Chapter 3: Heavenly Rank Cultivation Technique? (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Even if it is reluctant to cultivate, because of understanding, there is not much progress at all.

"Hey, you have to throw things away, and people are more dead than people!!!"

Liu Buhui heard the words and couldn't help but sighed up to the sky.

As for Liu Xia'er, she fell into a sluggish state for a while, staring at Chen Feng blankly, the admiration in her eyes could no longer be concealed.

After all, no matter what happens to Liu Xia'er, she is only a thirteen-year-old girl.

Maybe because of cultivating truth, his mind is much more mature than his real peers.

However, these can't be hidden, she is only a thirteen-year-old girl, at this age, it is the age when she worships the strong and begins to fall in love.

And Chen Feng, this suddenly-appearing genius in the sky, once appeared, he attracted her attention, and gradually eroded one of her hearts.

"By the way, I've also deduced your Heavenly Rank exercises for you by the way. Now it's a Heavenly Rank middle rank exercise. I'll record it in the jade slip for you later."

Just when everyone was sighing about Chen Feng's talent, the next sentence was once again shocking to the point of being speechless.

However, because he watched Chen Feng do shocking things with his own eyes, he felt a little numb after watching too much.

"Oh, well, after you bring the blank jade slip, you can burn it all the way."

The elder Taishang's expression was a little confused.

I have worked so hard for most of my life, and the Heavenly Rank exercises that I have cultivated are also incomplete.

Thinking about it, Douda's sweat kept falling from his head, and his face was also blue and white, and the change was very fast.

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Seeing him like this, Chen Feng frowned, quickly came to his side, put his hands into his palms, lightly hit his forehead, and let out a loud shout.

"wake up!!!"

As Chen Feng's voice fell, the elder Taishang was like a nightmare, panting heavily, and gradually woke up.

"Hu, hu, Chen Feng, thank you."

While panting heavily, the elder Taishang spoke.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Xia'er, who was also awakened by the shock, saw that Elder Taishang was like this, and she was about to burst into tears.

He walked quickly to his side, supported him, and reached out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.


"Alas, when people are old, they are useless."

With the help of Liu Xia'er, the elder Taishang sat cross-legged on the futon in the hall, patted Liu Xia'er's arm, and signaled that he was fine, then closed his eyes and began to adjust his breath.

Chen Feng looked at Elder Taishang, then looked at Liu Bugui, and finally set his eyes on Liu Xia'er next to Elder Taishang, sighed, and said to Liu Bugui.

"Sect Master, you have also practiced the Book of Free and Easy, right?"

"Well, after all, this is the privilege of every suzerain, and it's one of the benefits, right? What's wrong?"

"You are stuck in the Dacheng realm now, have you been for a long time?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Liu Buhui was shocked and asked quickly.

"Could it be that this is because of the cultivation technique?"

"Yes, because this Heavenly Book of Unfettered Efforts is originally a cultivation technique of the middle grade of heaven, but it is incomplete and it was forcibly perfected by your predecessors. Although it can be cultivated as well, it will leave dark wounds after a long time, and will If you are stuck in the realm of Dacheng, you will not be able to achieve perfection, let alone the realm of transformation."

"This this……"

Liu Bugui's face was full of incredulity, and then he suddenly realized.

"No wonder, no wonder, the previous sect masters can only cultivate to the Dacheng realm, and the cultivation base can only reach the transcendence period. As for the Mahayana period, they can't get up at all, so it is because of this!!!"

Speaking of this, the expression on Liu Bugui's face became a little sighed. Looking at Chen Feng, the gratitude in his eyes was about to overflow.

"Fortunately, in my tenure, it is my luck to receive such a genius as you, my luck!!".

Chapter 4 God-level exercises? (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

Chen Feng curled his lips noncommittally, seeing that the elder Taishang was still adjusting his breath, and Liu Bufei went to get the blank jade slip and had not returned, so he was going to go to practice martial arts.

"That's right, Chen Feng."

Just when he was about to look for martial arts, he was stopped by Liu Bugui.

"Hmm, what's up?"

"Well, it's like this. Three months later, it will be the Continental Elite Tournament. The top [-] selected will be able to enter a ruin. There is a tower of trials in this ruin. Legend has it that those who can enter the tower of trials and pass the test. , you can get the god-level exercise, and the god-level exercise is the only way to break through the Great Accomplishment period and break the void, look, do you want to participate?"

From Liu Bugui's point of view, the purpose of Chen Feng's coming to the Misty Sect was almost for the practice.

Otherwise, with his talent, he would not be offered anywhere.

After all, a good disciple can represent the future of a sect! !

"Oh? God-level exercises?"

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