And there are only 25 of these selected inner disciples, and the highest strength is only the fifth level of Jindan stage, which is regarded as the worst 25 people in the inner sect.

Elder Hu stepped forward and said a few words to Elder Peng, who was in charge of the inner sect this time. Elder Peng was also shocked. Then he coughed, walked to the front of the stage, and said slowly.

"There has been a change in the annual Inner Sect competition this time, because this time the outer sect recruited an inner sect disciple, so this time the outer sect disciples can also challenge him. It is him, Chen Feng!"

Speaking, Elder Peng pointed to Chen Feng beside Liu Bufei, but there was still a hint of surprise on his face.

"What? Special trick?"

Everyone looked at Chen Feng with suspicion in their eyes, but many people had a smile on their faces, and many of the disciples who were originally selected to accept the challenge from the inner sect seemed to be suddenly relieved.

They secretly said in their hearts: "This time, we are safe!"

Because this specially recruited disciple is bound to become the first choice of these outer disciples.But once the opponent's challenge succeeds, the inner disciple who failed will be downgraded back to the outer sect to continue cultivating, waiting for the next challenge.

"Okay! The competition begins, choose your opponents to challenge!" Elder Peng said. .

Chapter [-] The Challenger of Tragedy (please subscribe, please customize)

As soon as his voice fell, someone directly started the exercise, jumped onto the stage, raised his hand and bowed to Chen Feng who was under the stage, and said.

"In Xiawanggang, I also ask Senior Brother Chen Feng, if you can give me some advice."

When it comes to the word "senior brother", he also ~ deliberately aggravated his tone.

Although the etiquette is in place, it does not make people feel that there is much respect. On the contrary, from his tone, you can clearly hear the feeling of disdain and dissatisfaction.

Not only him, except for the outer sect elder brother Tang Jinzhong who knew Chen Feng's true strength, everyone else disapproved of Chen Feng's so-called special recruit inner sect disciple.

I thought he was just a son of a certain big family, who came in through the back door, his real strength would not be that strong.

"Look, it's Senior Brother Wang Gang, he was the second in the outer sect competition some time ago."

"Yeah, it's already very likely that you can enter the inner door. If you go out through the back door this time, you must not run away."

"Tsk tsk, Senior Brother Wang Gang is also lucky to meet such a good opportunity."

When the outer disciples saw Wang Gang, there was a burst of cries.

When Chen Feng heard the words, his expression did not change much, and he was as calm as always.

Glancing at Wang Gang on the stage, he lifted his feet and walked up step by step.

Seeing him go up like this, there was a burst of laughter from the audience again.

"Fuck, this guy just went up like this?"

"He doesn't look like he's in the Golden Core Stage, does he?"

"As expected from the back door, it is estimated that it is at most the seventh level of Zifu, right?"

"Don't look at it, the result is very clear, Senior Brother Wang Gang wins."

Words like this abound, but there are also some discerning people among the crowd.

According to Liu Bufei's words, coupled with Chen Feng's apparently calm expression, it can be guessed that Chen Feng's strength is probably not bad.

"Should be, it's not that simple, is it?"

"Well, it should be. After all, the elder said that all outer disciples can challenge. If the strength is not high, the elder cannot say such a thing."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, but Chen Feng didn't even look at Wang Gang, and even yawned a little bored.


Wang Gang originally listened to the discussion in the audience with a smug look on his face, but when he saw Chen Feng's appearance, he couldn't hold back his face and looked at him angrily.

"Me? What am I?"

Buttoning his nose, Chen Feng said impatiently.

"Have you started yet?"

"Are you so eager to go on?"

Wang Gang looked at Chen Feng with an angry smile and mocked.

"I will accommodate your request."

Liu Bufei glanced at Chen Feng, saw that he was still bored, shook his head helplessly, and said.

"The first match, Wang Gang vs. Chen Feng, start!!"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Gang's figure disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was already behind Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng was still half-squinting his eyes, as if he hadn't reacted.

"I took the test. Senior Brother Wang Gang has already reached the third level of Jindan, right?"

"Looking at this speed, it must be the third level of Jindan!"

"Wow, when Senior Brother Wang Gang competed in the outer sect a while ago, he was already at the peak of the second level of Jindan! It didn't take long for him to break through to the third level of Jindan? Isn't this speed too fast?"

Wang Gang, who came to Chen Feng's back, showed a grim smile on his face. He made a fist with his right hand, raised it high, and smashed it towards Chen Feng's back. At the same time, he said.

"Thank you……"

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