"Come together and save the trouble!"

When speaking, Chen Feng showed an extremely arrogant but confident expression on his face.


Chen Feng's words made everyone stunned.

As for Senior Brother Yan, his face became gloomy.


Chapter [-] Let's go together (please subscribe, please customize)

"Haha, this guy, who do you think you are?"

The flattering guy just now jumped out again, and said to Senior Brother Yan while taunting.

"He thought he was as brave as Senior Brother Yan."

"To shut up!"

Hearing this, Senior Brother Yan's expression became even more ugly, and he turned his head and snorted.

The man was reprimanded by Senior Brother Yan, his face was a little embarrassed, he shrank his head angrily, and stood back to his original position.

Senior Brother Yan stared at Chen Feng on the stage with twinkling eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"Fuck! Is it so fierce?"

"The direct disciples of the three elders, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to say such a thing, right?"

"That's right! He's just an inner disciple who went through the back door. Even if it's a special move, he can't be so arrogant?"

"Isn't that just defeating Senior Brother Wang? What about the third level of Jindan or above! We have so many "three to five seven" people, are we still afraid of him?"

"Senior brothers, let's go, we can't let him look down on people like this!"

Chen Feng's remarks naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the other twenty-three people who wanted to enter the inner door except Tang Jinzhong.

Everyone shouted, wanting to go up and give Chen Feng a good look.

"Master, shall we go?"

A person who was one step behind saw that Tang Jinzhong did not move, he still stood there, moved in his heart, and stepped forward to ask.

Tang Jinzhong looked at him, didn't speak, just smiled and shook his head, then closed his eyes.

What will happen on stage, he doesn't need to see it, he already knows.

At the peak of Nascent Soul, no matter how much Jindan stage comes, it will be a waste of effort, unless the golden elixir is tenth-level and self-destruction regardless of the consequences, it may cause some injuries to the people at the peak of Nascent Soul.

The rest are all useless.

Seeing Tang Jinzhong's appearance, this person naturally grew a heart. Looking at Chen Feng on the stage, a terrible thought uncontrollably grew in his mind.

This Chen Feng is definitely not as simple as the fourth level of Jindan, it is very likely to be the fifth level, the sixth level, or even...

Yuan Ying period! ! !

Thinking of this, he hurriedly shook his head, trying to get rid of this ridiculous idea.

However, no matter what he did, the idea seemed to take root, lingering in his mind.

With a sigh, he took back the steps he was about to take, and stood beside Tang Jinzhong honestly, watching his nose and heart, waiting for the result without moving.

Tang Jinzhong noticed his movement, opened his eyes and looked at him, then smiled again, closed his eyes, he wanted to wait for his challenge for a while and recharged his energy.

Just after the twenty-two people who wanted to challenge Chen Feng boarded the arena and stood still, Liu Bufei, who was on the viewing platform next to him, spoke up.

"Chen Feng, are you sure you want to accept the challenge of twenty-two people at once?"

"Yes, because I'm very busy!"

Hearing Liu Bufei's words, Chen Feng looked up at the sun in the sky, and his tone was a little impatient.

"Who does he think he is? Dare to speak to the elder like this?"

"That's right, even if he is a special recruit, if he dares to be rude to the elders like this, I'm afraid I don't know how to write the dead words?"

Just when everyone in the audience thought that Chen Feng was about to be unlucky, Liu Bufei's attitude made them fall through their glasses.

"Uh, okay, okay, I'll hurry up."

Liu Bufei was scolded by Chen Feng, and responded with a smirk, then turned to look at the twenty-two people who were on stage to challenge, with a hint of pity in his eyes.

"Wait, but you want to challenge Chen Feng together?"

"Yes! Please allow the elders!"

"Okay! Now, the outer sect is promoted to twenty-two disciples, and they will fight against Chen Feng, let's start!"

After Liu Bufei finished speaking, the scene was silent.

The people in the audience were all waiting for Chen Feng to be knocked out of the ring by these [-] disciples, but the [-] disciples who challenged him on the ring were both frightened and Chen Feng's performance just now, and they didn't dare to be a standout.

"Come on, you're so cowardly."

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