Myriad Paths

Chapter 369 Dilemma

Visions and phantom limbs are hard to describe how Li Qi felt at this moment.

Similar to... another strange disease he had heard about before, the "Anton blindness" he had heard about in another world.

For people who have this disease, the visual field area in their brains has generally been completely destroyed, and they have basically lost all vision and become completely blind.

However, another area of ​​their brains that processes visual information is not damaged. They still feel that everything is normal here, and then they process visual information as usual.

He obviously couldn't see, but his brain didn't realize it. He still felt that he could see, and in fact, he could 'really' see, but what they saw didn't match reality.

This kind of patient is actually blind, but feels that he is pretty capable and can see.

Li Qi did indeed see things, because the things people usually see are scenes processed by the brain, not real scenes.

The brain helps people to block and correct blind spots, retinal inversions, and many things that cannot be seen clearly or blurred areas outside of focus. Only then can we have the 'normal vision' that people see, or corrected. vision.

People are originally seeing ‘corrected vision’.

The only difference is that in the previous correction field of view, the eyes collected the external situation, then transmitted it to the correction area, then corrected it, and finally passed it to the visual area to get what the person saw.

For patients with Anton's blindness, their eyes are no longer able to collect external conditions, but the correction areas of the brain are still working. They will work without any input from the outside world, producing a bunch of visions that are not there. Maintain the illusion of 'still visible'.

As far as the brain is concerned, there is no difference. The brain is only processing the information from the correction area from beginning to end. The brain cannot realize whether the information is real external information or a bunch of miscellaneous information.

This is where Anton's blindness comes from.

Li Qi felt that his current situation was a bit like this, although he could survive without a brain now.

However, what he suffers from is not Anton's blindness, but Anton's sensory disorder.

Just after his own five aggregates were broken by those demonic blood——

He lost all perception of the outside world.

It turns out that his senses can only draw information from the five aggregates from beginning to end, just like a mortal brain can only read information from the correction area to form vision.

His senses cannot skip the five aggregates to perceive the outside world. They were not designed for this purpose from the beginning. They are only responsible for reading the five aggregates.

After the demonic blood pressure of the five aggregates controlled the five aggregates, Li Qi completely lost all perception and sank into a layer of hallucinations that were not hallucinations.

What is an illusion that is not an illusion?

It's like Anton's blindness.

He can't see, but when he thinks he can see, the messy information from the outside world forms everything he sees, but none of this information is consistent with the real world.

He couldn't hear either, but he thought he could hear it, and there was really a sound coming from his ears.

Even his senses of touch, taste, all of them have failed, and they are still functioning randomly.

It is already very difficult for Li Qiguang to stand up, because people need the touch of the soles of their feet to maintain balance and the cochlea in their hearing to sense the level of gravity so that they can stand up and walk.

But now, his cochlea failed, and he felt like his whole body was spinning, as if he was in a drum washing machine that was running randomly, and he could not rest for a moment.

There were constant reincarnation-like hallucinations in front of him, making it difficult for him to distinguish them, and he couldn't even close his eyes because he was blind.

Countless voices came towards him, and he couldn't tell which words were his real hearing and which words were made up in his mind.

The skin all over the body is being touched, caressed, torn, and bitten almost every moment. These are all illusions caused by messy information.

The sense of touch was completely disabled, which caused chaos not only on the external skin, but also on his intestines and stomach.

How does the intestines and stomach work? First of all, the skin in the intestines and stomach also has a sensitive sense of touch. After sensing the arrival of food, these intestines and stomachs will start to function. But now, all the skin and all epithelial tissues are disordered, which caused Li Qi's entire body to feel wrong. His stomach was alternately full, hungry, and queasy.

His sense of smell felt different smells every moment, stench, fragrance, a weird smell that he didn't know how to describe, and it changed every minute.

Including the entire five senses, none of these feelings were hallucinations, but they plunged Li Qi into a confusion that was more terrifying than any hallucination.

He couldn't control himself. He didn't know where he was, whether he was standing or lying down, whether he was seeing light or dark, and he didn't even know where his hands were.

Under normal circumstances, people have to use touch and vision to judge where their hands are, but now Li Qi can't figure out what kind of posture he is in. He can't control his muscles, because any behavior that tries to control muscles will cause... I don’t know what the feedback is.

He wanted to raise his hand, and then there was a feeling of being blocked in his arm, but the feeling of being blocked disappeared again the next second.

How do people judge whether they have touched something? Did the sudden burning sensation on my hand touch fire, or was it an hallucination? Are you lying on the bed or floating in the air?

Can't tell clearly, everything can't be distinguished clearly.

The whole world has become false.

Li Qi was stuck in this quagmire of illusion, struggling in severe pain.

Of course, such a struggle actually requires a great deal of calmness.

The maggot's twisting before death was also a struggle, but it was of no use. What Li Qi did was a struggle to survive, for which he had to calm down.

First, he decisively cut off control of his body to prevent all hallucinations from causing him to behave strangely.

After cutting off body control, he relied entirely on muscle memory to straighten all the muscles in his body without relying on any senses, maintaining a straight posture, so that at least he would not appear in a too dangerous posture.

But even so, Li Qi didn't know what his situation was now.

His 'heart', or in other words, the center of all his thoughts and activities, whether it is called the soul or the true spirit, in short, his spiritual entity has completely lost its perception of the outside world.

His spiritual entity is completely disconnected from his physical entity.

What originally connects the two is the five aggregates. The five aggregates are the connection point between the mind and the physical body. The mind understands the physical body through the five aggregates, and the physical body receives coordination through the five aggregates, thus forming a person.

Of course, only Buddhism thinks so. Other paths do not recognize the five aggregates. Although they also admit a certain connection, they all have their own opinions.

Different interpretations of phenomena and using one's own theories to explain the world are also a feature of different paths.

No one is right or wrong. Before the ultimate road is revealed, everything is unknown. Each road only encompasses the world in its own way.

But no matter what, the current Li Qi has indeed been suppressed by the demonic blood of the five aggregates, which is enough to prove that the theory of the five aggregates is not empty talk, but has a solid foundation.

However, although this caused Li Qi great pain and even suffered endless torture, he had not failed yet.

Yes, he didn't give up.

In the endless hallucinations, he completely lost his sense of time. The lack of time cognition made him completely confused about everything.

Under this torture and desperate situation, Li Qi sighed.

To be honest, he didn't know whether he sighed physically or not, but he really sighed mentally.

He struggled for a long time, and in this desperate situation, he came up with many ways to find a way to survive.

Initially, he tried to use his own heartbeat or pulse to measure time and maintain a basic sense of time. The sense of time is the rule for people to do things. It is with the sense of time that the perception of speed can be developed, which can then be extended to other criteria for judging movement.

Without the sense of time, people will further lose their ability to move.

But Li Qi failed. Not to mention his pulse, his sense of touch was completely disordered, and Li Qi also found that the heartbeat he felt was completely disordered.

With the five aggregates sealed, he couldn't even feel his own heartbeat.

His heart was like a king imprisoned on the throne. The king was desperately writing documents, issuing orders, and sending these orders to every place in the kingdom.

But no reply will be given, and there will be no response. The king does not even know whether the order has taken effect. He does not know what happened in those places. Do those kingdoms really still belong to him?

In fact, of course it does. It can be seen from the twitching of Li Qi's body from time to time that the order is taking effect, but the reply from the body to the soul is gone. The two sides are separated, causing Li Qi to suffer this kind of torture.

Li Qi had to use the clumsiest method to keep time, which was to divert part of his attention and start counting.

But this was almost useless. It could only be said to be better than nothing, because he soon discovered that his counting behavior must also be based on the sense of time. Without the guidance of the sense of time, he would count faster and slower, which was completely offset. To achieve the goal of timing.

But he is still counting, even if it is useless, at least it can help him keep his mind clear.

This kind of behavior is still useful, but Li Qi doesn't know it.

It was his attempt to stay awake that allowed his physical body to retain its instincts.

This kind of instinct and muscle memory allows Li Qi's physical body to respond to external stimuli. Although he looks like a fool, at least he will move when being helped to walk, and when he is placed on a chair, he will move. The physical body will sit down on its own.

When asked, although I can't say anything logically, I can always come up with a few words, although they are random and difficult to understand.

Again, like a fool.

After a failed attempt to gain a sense of time, Li Qi was forced to endure another level of torture.

He didn't know how long he had been in a daze.

It's possible that it was just a daze, but a long time passed. It's also possible that it felt like a long time, but in fact it was just a moment.

This is a deeper torture for the mind, and even what he wants to do will be greatly disturbed.

If he were an ordinary person, he would be dead by now.

Fortunately, Li Qi was already at level 7, and his physical body was not that fragile. Even if he didn't eat, drink or sleep, he could still be alive and kicking for at least a hundred years.

This led him to take a second action.

He tried to reconstruct his senses in ways other than the five aggregates.

All kidding aside, it's very, very difficult.

Li Qi didn't understand anything beyond the five aggregates, and he didn't realize this until he tried it.

It turns out that the entire world is projected onto the five aggregates, and his mind knows nothing except the five aggregates.

Just like the king mentioned before, this king has never been to the land he rules. He just reads reports one after another and then issues orders one after another.

The king never leaves the throne. Wuyun, a loyal minister, will continuously send a steady stream of reliable reports to the king, so that the king can know the situation of the entire kingdom without leaving the throne.

From the beginning to the end, his mind has only been exposed to the five aggregates. Now that it is separated from the five aggregates, it is too difficult for him to rebuild his senses.

But Li Qi still found a breakthrough.

In addition to Wuyun, the court minister, this king also has another spy who helps him find out about external things.

That is to really know rhyme.

Zhenzhiyun is Li Qi's sixth sense. He has said this many times before. Every time he uses Zhenzhiyun, he feels like a blind man suddenly grows eyes and a deaf man suddenly grows ears. Looking at the world from a new, weird, indescribable perspective, one can gain extraordinary powers of observation, and the things observed through this organ will be firmly imprinted in the mind and difficult to forget.

This is a benefit, it allows Li Qi to remember many things.

It is also a disadvantage. This level of information flow impact almost killed Li Qi several times. Fortunately, he has a good brain and can hold on. Now he is used to this kind of impact.

In other words, Li Qi wanted to know whether the rhyme has passed through the five aggregates?

After trying for an unknown amount of time, he discovered to his dismay that the information collected by Zhen Zhi Yun had to be analyzed and disassembled through the five aggregates before it could finally be perceived by the mind.

It's not all bad news though.

There is good news, that is, he really knows that the rhyme is not his senses. He really knows that the rhyme is still taking effect. The massive flow of information is still pouring into his head, but he can't understand it without the analysis of the five aggregates.

This means one thing.

Unlike the other five senses that have been fixed on the five aggregates, the true knowing rhyme can be manipulated. He can manipulate the true knowing rhyme and then directly connect the true knowing rhyme to his mind.

Without going through the five aggregates, you can directly experience the world through the rhyme of true knowledge.

Li Qi didn't know what the consequences would be, nor whether his mind could bear it.

But this may be his only way to get out of trouble. After all, it is impossible for him to suppress the five evil blood.

Failing that, he would try another plan.

Take out your mind completely, abandon this body, and activate the demonic avatar to carry your mind.

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