a while, Tian Chen successfully refining it, but what made Tian Chen wondered was what it seemed like not at all.

Seeing Tian Chen suspicious’s gaze cast, Void Escaping Divine Turtle rolled his eyes and said, “Go out and try and you will know!”

Tian Chen shrugged, left Heaven and Earth Tower, withdrew Concealing Spirit Cloak and moved towards the earth.

Hidden from Tian Chen, the outside world is just a tea, Jin Ling and many Divine Court powerhouses are still facing each other in the sky, no one wants to take the lead.

Suddenly, Jin Ling and numerous Divine Court powerhouse came together with rapt attention looked towards the bottom, and when the earth shattered, Tian Chen’s figure swept out of it!

“I haven’t escaped yet, great!” Jin Ling hurriedly pulled out the dragon claw moved towards Tian Chen, for fear of being preempted by Divine Court powerhouse, and afraid that Tian Chen would disappear again.

“Fast, don’t let Dragon Sovereign succeed!” Many Divine Court powerhouses are rushing out, and Teng Yijun is the fastest!

At the foot of Tian Chen, he easily grabbed 30000 li, “Let’s play slowly!”

“Where to escape!” Jin Ling responded so swiftly, the dragon claw pressed a huge air arc, and the extreme body twisted after him.

Tian Chen glanced at Jin Ling at will, and quickly stepped out, “so close, yet worlds apart!”

In the legs, two light dots released the magical strength. At this moment, Tian Chen showed so close, yet worlds apart at every step without interruption. As Void Escaping Divine Turtle said, it was true!

Unblocked so close, yet worlds apart, Tian Chen’s fast terrifying, instantly threw Jin Ling out to 100,000 li, let alone those powerhouses at Divine Court, they can only look at their circumstances.

“He really is Tian Chen?” Teng Yijun had to stop, frowning looking towards the direction of Tian Chen’s departure. At this moment, he was very suspicious whether that person was Tian Chen!

In a short time it takes to drink one cup of tea, I can’t see it, Tian Chen’s speed is so far away from them a few streets, even the teleport can’t catch up!

Jin Ling in the heart is equally horrified, if he didn’t recognize Tian Chen’s breath, I’m afraid he would be so skeptical.

“This bastard must be using a scroll or something treasure, which makes the speed soar. I don’t believe you can keep this speed all the time!” Jin Ling gnashing teeth whispered to himself, golden glow slowly glowed on the body. !!

Suddenly, Jin Ling was wrapped by the blood glow overflowing from within the body. Once the dragon claw was closed, the extreme dragon body flew like a cannonball. The speed soared twice. I wonder!

Tian Chen’s Soul Power took this scene into his head and raised her eyebrows. Jin Ling’s speed at this moment was comparable to himself, and I don’t know what method he was using. He could promote the speed so much!

“Bull! This guy actually forcibly displayed Dragon Blood Divine Escape regardless of the consumption of blood essence! If this continues, his cultivatíon base will only be lowered!” Small Heaven is full of light, with a taste of misfortune.

“Consumption of blood essence?” Tian Chen slightly mistaken. Any blood essence within the body is limited. Once consumed, the strength must be damaged. Five-Clawed Golden Spirit Dragon actually used this method to chase itself?

However, Five-Clawed Golden Spirit Dragon is doomed to be disappointed. Although there is not much difference in speed at the moment, he cannot catch up with Tian Chen at all. After all, Tian Chen can maintain such speed for at least three days, but Jin Ling may not be!

Tian Chen’s legs are galloping fast, without any obscurity. Each step is a distance of 30000 li, and each breath takes hundreds of steps.

Gradually, Tian Chen had neglected Jin Ling’s pursuit, only that his legs gradually felt a strange feeling. It seemed that something was about to be touched by himself.

The slowly changing changes made Tian Chen in the heart move. “Is this what Void Escaping Divine Turtle calls comprehension?”

the thoughts got to this point, Tian Chen is all the more galloping, but his attention is all focused on his legs. The feeling of unclearness and unclearness is getting deeper and deeper!

Jin Ling, who was chasing in the rear, finally reluctantly stopped, and Complexion stared pale at Tian Chen. “What bastard, what treasure did you use? How can you persist for so long? He is just Divine Venerable Boundary!”

No one responded to Jin Ling. At this moment, Tian Chen had already disappeared under the influence of Jin Ling, and even unknowingly entered the state of ecstasy. In the heart, only the legs felt a wonderful feeling!

Gradually, the way Tian Chen took steps became Nether Dragon Three Transformation. The figure was extremely flexible, and the speed of his legs was surging. However, as Nether Dragon Three Transformation moved forward, Tian Chen was So close, yet worlds apart!

Unknowingly, that wonderful Nether Dragon Three Transformation figure actually started to merge with so close, yet worlds apart, and evolved into a new method!

Tian Chen’s speed is getting faster and faster. Suddenly, a sudden pain spreads throughout Tian Chen’s entire body, as if it was greatly squeezed. The Tian Chen Top Grade Heavenly Divine Artifact Level’s fleshly body can’t be supported, and it suffers in the blink of an eye. Create!

The severe pain brought Tian Chen back to his heart, and he hurriedly stopped, “Is the speed almost reaching the limit of the strength of the fleshly body?”

Small Heaven flew out, “Not only that, Master, you seem to have broken into a Deathland!”


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