Evil Demon King iron tower kind’s body is standing in the air. At this moment, Tian Chen just feels blocked by a mountain that emits a boundless breath, and the coolness rises from the soles of his feet!

Blocking Tian Chen, Evil Demon King couldn’t help but say, “hehe, little fellow, Divine Venerable Boundary can have such strength, it is very heaven defying, but in front of this Sovereign … this King is mole cricket and ants ! “

Tian Chen both eyes Yi Ning, Evil Demon King in front of his eyes clearly said ‘this Sovereign’ habitually, and then hurriedly changed his mouth. What happened?

I ca n’t wait for Tian Chen to think. Evil Demon King ’s hands are glowing with black glow, turning into thousands of thin wires. Moving towards Tian Chen, Tian Chen is afraid to take care, and so close, yet worlds apart moved towards Southern retreat!

However, the strength gap is too big, Evil Demon King does not know what method was used, even if it broke out at full speed, it was instantly caught up by the Evil Demon King’s everywhere black glow, and it was trapped instantly!

“Black Tortoise Barrier!” Tian Chen hurriedly and urged Black Tortoise Divine Ability to cover the square and thousands of miles. Within this range, those trees comparable to Divine Artifact have been turned into dust, and the ground has collapsed several times.

To Tian Chen’s surprise, Evil Demon King in the barrier was just a breath, and then returned to normal!

This scene changed the Tian Chen complexion. In the Black Tortoise Barrier that has been strengthened several times, the cultivatíon base of Evil Demon King is still invisible!

“Even Evil Demon Sovereign will be affected. He doesn’t seem to be affected by the barrier …” Tian Chen in the heart horrified, pumps shrank, and lost his voice: “You are Evil Demon Sovereign!”

Evil Demon King iron tower kind’s body was a meal, looked at Tian Chen with a bit of shock, and then returned to normal expression, coldly snorted and said: “I don’t know what you are talking about, suffer!”

Evil Demon King stepped out, and his big hand appeared on top of Tian Chen’s head. Fiercely’s moved towards Tian Chen caught it!

Tian Chen has no resistance at all. Before the big hand arrives, Tian Chen has been pressed down by boundless strength and the ground below is also collapsing!

“Amitabha!” Suddenly, Saint Monk Yuan Zhen’s voice sounded. Everywhere Buddha’s radiance rushed from the north like lightning. Instantly, Saint Monk Yuan Zhen appeared beside Tian Chen, and it was also exploded by the detective. Buddha Power When surging, Evil Demon King shakily retreating.

“Saint Monk!” Tian Chen relaxed, hurriedly pressing down the rolling qi and blood within the body.

It was truly nodded, looked towards the Evil Demon King above, and there was a hint of suspicious in his eyes. “You are within the body seal with a strong strength, much stronger than Evil Demon Sovereign. Who are you?”

The corner of Evil Demon King’s mouth was raised, and a very evil looking smile was drawn, “Bald donkey, you’re finally here!”

Tone barely fell, Saint Monk Yuan Zhen figure trembled, and a Buddha Lotus flew out of the cuff. I saw Evil Demon Sovereign being pressed in it, and it was a strange smile.

“Myriad Buddhas Suppressing Heaven and Earth!” The real eyes instantly became sharp, hands folded, and boundless Buddha Power poured into Buddha Lotus, but Buddha Lotus was not under the control of the truth at all, and was controlled by Evil Demon Sovereign. It’s broken!


Buddha Lotus is finally broken, Evil Demon Sovereign turns into a black glow, gallops out, and instantly flows into Evil Demon King within the body!

“Haha, isn’t it a good idea? I’ve concealed you Human Race countless years, now, this Sovereign is back!” Evil Demon King’s iron tower kind of body shook, and his immensely imposing atmosphere swept Heaven and Earth!

Tian Chen looked at this scene in amazement. It turned out that the Evil Demon Sovereign suppressed by Saint Monk Yuan Zhen was just a part of the real Evil Demon Sovereign!

But is Evil Demon Sovereign complete now? Tian Chen cannot be sure.

Saint Monk Yuan Zhen Buddha’s radiance surging around, opened Tian Mouth firmly and said: “Open the entrance!”

Tian Chen knew, and hurriedly communicated the Palace Lord token.

I turned my hands and took off the puppets on my body. I saw myriad Buddha’s shadow surging between Heaven and Earth, and Buddha’s radiance of dense covered the heaven and earth.

At this moment, Tian Chen was ready, and moved towards Saint Monk Yuan Zhen nodded as a gesture, the latter saw the situation, without the slightest hesitation will 袈裟 threw away, and immediately saw 袈裟 rising in the wind, turning into tens of thousands of miles extreme Like Heaven, the Heaven and Earth are shrouded in this sky.

Evil Demon Sovereign glanced up, his eyes full of disdain, “Sealing Divine Domain? How about me?”

Saint Monk Yuan Zhen expression grave, the only way he can think of right now is to bomb Evil Demon Sovereign into the Sealing Divine Domain. After all, Sealing Divine Domain is very special. Only there is the best opportunity to bomb Evil Demon Sovereign!

With this in mind, Saint Monk Yuan Zhen urged the crickets, and the bursting Buddha Power suddenly shrank, and moved towards Evil Demon Sovereign shrouded!

Evil Demon Sovereign leaned his head, arms around his chest, no worries at all, he just wrapped his eyes around him!

Tian Chen thoughts move, a light gate about one zhang tremendous emerges in front of it, which is the Channel to the Sealing Divine Domain!

袈裟 Wrapped in Evil Demon Sovereign, moved towards the light gate under the control of Saint Monk Yuan Zhen, as long as you enter the Sealing Divine Domain, things will be easy!

Seeing that the wrapped Evil Demon Sovereign was about to be sent into the light gate, unexpectedly, a fist was blasted out of the light gate, centered, and flew out together with Evil Demon Sovereign, away from the light gate!

Tian Chen and Yuan Zhen are together. Is anyone actually going against Channel strikes Evil Demon Sovereign?

In the shock of the two, the fist was closed, and a figure of sturdy stepped out of it, calmly, “Don’t be fooled, if this guy really went to the Sealing Divine Domain, then no one can clean it up!”

“Father!” When I saw the silhouette of that sturdy, Tian Chen overjoyed at unexpected good news, it was actually the Battle Emperor!

Tian Zhan moved towards Tian Chen slightly nodded, and moved towards Saint Monk Yuan Zhen, holding a cup one fist in the other hand, “long since heard Saint Monk name!”

I really looked at Tian Zhan up and down, the more I looked, the more I was shocked, and hurriedly greeted the courtesy ceremony: “Benefactor is polite. Compared with Benefactor, Old Monk is not worth mentioning.”

“Who!” Earl Demon Sovereign’s growl sounded in his ears!

Battle Emperor and Saint Monk Yuan Zhen turned around and looked at each other, only to see that 袈裟 was swelled by Evil Demon Sovereign, and it seemed that they might break open at any time.

Battle Emperor took a step, “Evil Demon Sovereign, you’ve worked hard to find the Sealing Divine Domain, didn’t you just want to get that mouth of Heaven and Earth Sacred Coffin? Unfortunately, you can’t do it!”

“Heaven and Earth Sacred Coffin?” When Tian Chen in the heart moved, I immediately thought of the situation in the center of the Burial Divinity Domain. Is there a white jade coffin just below the divine liquid lake in the center? That is Heaven and Earth Sacred Coffin in father’s mouth?

Since Evil Demon Sovereign knows that the Sealing Divine Domain has Heaven and Earth Sacred Coffin, he must know the usefulness of the coffin. It turned out that he deliberately asked Saint Monk Yuan Zhen captured to seize the opportunity to enter the Sealing Divine Domain!


Evil Demon Sovereign fist burst out and growled, “Who dares stop this Sovereign!”

Roaring, Evil Demon Sovereign looked towards Tian Zhan, and the immediate complexion changed, “It’s you!”

The other day was defeated by Tian Zhan and Tian Xu in the Evil Demon Domain. Evil Demon Sovereign had a lot of fear!

But at the light door still standing in front of Tian Chen, Evil Demon Sovereign’s eyes lit up again, coldly snorted and said: “No matter who you are, the enemy of the day, report now!”

The words did not fall, Evil Demon Sovereign had appeared in front of Tian Zhan, and the mountain-like fist fiercely blasted!

Tian Zhan right fist, the power of Celestial Divinity seemed to be controlled by him, all moved towards Evil Demon Sovereign, but at this moment, Tian Chen glimpsed that Evil Demon Sovereign within the body actually appeared Black glow, pointing at the light door!

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