"Is the third level of the innate very powerful? I'm also 14 years old and the sixth level of the innate, so I can only enter the outer door?"

"Ah? Could this young man surpass the sixth level of the congenital? Impossible, right?"

They couldn't figure out why this seemingly 12-year-old boy, He De He Neng, could directly enter the inner door, but since it was announced directly by Elder Liu, they only dared to be suspicious behind their backs, but they dared not question directly face to face.

When they think about it, maybe this kid has some strength. The main reason may be that the background behind him is relatively strong, or that Elder Liu has been bribed to get this treatment.

If Liu Bufei knew that they thought so, he would definitely want to slap them to death.

If you have a strong background and want to enter the Inner Sect of Misty Sect?Dreaming, without good qualifications, no matter how strong your background is, it is useless.

As for bribery, he will definitely scold you, bribing your grandmother for a leg, and the labor and capital are short of money?

In the eyes of experts, money is just an external thing, it is just a number, and it will not be taken seriously at all.

The recruitment ceremony continued, and it lasted for nearly five hours before all the assessments were completed, and thirty disciples including Chen Feng were finally selected.

Later, Liu Bufei explained that the selected disciples would gather here tomorrow morning and return to the sect together.

The selected teenagers cheered and cheered, full of longing for their future. To be able to enter the Misty Sect is equivalent to ascending to the sky in one step. In the future, if you say that you are a disciple of the Misty Sect, it is a symbol of your status.

During the whole process, only Chen Feng was indifferent, showing no joy or sadness about the result, as if he didn't care at all. As soon as he heard that he could go back to rest, he left immediately, leaving Liu Bufei and others speechless for a while.

Of course, his actions also aroused the curiosity of the eldest Liu Xia'er, "What kind of person is he?".

Chapter 2 Rewards Against the Sky (4/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

At this time, Chen Feng was actually very excited, and was in a hurry to leave quickly because the system tone sounded again just now. (Book^House*Small}Said + Net)

[Ding, the host becomes a disciple of the Misty Sect, completes the task, level +3, and gets a lottery once. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching the Seventh Realm of the Purple Mansion.Is there a draw now? 】

"Lottery draw!" Without any hesitation, Chen Feng thought, and the lottery began.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the ultimate upgrade. 】

[Extreme upgrade: Every time the host crosses a level on this plane, he can instantly reach the peak state of that level. 】

"Hi~" Seeing this reward, Chen Feng couldn't help but gasp.

Before he could react, the system sounded again.

[Ding, activate the limit upgrade. 】

[Ding, congratulations on the level of the host +1, reaching the Eighth Realm of Purple Mansion. 】

[Ding, congratulations on the level of the host +1, reaching the nine-level realm of Zifu. 】

[Ding, congratulations on the level of the host +1, reaching the tenth level of Zifu. 】

The continuous sound didn't stop until Chen Feng reached the tenth level of the Purple Mansion.

"This is so awesome!" Chen Feng couldn't help sighing, and the upgrade was just like playing.

Now he is equal to as long as every rank can be upgraded by one level, and the rest can be completed by this limit upgrade.

In addition to his daily experience multiples, it is simply an upgrade even while lying down.

Everyone else returned to their residence, but he came to the Warcraft Forest again without stopping, wanting to immediately feel the level-up pleasure brought by the newly drawn rewards.

At present, he is in the tenth level of Zifu, and he needs 10 experience to rise to the Jindan stage. It would take a long time to kill just relying on the experience of low-level monsters in the periphery, so he aimed deeper into the forest of monsters.

There are some first-order monsters on the periphery, ranging from 1 to 10, corresponding to the innate realm of human beings.

The second-order Warcraft is also divided into 1 to 10 levels, corresponding to the human realm of Zifu.

Then calculate in turn, the third-order Warcraft corresponds to the Jindan realm, the fourth-order corresponds to the Nascent Soul stage, the fifth-order corresponds to the divine transformation stage, the sixth-order corresponds to the fusion stage, the seventh-order corresponds to the transcendence period, and the eighth-order corresponds to the Dacheng stage.

As for the ninth-order Warcraft, it can also achieve the ascension of human beings.

Although the realm is so divided, not to mention the ninth-order monsters, even the seventh-order monsters are almost all phoenix feathers and water chestnuts, which are difficult to meet.

It is said that in the deepest part of the forest of monsters, it is because of the existence of a seventh-order monster that humans dare not step into the central area easily.

And it seems that both sides acquiesce, as long as humans do not harass the site of the beast, it will not appear against humans.Therefore, the general human experience will only be in the periphery or the central area, and will never step into the deepest part.

Chen Feng naturally also learned the news. At present, his strength is still insufficient, and of course he will not rush directly into the deepest part, so he only came to the position where the outer periphery and the central ring intersect, looking for some Tier [-] monsters to upgrade.

First of all, he directly used today's random experience multiplier lottery, but this time it only needs to be 10 times, but it is better than nothing.


That is to say, for every level of Warcraft higher, the experience value must be increased by 10 times.

According to Chen Feng's current strength, killing monsters of Tier 1 to 3 is the most efficient. Each head can get 10 to 1 experience through the blessing of 3 times the experience value.

So, he made a decisive decision and started hunting and killing the predetermined target.

Just after half an hour, he killed several third-order monsters and ushered in the upgrade directly.

Chapter 2 Rewards Against the Sky (4/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Just after half an hour, he killed several third-order monsters and ushered in the upgrade directly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching the first stage of the Golden Core Stage and activating the ultimate upgrade! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host level +1, reaching the second stage of the Jindan stage. 】

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