In the sky, Phaseless’s figure began to shrink, and instantly turned into a ball, wrapping a grain of dust in the sky.

“It’s in the dust! Let me get it off!”


Tian Chen in the heart was surprised. I didn’t find the dust referred to by Phaseless at all. How small was it?

“Huh? Can’t move!”

Phaseless Some helpless voice sounded again.

“Find it?” Tian Wei’er with rapt attention asked, staring at Phaseless’s shrunken ball in the sky.

Tian Chen didn’t conceal, nodded and said: “I found it, but I can’t move it, it’s a bit troublesome!”

Phaseless is located at a height of 4-5 kilometer. It is impossible to fly here, everyone will not go at all, and even if you can go up, you cannot open the Great Exalted Secret Mansion!

Pause, Tian Chen said, “Great Exalted Secret Mansion is hidden in a dust, can I open it?”

Tian Wei’er laughed, “Since it is an independent space, how can it be opened? Have you heard of Breaking Void Divine Formation?”

Hearing this, everyone is overjoyed at unexpected good news, looking forward to Tian Chen. Both of them can find the Great Exalted Secret Mansion, and one can break the Great Exalted Secret Mansion. This is the best combination!

“I haven’t heard it.” Tian Chen replied very simply, then laughed, “I let Phaseless cooperate with you, and it also likes to study the formation.”

“Breaking Void Divine Formation, I know! Master, wait and see! See how we can open Secret Mansion!” Phaseless immediately became excited, and turned into a rope of liquid state, holding Tian Wei’er up into the air Up.

Tian Chen and the others look forward to looking up. If you can enter before the Great Exalted Secret Mansion opens on its own, the benefits are bound to be insignificant!

Half a day later, the sky was already bright. In the expectation of everyone, Tian Wei’er fell from the sky with a cold face, coldly snorted and said: “Leave, go home!”

When the crowd burst into the heart, Tian Chen hurriedly asked, “What’s wrong?”

Phaseless also fell, entangled in Tian Chen’s wrist, helplessly said: “This space has been sealed and cannot be opened at all!”

Tian Wei’er fiercely’s fist clenched, “There is only one possibility, that is, the Great Exalted Secret Mansion has been controlled by the Lin Family core, and it will be completely closed!”

The expression that Tian Ning and the others looked forward to became helpless in an instant, and Bai was excited all night. This feeling of loss was uncomfortable!

Tian Chen frowned, “Did you detect it, how long has this Great Exalted Secret Mansion been closed?”

“At least several years!” Phaseless helplessly said.

Hearing this, Tian Chen’s eyes flashed with playfulness, “so to speak, the Lin Family really brought us on purpose, and arranged Six Directions Great Formation here, in order to wipe us out!”

“That’s right! But human’s calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation, the Lin Family did not expect that 300,000 disciple would be destroyed here!” Tian Wei’er coldly said, obviously angry.

The taste in Tian Chen’s eyes became more dense, “Since the Lin Family wants to play big, let’s continue to be with you!”

As soon as the words came out, Tian Wei’er was all moving, “What do you mean?”

Tian Chen pointed to the sky, “Since Lin Family has already obtained it, it must not have spread the news, let us do it!”

“As long as the news of the Great Exalted Secret Mansion is about to be born, those great influences are coming, Lin Family, this Great Exalted Secret Mansion, I’m afraid I can’t keep it!” Tian Chen continued.

The cool color on Tian Wei’er’s face gradually disappeared, and it became more fun, “Well a beating somebody at their own game, then be a little harder!”

Tian Chen frowned, “What to do?”

Tian Wei’er lightly coughed, full of solemn voices immediately spread across the Tian Family, “Fast rewind! Rush back to Heavenly King City at the fastest speed, the Lin Family has sent five Elders to come to seize the Great Exalted Secret Mansion It’s not something we can touch anymore! “

The words fell, Tian Wei’er spearheaded, Tian Ning and the others hurried to keep up, and then all the Tian Family disciple were rushed out.

Suddenly, more than 100,000 people were like a torrent, and all were moved towards.

Tian Chen followed Tian Wei’er, sound transmission said: “Are you worried that there is a spy of the Lin Family? So you deliberately act?”

A smile emerged from the corner of Tian Wei’er’s mouth, “What’s more? Every great influence has almost another influence eyeliner. Among more than 100,000 people, I suspect that it contains all the details of the great influence.”

Tian Chen is dumb. The ordinary conversation in the previous conversation did not know. Tian Wei’er deliberately said that the Lin Family had Elder to come, just to escalate the upcoming competition!

I learned that the Lin Family dispatched five Elders, and the rest of the great influence must have also sent powerhouses of the same level. It was no longer possible to enter the family family such as Tian Chen.

“The Breaking Void Divine Formation arranged by your Divine Beast and I still have residues. As long as the powerhouse of each great influence arrives, we will find the Great Exalted Secret Mansion in the first place. Let’s wait for the show!” Wei Wei Hehe said with a smile, the speed suddenly accelerated.

The news spread very fast. Not only Heavenly King City, but also the other great influences, also received the news within half a day.

Lin Family, a confluence of high levels, but complexion is gloomy terrifying.

On the main seat of the hall, the sitting middle-aged man fist smashed the gold wire table on the side, and shouted angrily: “None of the disciples have returned? My Lin Family disciple, are they all pouches?”

“Patriarch is angry!” The Elders were horrified, but they didn’t know how to comfort Patriarch, after all, they were also angry in the heart, that many disciple, said that it would be gone.

Patriarch glanced across Elder, said solemnly: “The most hateful thing is that the news of the Great Exalted Secret Mansion has leaked! You know, only you who are here know the news!”

At this moment, Patriarch without the slightest doubt, the Lin Family high level in front of him, must be mixed with the other influences of influence!

Otherwise, with the strength of the Tian Family’s entry family disciple, it is impossible to find the Great Exalted Secret Mansion where the Lin Family deliberately placed there!

There is only one explanation, that is, the many Elders in front of him. There must be other spies of influence. He deliberately released the news after the Tian Family disciple arrived, and he wanted to clear the relationship!

It’s just that Lin Family Patriarch didn’t say it explicitly, because he had to find the spy secretly, and couldn’t beat the grass to scare the snake!

“That’s all, the most urgent thing is to rush as fast as possible to take back the Great Exalted Secret Mansion, otherwise, I am afraid that it will really be taken away by another influence!” Patriarch coldly snorted, stood up.

Although Lin Family has been receiving the Great Exalted Secret Mansion for a long time, there are still many places that have not been detected. After all, the methods such as the restriction and seal left by the Great Exalted powerhouse, and the concentration of the Lin Family high level strength are also difficult. Break open.

The reason for moving the Great Exalted Secret Mansion to the Purgatory Mountain Range this time was to collect the nearby Dire Beast, but to seize the opportunity to harm the Tian Family.

It is a pity that Lin Family absolutely did not expect such a result. Three more than 100,000 disciple, it was actually killed by Tian Family!

Patriarch complexion gloomy stepped out of the hall, and the rest of Elder hurried to keep up, but just after stepping out, Patriarch stopped suddenly, flashing an angry look in his eyes.

The Elders hurriedly stopped, and did not dare to breathe loudly.

“Tian Wei’er and Tian Chen, right? Find someone to keep an eye on me, as long as they leave the city and let the disciple lurking in the Tian Family, be sure to kill!” Patriarch explained, and stepped away again.

The strength that erupted in this battle between the two has left the Lin Family with a lingering fear. Such an innate talent younger generation and an enemy younger generation cannot naturally stay.

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