Myriad Paths

Chapter 144 Jin Buhuan

Qingwu City is located in the most luxurious mansion in the center of the city.

This place occupies a huge area. It is simply a city within the city of Qingwu City. It is surrounded by houses, just like a battlement. Its light candles the sky, and the viewer looks like a city. The surrounding area is like a palace for three or four miles.

Among them, the cornices and painted buildings are exquisite on all sides. Looking from a distance, there are thousands of sails, trees, and thousands of fireworks. Even the area where the servants live has a radius of five or six miles. Among them, there are many densely packed houses, and about 1,800 people live there.

In addition, it is even more spacious in other directions, covered with flowers and bamboos, and there are more than ten square ponds, which are very clear and filled with countless swimming fish. Each pond covers an area of ​​about 30 acres, and is surrounded by thousand-leaf lotus. Weeping poplars, interspersed with peaches and plums, occasionally fragrant plums, and green weeping willows, nestled among new flowers and old trees, it is still gorgeous even in winter.

Looking elsewhere, there are paths of chrysanthemums, deep stone corridors, flowing pools of water, thousands of people can sit in front of the hall, the beauty of a pool and terrace, and the glory of thousands of flowers.

The towers are set in the shadows, the vermillion is fresh, and when you enter the portal, the pond is like a mirror, the pavilions are staggered, and the green locust trees line the roads, making you feel like you are in the pavilions of a thousand-mile fairy mountain.

And here is Jin Buhuan's mansion.

His father, the Green Mountain God, was a white tiger conceived on the Green Mountain.

The white tiger is not a wild tiger, but a natural alien species similar to the jade rabbit and the golden crow. It is a killing spirit transformed from the golden energy.

In addition to killing, the white tiger also has the ability to gather wealth.

As the saying goes, the white tiger holds the power and gets its power. If he sits down with the official seal of wealth, he wants the sun master to be entrusted with the entrustment and anger, or if the official is prosperous, it will be helpful. If the official is not seen, he will be noble if he uses the official, and he will be rich if he uses the wealth.

The poem says: The white tiger holds the Yin and Mao of the world and is strong. If he comes to the village of Weixu in Siwu, he will meet many riches and nobles in the four fields, and he will surely become a pillar of the imperial capital.

Because the white tiger belongs to gold, and gold itself is a thing of wealth.

These can probably summarize the general appearance of the Green Mountain Mountain God.

Indifferent, murderous, and very rich.

Jin Buhuan, who inherited his father's wealthy traits, was standing in the hall at the moment.

In front of him, hung a huge Kanyu map, which seemed to be a map of the entire Green Mountain Kingdom.

From this picture, the land of Green Mountain Country is shaped like a dumbbell, with wide areas on the south and north sides, but the passage in the middle is extremely narrow.

The middle is the hub connecting the north and the south, and it is also a whole mountain range.

There is no doubt that the link between the north and the south is Green Mountain.

Qingwu City is about two thousand miles away from Green Mountain and is the transportation hub of the entire Green Mountain Kingdom.

Jin Buhuan stood in front of this huge and embarrassing map with his hands behind his back and a gloomy expression, listening to the intelligence personnel behind him constantly telling him the information he had collected.

After listening, he turned around and knocked on the table: "So, except for his address, you didn't find out any information?"

Although his tone was very calm, the servant behind him immediately knelt down and lowered his head: "Back to the master, there is one thing that has not yet been reported! It is... that Li Qi, and he also raises a dragon colt. According to the man who looks at the horse, See, this horse looks like a dragon."

Jin Buhuan smacked his lips and was a little dissatisfied: "The posture of transforming into a dragon? Tsk, there are all kinds of good things, those that can resist divination... those that can prevent curse killing, and such good horses, but he abandoned them like worn-out shoes. , only feed it with ordinary food, and have not found any exercises for it? "

"Yes... the horse physiognomist also sighed with regret at that time. If he had cultivated it well before, this dragon colt would definitely be able to transform into a dragon. The ninth grade is a sure thing, and the eighth grade is not hopeless." The servant lowered his head and said.

The scene was silent for a moment.

Jin Buhuan fell into deep thought, while the servants below put their foreheads to the ground, trembling.

At this moment, this noble young master did not look erratic at all, but instead had the depth and majesty of a superior person.

After a while, he waved his hand: "Okay, you go down."

The people below stood up quickly as if they were being pardoned, put their hands on their knees, bent over, lowered their heads, and slowly backed out of the door.

Jin Buhuan stood up and began to pace around the room, walking back and forth.

At this time, the maid outside came in.

She still looks that cold, extremely beautiful, with a jade flute hanging around her waist, and has an outstanding temperament, but she is very unobtrusive.

Yes, it's really unobtrusive. If she didn't speak or move, most people would subconsciously ignore her existence.

However, now she took the initiative to speak, and said with a slightly puzzled expression: "Master, since you are so afraid... then, why not strike first?"

As she spoke, she made a gesture of slashing down with her hands.

Jin Buhuan quickly returned to his previous frivolous and arrogant appearance as the second generation ancestor. He opened the folding fan and said, "Strike first? Haha, that's not in line with my ways."

The maid frowned, her eyebrows full of doubts.

"What? I'm looking down on you." He swayed his folding fan and lay down on the lounge chair.

"There is a saying about the sage of humanity, and there is also a thief's way. It is the so-called thief's way: guessing what treasures are at the destination is the sage of thief; being the first to enter and fight is the bravery of thief; being the last one to leave the palace behind is the righteousness of thief; what do you know? It is the wisdom of a thief to strike where he can and not where he can; to divide the spoils evenly afterward is the kindness of a thief."

"Even if you are a thief, you must follow the way of a thief. You must be saintly, courageous, righteous, wise, and benevolent. If you are not prepared for these five things, you cannot become a big thief, you can only become a little thief. Thieves also have a way, so why not not have a way? Evil? As the second generation ancestor, don’t I have my own way?”

The maid was very interested. She covered her lips with one hand and her eyes were bright. She was a little curious about the meaning of "what is suitable without being evil".

She knew this meant, 'Where can there be no way? ’

But he didn't know how the young master, who had always been so articulate, was going to explain himself as the second generation ancestor.

Because it sounds funny.

Seeing the maid's appearance, Jin Buhuan laughed, and then explained: "Haha, you don't understand this, right? Tao is a criterion, a rule. Tao is between heaven and earth, and it is the law for the operation of all things. Tao is in the human body, That’s what people need to follow.”

"If all things in the world move in accordance with the Dao, then the heaven and earth can operate stably without chaos. Only if people act in accordance with the Dao will they not fall into chaos and chaos."

"As a second-generation ancestor, of course I can't deviate from this rule."

"Being able to convince my father that I can inherit their property without any worries is the sage of the second generation ancestor."

"In order to protect one's property inheritance rights, when threats arise, they are not afraid of the consequences and decisively kill them. This is the courage of the second generation ancestor."

"It is the duty of a second-generation ancestor to fulfill his responsibilities as a second-generation ancestor and protect the property that he will inherit in the future."

"It is the wisdom of the second generation to understand what threatens one's inherited property and what can increase the chance of inheriting one's father's property."

"It is the benevolence of the second generation ancestor to plan rationally and treat the property you inherit, not to waste it carelessly, but to use it in an organized manner."

"The 'Holy Brave, Righteous, Intelligent and Benevolent' second-generation ancestor only needs to fulfill these five points to be considered a qualified second-generation ancestor. He will definitely be able to inherit the property of his father's generation, and there will be no accidents."

Having said this, he lay on the chair and sighed: "If these five points cannot be achieved, then the status of the second generation ancestor will only bring disaster."

"If you don't have a sage, you will be abandoned by your parents and family and lose your identity."

"If you don't have courage, you are indecisive, and sooner or later you will be eliminated in the competition."

"If there is no meaning, then there is no general idea. If you don't know what you should stick to as the second generation ancestor, you will definitely lose the big for the small in the end."

"If you don't have wisdom, don't know your enemies and friends, and don't know the importance, you will definitely do things that harm yourself and benefit others."

"Without benevolence, the inherited property will soon be dissipated and turned into nothing but a dream."

He sat up from the recliner and looked up at the sky: "Aren't my two brothers just because they didn't follow the ways of the second generation ancestors, so they were overtaken by me? Now I am the liaison between Green Mountain and Qingwu City , but they can only stay at home and serve as guards of the gold mine. "

"You see, I usually have fun and play, but my play has never violated the above five rules? It is precisely because I remember to follow the way of the second ancestor that I can sit firmly in this position. The Qingwu Sect Master of the seventh rank also wants to treat me The courtesy is great, and the eighth-grade monk is willing to be of use to me."

"This is the benefit of following the Tao." Jin Buhuan said with a smile.

When the maid heard this, she put away her previous expression and turned to look at her young master seriously, her expression a little surprised, as if she knew him for the first time.

"I'll analyze it with you again, just listen." After Jin Buhuan sat up from the recliner, facing the vast yard outside, he said calmly: "There is absolutely no need for me to conflict with Li Qiqi, is there? "

"First, he is not a threat to me inheriting the family business. If we don't conflict, he and I will most likely be passers-by. If I provoke him out of anger, it will be unnecessary to make enemies. My two brothers were given the opportunity to make enemies blindly, but they couldn’t distinguish between friends and foes, and they couldn’t figure out the importance. This is called ignorance. "

"Secondly, he is also a person with a background. A small conflict with him has already seriously injured Mr. Yan. The treatment alone cost three days of Qingwu City's tax revenue. How many three days a year? Do you really want to kill him? Although he is relieved, what will happen to my property? What will the dead servant say? This is not caring about property, which is called being unkind."

"How could I, a typical second-generation ancestor, do such a heartless and unwise thing?"

"So, not only will I not make enemies with him, I will also have people come to pay compensation and let this matter be revealed like this. It is best if nothing happens and he ends up here." Jin Buhuan said.

The maid nodded, indicating that she understood, but then she asked doubtfully: "I see, but why did the young master say so much today? You should just do it normally."

Hearing the words, Jin Buhuan laughed to the sky, lay down on the rocking chair again, swayed his body, took the maid in his arms, and said with a smile: "Haha, I have said so many things to you today, this is 'Holy'!"


Just after Jin Buhuan had promulgated his obscenity for several hours during the day.

The maid finished cleaning herself, tidying up her clothes, then quietly left, returned to her room, and closed the door.

After confirming that it was closed, she made a seal in her hand and muttered silently, until the entire room was sealed by the spell, and even if she looked inside, she could only see nothing.

Then, she took off her clothes and put on another one. When her clothes were all white, she offered the beans, then she knelt down and sat on the spot, banging on the bronze structure and singing "Western Hao".

If Li Qi were here, he would be able to see that this is a set of sacrificial rituals, and the object of the sacrificial offering should be the spirit of the golden element or the god of the west.

However, this set of etiquette is too humble and does not seem to be used for serious blessings.

Although orthodox Zhu people like him will distinguish between superior and inferior, the etiquette will not humiliate themselves too much. As a person who is 'positioned in heaven and earth, worshiping all the gods', Zhu naturally has his own dignity and status, even if he is paying homage to A great god whose status far exceeds his own will only treat him with admiration, not humility.

But no matter what, after a set of procedures, the ceremony is completed.

The Western God here, the spirit of the Golden Element, is naturally the Green Mountain God who is a white tiger.

Rituals are a means of communication.

But the gap between this ritual and the orthodox ritual used by Li Qi at Wushen Mountain was so great that it was impossible to construct the kind of chaotic space Li Qi had to accommodate the will of the gods.

It's just that the shadow of the Green Mountain God appeared on the altar, allowing temporary dialogue.

But looking at the phantom, there was a great god with the head of a tiger and the body of a man, wearing a brocade robe. He looked elegant and easy-going, but he had sharp teeth in his mouth, which was a bit scary.

His eyes were slightly narrowed, his gaze was calm and penetrating, even if it was just a shadow, it gave people a great sense of oppression.

Xuying pondered for a while and said to the maid: "Well... is it time for the routine report? Tell me what he has done recently."

The maid promised, and then began to tell Jin Buhuan's recent situation.

First, there is the business he has arranged recently, the fun he has had, the luxury goods he has purchased, and the gambling he has participated in.

Then there are the gains and consequences.

Then he talked about the conflict with Li Qi and how to deal with it afterwards.

After that, she relayed Jin Buhuan's 'The Way of the Second Ancestor' word for word.

Finally, the maid said: "The young master finally said that the reason why he said so much today is that he is called 'holy'. Lord, what does this mean...?"

After hearing this, the Green Mountain Mountain God first smiled and nodded. Then when he heard the maid's question, he chuckled and asked, "What does he mean by holy?"

"It is a second-generation ancestor who can make his father believe that he can inherit their property without worries." The maid repeated the original words.

Green Mountain God responded: "Look, he is conveying these things to me through your mouth. Isn't he trying to persuade me to believe that he can become a qualified successor? This is his 'sage' ah."

The maid understood and stopped talking.

But at this time, the mountain god sighed: "However, his murderous intention has not stopped."

The maid didn't know, but he could hear what his son meant.

Normally he wouldn't boast about himself like this, but now he said it just to make himself take it more seriously.

After receiving attention, he had more resources to kill the passing traveler.

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