Myriad Paths

Chapter 992: Destroying the City of Dreams

The Dream City, in a sense, is a special enjoyment.

Here, you can taste the endless desires of all living beings.

Intense pain, indulgent intoxication, the bloody smoke from thousands of gallows and the food dipped in human blood below.

Spasms of joy, endless greed, countless pairs of shoes stepping on the dust of many worlds rushed here, all for the realization of dreams.

The shoes of murderers, the shoes of usurers, the shoes of praying, the shoes of hard workers, millions of different people stepped on different shoes and walked in.

This is a group of people whipped by fear and joy, emitting warm and rotten stench, inhaling happiness and ecstasy, squeezing the remaining strength in their bones, and then spitting it out from their mouths.

They planned wars one after another, cultivated unspeakable creations, and fanatically decorated the brightly lit city, seeking flowers and asking for willows, indulging in joy, and being drunk.

They rose again from the outside with hope, and sank into the city again as zombies.

The crystal clear, brightly lit city is where they live. Here, there is no day or night, no gender, no old or young, and everyone is classified as one.

Everyone's sins, everyone's joy, everyone's murder, everyone's joy, are like a drama, like a rotating sun.

Such a place can brew the most intense emotions. There are countless young people who spend their youth here. Young men and young girls come here like garbage.

The skyscrapers at night are full of buildings and traffic. Even at night, the crowds have not decreased at all, and they are still bustling and running around.

This is a city that never sleeps. Under the brilliant lights, there is no difference between day and night. Work will never stop. The city will not rest, but it is precisely because of this that the city is a city.

Countless people are like ants, attracted to this city by sugar balls, struggling to earn things that seem a lot to them, but are actually not worth mentioning, and paying for their youth, vitality, and health, and then jointly forge this glorious city.

Then, another group of people came.

They want to destroy this city.

The war began.

Another war.

And it ended very quickly. Even if a third-grade demon appeared, Li Qi would immediately project his Dharma body over. So if the second-grade demon didn't take action, the demon had no way to stop it.

But... this time, there was a little change.

The battle was stopped, and the third-grade demon appeared.

Then, Li Qi also showed up.

But the situation did not stop. At the moment when Li Qi appeared, another second-grade demon also appeared here.

Li Qi recognized the other party. It was the good knowledge demon.

It means that those who are attached to the Dharma they have obtained and are stingy and cannot enlighten others are called good knowledge.

When a practitioner is stingy with the Dharma and is unwilling to teach others, it is the work of the good knowledge demon. The retribution of stinginess is to hinder Bodhi, making people unwilling to be good knowledge for sentient beings.

Good knowledge is good knowledge. It is very hard and troublesome to find such knowledge. Not only does it take a lot of time and energy to search the world, but it also takes up a lot of one's practice time.

The good knowledge demon will transform into various false knowledge, or use people with obsessions or heavy karma to make him a disseminator of false knowledge to mislead practitioners.

He likes to spread all kinds of knowledge and transform himself into a great practitioner, so that you will mistakenly think that you have really met a good person, and thus listen to him and follow his words, thus tempting sentient beings to go astray, dangerous, and dead ends, so he is called the good knowledge demon.

The good knowledge demon appeared in front of Li Qi.

"Li Qi, is that enough?" The good knowledge demon said to Li Qi.

"What? Enough? I thought you were going to endure it all the time." Li Qi looked at the good knowledge demon and said with a smile.

In between the words, the Tao rhyme between the two began to collide.

Countless hundreds of billions of great demons, away from all evil deeds, self-esteem, and ignorance, use wisdom to enter all dharmas and all techniques, preach to sentient beings, and make them upside down.

There is upside down without being away from sentient beings, and there are sentient beings without being away from upside down.

There are no sentient beings in upside down, and there are no upside down in sentient beings.

It is not that the inverted is the sentient being, nor is it that the sentient being is inverted.

Inverted is not the internal law, and inverted is not the external law.

Sentient beings are not the internal law, and sentient beings are not the external law.

All dharmas are false and unreal, they arise and perish quickly without any solidity, like a dream, like a shadow, like an illusion, like a transformation, deceiving fools.

It was just a conversation, but the world around him had begun to change, and all kinds of information were constantly floating around the good knowledge demon.

He showed his true self, in which "paradoxes" were constantly spreading.

Many contradictory and incompatible knowledge were engraved on his true self, and as long as you looked at it, you would be washed away by these information.

The amount of this information was not large, and even the ninth grade could read it normally, but the same proposition contained two or even more opposing conclusions.

Complex and chaotic, thousands of such possibilities are waiting for all observers, these knowledge attract this possibility, and all those who look directly at all this live in this strange atmosphere of magical possibility.

Chaotic, hypocritical, and indistinguishable facts are in front of us.

Stupid sentient beings have no knowledge or vision, no faith or understanding, no intelligence or action, are stubborn and greedy, and are trapped in the cycle of life and death.

Mistaken and wrong, entering a dangerous path, hearing the conflict of various laws, the heart is greatly frightened, abandoning the easy and easy path, entering a dangerous and difficult path, following the devil's intention, and firmly clinging to all existences.

And Li Qi stood lightly in the center of the "contradiction" in this endless "answer".

Let it be a paradox.

Many things cannot be verified or falsified. This is the incompleteness of logic, which is a matter of course. There is no universal truth in this world.

If someone believes that there is only one truth in this world, the moment he sees the good knowledge demon, he will probably be triggered to fight in his body. In a sense, the good knowledge demon can be said to be extremely restrained against those who believe that there is an absolute entity.

Unfortunately, it does not work for Li Qi. Li Qi has a very good affinity with the opponent. If they fight, Li Qi is confident that he can decide the winner.

Not to mention, there is also Guanyin Bodhisattva who is very similar to Li Qi and believes that the world is contradictory.

Two against one, the good knowledge demon has no chance of winning.

But the Good Knowledge Demon had no intention of fighting, but said: "I am not here to fight, Li Qi, are you looking for Xiantian? I have the trace of Xiantian here, do you need it?"

Li Qi frowned.

It was no secret that he was looking for Xiantian, and it was normal for the other party to know. After all, in order to find Xiantian, he visited many places, but he had no clue.

And the Demon Dao rushed out at this time and said that they wanted to give him the trace of Xiantian? You know, Li Qi was looking for Xiantian to deal with the Demon Dao.

"Good Knowledge Demon, what you like most is to spread evil knowledge, right? Why do you think I will believe you?" Li Qi asked the Good Knowledge Demon in front of him.

"You can not believe it, but do you want it? I may be the only one in the universe who can tell you the current state of Xiantian. My knowledge is wrong, but wrong is also valuable, isn't it?" The Good Knowledge Demon said so.

Li Qi chuckled.

Sure enough, this is the devil's thoughts.

The power of the devil's thoughts is never hidden, but "voluntary".

Even if they don't hide or deceive, and just stand out like this, there are still many people who are willing to accept the dark future. They all think they are lucky.

Just like Mephisto to Faust.

Since so many mortals will give up their immortal essence for some meaningless pieces of metal and red and green paper, then practitioners can naturally give more for knowledge.

Moreover, Li Qi also fell for this.

"Okay, then tell me where Xiantian is." Li Qi replied.

The Good Knowledge Demon laughed, then restrained his indescribable body and turned into a human form, which was a beautiful little boy.

"This is where Xiantian is now." He took out a jade slip: "Just you have to pay attention, don't blame me for not reminding you, Xiantian is not easy to get along with."

Li Qi took the jade slip and checked it. It was indeed just an ordinary book qi, which recorded information and was a special coordinate of the heavens.

It is not in the many observable universes, but at a special coordinate point. It cannot be defined by something like "distance" and can only be reached in a way similar to time and space travel.

"I'm more worried about you than Xiantian, but I don't need to worry about you." Li Qi put away the book spirit and then unfolded his body.

The Dharma rose up, in chaos.

Countless fragments fluttered and flew up, rotating and rising like burnt paper rising from a fire, and then hovered above the heads of all living beings, croaking.

The strange, melancholy noise filled the void of the universe, and the noise of endless fragments brought a strong wash to the mind, just like the effect of the cry of an owl and the faint cry of seagulls from a distance at dawn.

Li Qi fully accepted the paradox, because the reason why the paradox is a paradox is that the two conclusions contradict each other, but this is normal. Contradictory things are everywhere, and there is nothing special.

Li Qi pounced forward.

The good knowledge demon quickly retreated and disappeared here.

"Is this a counterattack?" Li Qi took the book spirit in his hand and weighed it.

The counterattack of the magic path came, but it was not violent, but in the form that the magic path is best at.

Unfortunately, Li Qi was not going to go.

What does it matter whether he goes or not? If the Demonic Path has no way out, and the Demonic Path's first-grade people are too lazy to take action, then Li Qi, who has eight second-grade people working together, can almost be said to be one of the strongest forces except for the nine lands in the world.

Li Qi has more than eight second-grade people, and these eight second-grade people are very powerful.

Li Qi himself will not talk about it. After all, it is not easy to say how good Li Qi is among the second-grade people, but the people of Guanyin Bodhisattva are all famous great Bodhisattvas, all of whom are top second-grade people. Prince Changqin and Yang Zhenqian are also old second-grade people with extraordinary strength.

Therefore, only those top second-grade civilizations can possibly match Li Qi's current power, so... he can continue to target the Demonic Path.

Looking for the Immortal Heaven? Are you very anxious?

Li Qi copied the scroll in his hand into hundreds of billions of copies and threw it to the entire universe.

Whoever has the chance to get this coordinate and has the ability to go to the heavens, then help him, Li Qi, to take a look.

After doing all this, Li Qi continued to push forward the process of eradicating the Dream City.

Time slowly moved forward again.

In Li Qi's tireless battle, the progress of Qidian was incredibly fast.

About 75 million years had passed.

This universe has experienced many wars, people deceived each other, killed each other, and everything was done to implement their own ideas and to eliminate the other party's ideas.

Li Qi has sufficient reasons to launch such a war, for example... this is for the welfare of more people, and the fact is indeed so, but... that is only the purpose, not what it actually brings.

No matter what the reason for launching a war is, the war will only bring destruction in the end.

The means of war are neither glorious nor just. What can people get from war? Peace? Forget it, people usually have different rhetoric before, during, and after the war. Of course, these are all lies.

No matter what the reason is, war can't bring anything good, but fortunately... it's not all in vain.

War is destruction. Although it can't bring anything good, it treats bad things equally. They can destroy everything and turn the world into a white land, and new things can be built on this white land.

What is the new thing? Maybe good, maybe bad, Li Qi thinks that what he built is good.

The impact of leveling the Dream City on the heavens and the worlds is worth it, even if there is a temporary pain, otherwise the Demon Dao will only start more wars.

The war started by the Demon Dao is the truly cruel war, because it is not a war between countries or forces, but a war between people.

The war between everyone and everyone, a big melee between everyone, and in such a melee, no one can escape.

Forced to do it, helpless.

And during the hundreds of millions of years since the birth of the entire Qi Palace, Li Qi did this.

And he did it.

With the collapse of the last Dream City, the entire universe, all the Dream Cities where the Demon Dao gathered have been completely destroyed and flattened.

During this process, only the Good Knowledge Demon among the high-level Demon Dao took action once, and he didn't even fight, but just threw some information to Li Qi.

Now, Qi Palace has achieved the goal of eradicating the Dream City.

Li Qi's expression became gloomy because of this.

So, the next step... what to do?

The Demonic Path really just watched all the dream cities being destroyed. Now Qidian has nothing to do. The next thing to do is probably to let everyone take a rest.

But once such an expedition stops... it will be difficult to reorganize it later.

Is this the purpose of the Demonic Path?

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