Myriad Paths

Chapter 196 Summoning

Although he wanted to run, Li Qi did not try to use the Qi of the sun, moon and stars given by his teacher.

Because he knew very well that the reaction speed of the seventh-grade was much faster than his.

At the moment he was about to activate it, it was enough for Monk Chanzhi to kill him a thousand times.

The reason why he was able to escape from the Green Mountain God last time was because the Green Mountain God was two thousand miles away from Li Qi, and he was absent-minded and hit him casually.

If the other party deliberately wanted to kill Li Qi, Li Qi would not even be able to react, let alone be prepared.

Therefore, activating Qi in front of him was suicide.

Still have to think of other ways.

Monk Chanzhi began to retreat and experiment with the method.

Li Qi fell asleep.

The direction of his bed played a role secretly.

The soul is not like the Yin God or the golden body of the gods. The Yin God and the golden body are extremely condensed, with extremely conspicuous energy protection, which can be easily detected.

The soul is so fragile that it can be severely damaged by the wind, and it will dissipate on the spot when exposed to the sun. Even the little bit of yang energy and breath emitted by ordinary living people can force the soul to stay away, otherwise it will be burned.

Flirtatious, fragile, and almost without any resistance, this is the body of the soul.

However, such fragility also brings a characteristic.

But the souls of most people are almost undetectable, and will not even have any impact on the world. Except for the ghost messengers and those who specialize in practicing similar exercises, they can't be found at all.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that Li Qi dared to let his soul leave his body, because the soul of a single person is almost impossible to be detected. Most of the things that can be detected are the appearance of a large number of ghosts gathered together in graves and battlefields.

Li Qi started his spiritual journey.

As soon as his soul left his body, he felt a huge suction rushing towards him!

Li Qi was very familiar with this suction, and he had faced it before.

When he was still in Dalu Kingdom, he risked his life to kill several Tang soldiers. He almost died that time. That time, he felt such a suction force coming towards him.

This is the suction force of reincarnation!

It is spread across all worlds and fills the endless universe. All the dead must obey the attraction force of reincarnation.

The last time Li Qi was able to resist it, he relied on Shen Shuibi's pure body to protect him, and he was still using medical skills to keep him alive, so he was able to survive.

And now, Li Qi is not prepared to resist this suction force at all.

This suction force is so huge that... the blockade of the five-level pagoda of Chanzhi Monk can't lock it at all.

Although the seventh grade is like a god or demon, it is still too much to think about resisting the suction force of reincarnation so easily.

So, Li Qi's soul was dragged out of this pagoda.

But when it was dragged halfway.

Li Qi saw the outside world.

This five-level pagoda is rooted outside the domain. When he came here, he was directly sent here through a thin vascular tube whose principle he didn't know.

The pagoda around Guangyang City should be just a projection.

Li Qi came to the outer domain, and there was still a suction force pulling him.

Moreover, the surrounding scene was no longer as spectacular as before.

The previous spectacular scene seemed to be seen in the blood vessels, where there was a kind of existence that could transcend light and transmit information, allowing Li Qi to feel it through the true knowing rhyme, so he saw those magnificent scenes.

Now Li Qi came to the outer domain alone.

And the real outer domain...

There is only loneliness.

Without light, he can't see anything in front of him.

Not only can he not see, but he can't hear any sound. There is nothingness around him. Except for the most basic sense of touch that can feel the endless cold, all other senses seem to be invalid.

But that is not invalid, but there is really nothing around.

No light, no sound, no temperature.

As long as he stretched out his hand, he was groping in the endless darkness, and he couldn't feel anything at all, as if even the sense of touch had disappeared. Only when his fingers touched each other could he feel his existence.

This is the real outer domain.

A void.

Empty world.

It is a dead place from beginning to end.

Even the nearest material and world are far away from him.

The magnificence of the outside world needs to be viewed from a truly grand perspective.

If you come to this outside world from the perspective of an ant, you can only spend your whole life in the endless nothingness, and you can't get out of even a little distance in your whole life.

This reminds Li Qi of the unit of "light year".

This distance only makes people despair, and there is no desire to challenge at all.

However, Li Qi does not believe that Monk Chanzhi can really get away from the world far away, he does not have that ability.

Therefore, although he is some distance away from the world, it is definitely not such a desperate distance.

But at this moment, Li Qi silently activated the traces of incense in his body.

These are the incense condensed by those mortals who worship and thank him, build temples for him, and pray for him devoutly.

Li Qi never thought that these things were useful before, because he had no use for them. As long as he did not follow the path of Taoism, the smell of incense was basically useless.

It is not enough to have "qi". Everything in the world is composed of "qi". Countless qi were mixed in the past and became matter and various strange things. Using qi, you can change the world, just like fire can burn. Likewise, this is the foundation of 'skill'.

But gas has many uses, such as water gas. Pure water gas is not water. From Li Qi's understanding, the oxygen element is not oxygen. Although oxygen is composed of oxygen elements, oxygen is a substance, and oxygen is an element.

The same is true for Qi. Qi is only the basic element that makes up the world, not the substance itself. How to use different Qi and mix it into the Qi you want that can play a specific role is the 'skill'.

Let’s take the example of water vapor again. When water vapor combines with mountain air, it becomes cloud air. When combined with earth air, it can produce Ze Qi. It can even combine with fire air. The blending of water air and fire air can produce ‘life’.

The ability to combine these qi and even create incredible effects, which can achieve extremely miraculous effects, is Dharma. The two are usually indistinguishable and are called "spells".

Therefore, there are endless types of qi, but practitioners generally collect only the kind of qi they need according to their own methods.

The smell of incense is completely useless to Li Qi. If it stays in the body, it will even hinder the normal operation of the human body, just like there are too many debris piles.

However, incense is a great tonic for Shinto monks, and it is something they can only seek.

Sometimes, the energy you need is like a discarded shoe to others, and the energy you don't want is regarded as a treasure by others. It all depends on the technique used.

But things always change.

Just like now.

Li Qi activated the incense and used the Shinto method, but saw that the incense covered his soul.

One hundred thousand people expressed gratitude and paid homage to him, which was already more than all the followers of many ninth-grade mountain gods combined.

At this moment, the luck of the Shinto method is even more immediate.

But he saw strange phenomena emerging around him.

Behind you spread out the golden mountain with clouds and waves, and at your feet rises the glazed pavilion and the majestic throne, with a calm and at ease body.

The surroundings are covered with runes and rituals.

The divine light lights the candle, like the sun of the day.

The auspicious wind fills the cave, like mist reflecting the moon.

The crown is solemn, like a pair of shining lights catching flames.

Li Qi himself became a little light in this endless void.

However, when the light extended out, it was like a drop of water entering the sea, without causing any ripples in the dark and boundless void.

This little light is insignificant.

However, light creates a ‘connection’.

Li Qi could feel that someone was worshiping and praying to him somewhere.

Some were praying to Li Qi for blessing, just like worshiping gods.

And some are praying for Li Qi, hoping that he is safe...

Even Li Qi didn't even know these people. These were not among the 100,000 people. They were people from a long time ago. Li Qi himself couldn't remember where he helped people.

how to say.

Li Qi's mood was a little complicated for a while.

Although he has never asked for anything in return, this feeling is indeed very subtle.

It's not the kind of respectful gratitude, the kind that he has seen too many times, and he has done so many things, and there are always many people expressing gratitude in person.

But after the incident was over, it was really a different feeling to feel the silent prayers of these people again in a place far, far away.

It's like...

You donated some money on your mobile phone to help a junior high school kid in a rural mountain village pay his high school tuition.

Then you forget about it.

Wait until seven or eight years later, and suddenly a stranger knocks on your door and comes to thank you.

This feeling……


But it's not bad.

But those are not important.

The important thing is that through these prayers, Li Qi can clearly feel the location of the 'world'.

To be precise, it is the position of these praying people, and they are naturally in the world.

However, besides these prayers, Li Qi also felt another call.

Not to indicate a location, but to call.

The art of divine presence!

Li Qi frowned, feeling uneasy in his heart.

The art of divine presence is actually to summon the gods.

Generally speaking, only the favorite believer of the god has the method to summon the corresponding god, which can separate some of the distractions and then teleport them to the corresponding location.

This is considered one of the basic techniques of Shinto, just like the Zama Step of martial arts, it is considered a basic skill.

However, the problem is that Li Qi is not a spiritual practitioner.

In other words, this person who performs the art of divine presence does not have the honorable name of the god, no temple, and no other things used to locate the god.

In this case, who can summon him and arrange the corresponding divine presence formation?

This is equivalent to Li Qi just registering a phone number. This number is his honorable name and position as a god. He has not told anyone, and no one knows the existence of this number.

But at this time, a stranger called.

Guess the number?

Or is it that someone had already expected that Li Qi would use Shinto methods to shape a golden body and turn himself into a temporary god at this time? So you made preparations?

Li Qi felt a little hesitant. He didn't know what the purpose of the visitor was.

But he felt it.

The person who summoned his divine presence is... in the world.

The other party is in the world. As long as you accept it, your distraction can immediately come to that place, which is equivalent to getting out of trouble directly.

Even better, this way your main soul can return to your body and continue to do hard work for Zen Zhi, comforting him so that he doesn't find out that he ran away!

"You can give it a try. The person who summons me now must have a relationship with me. No matter whether it is good or bad, it is better than being locked up with Zen Zhi monk." Li Qi made up his mind and was ready to accept this divine presence.

In any case, it is better than being stuck with Zen Zhi Monk.

Moreover, Li Qi always had a backup plan that was useless, which was the four strands of Qi given by Mr. Zhu. Although one strand had been used up, there were still three strands left.

However, Li Qi was not prepared to use it unless it was absolutely necessary.

It's not the 'last resort' yet.

Li Qi has never really put his life in extreme danger. As he once said, he has always been a person who cherishes his life. Not only is he absolutely sure of everything, but he must be at least 50% sure before he can take action.

Thinking like this, Li Qi chose to return to the body while distractedly responding to the arrival of God.

The main soul goes back to hide in the body, while the distracted spirit is summoned.

He didn't know how much distance he had covered, but in the blink of an eye, Li Qi's distraction disappeared and came to the world.

Although his soul was separated, Li Qi didn't feel any pain.

Distraction is not a real tear, so it is not painful.


"This feeling... is so weird." Li Qi felt a little awkward as he experienced the two perspectives.

It's like having two bodies and having to control both at the same time.

Two different perspectives, two different sets of senses, and two completely different bodies.

Those gods who have taken on millions of incarnations, do they see the world like this?

Are they experiencing billions of perspectives at any time, controlling billions of bodies, talking to billions of people at the same time, and answering their prayers?

For such gods, how many people would pray for their presence?

For example, the Niu Li Technique that I often used before, how many people can use the Niu Li Technique on that local ox?

Fortunately, it's okay now.

Li Qi couldn't control the two bodies, nor could he get used to the two pictures appearing in front of him. He would even confuse the two bodies, so he simply gave up controlling the main body and let the main body sleep peacefully.

Although it can't be regarded as sleeping, it can only be regarded as lying on the bed, because the consciousness is still awake.

At the same time, he focused all his energy and attention on the distraction.

Then the distraction ended and he opened his eyes.

Then, he saw Shen Shuibi.

He is in a formation.

"Ah?" Li Qi was stunned.

What's a rabbit?

However, when Shen Shuibi saw Li Qi, her tense nerves relaxed.

It can be seen that her whole body exudes an aura of joy.

She took three steps and two steps at a time and ran over, as if she wanted to pounce on him, but immediately realized something, stopped in front of Li Qi, regained her composure, and slowed down.

"You...! Where did you run away?" She walked over slowly, her tone was excited at first, but then she pretended to be calm.

"Uh, Miss Shen, how did you find my honorable name? No, how did you know that I would use Shinto methods to try to escape?" Li Qi asked, puzzled.

Shen Shuibi was a little happy at first, but when she heard that the first thing Li Qi said was a question, she immediately turned around, turned her back to Li Qi, and said angrily: "How do I know? Of course I don't know. ”

"Don't know?" Li Qi was stunned.

Then, he noticed the formation disk under his feet.

Thousands of different spells are engraved on it.

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