After Liu Bugui left, Liu Xia'er took Chen Feng to the place where the elder Taishang lived.

The place where the elder Taishang lived was also on the main peak, so it was only two steps away.

"Grandpa, I'm here to see you."

Entering the house, Liu Xia'er came to the window and softly called to the old man on the bed.

Chen Feng looked towards the bed, but found that the old man in front of him was almost invisible.

He was skinny all over his body, his hair was dry and dull, his eyes were deeply sunken, and he looked very penetrating.

"Oh, it's Xiao Xia'er here. Grandpa, I don't have the strength to get up now."

Elder Taishang opened his eyes with difficulty, showed a smile, and said to Liu Xia'er.

Seeing him like this, Liu Xia'er's eyes turned red again.

"It's okay, grandpa, Xiaoxia'er will help you up."

Saying that, Liu Xia'er helped Elder Taishang up and made him lean on the bed.

"Ah, Chen Feng, you are here too."

As if he had just seen Chen Feng, the elder Taishang turned to look at him.

The current Taishang elder has already lost all his skills, and his lifespan is about to run out of fuel, and there are not a few days left to live.


Chen Feng didn't say much, just silently looked at this very important relative to Liu Xia'er, thinking about how to save her if the medicinal pill was useless.

After all, for those who have never really understood medicine pills, the pill recipes they find may not be useful.

If it is useless, even if you learn alchemy, you may not be able to save it.

[Ding, the host still has a chance to draw a lottery, whether to use it or not. 】

Chapter 3 Draws again (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

[Ding, the host still has a chance to draw a lottery, whether to use it or not. 】

At this moment, the system suddenly reminded Chen Feng.

This reminder is not untimely, so Chen Feng can't wait to hug it and kiss it now.

"Use! Use immediately!!"

[The lottery starts, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Daquan Daquan, which contains god-level alchemy techniques. 】

Really dozed off to a pillow, what are you thinking about! !

After the system's voice fell, Chen Feng felt that there were many ways to mix herbs in his mind, as well as a very mysterious technique.

This kind of alchemy method has a [-]% success rate, and there is a [-]% chance that a divine pill can be made.

Among these pills, there is just one kind of pill, which corresponds to the symptoms of the elder Taishang.

The foundation is damaged, the power is lost, and there is little life left.

Such symptoms are completely irrelevant in the face of this elixir.

That elixir is the [-]th-turn life-extending golden elixir, which belongs to the top-grade elixir of heaven. Taking one pill can treat all injuries, prolong life by five hundred years, and increase a small stage of improvement without any sequelae.

With this, Chen Feng's confidence suddenly increased, and he couldn't help laughing.

The first elder and Liu Xia'er, on the other hand, looked at Chen Feng suspiciously, not understanding why he was so happy all of a sudden.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

"Xiao Xia'er, what makes you so happy? Say it to make grandfather happy too?"

Seeing what Chen Feng didn't say, the elder Taishang didn't ask, and turned to look at Liu Xia'er.

"Grandpa, Chen Feng said that he can take care of you!"

As long as Liu Xia'er talks about this, she is very excited. She thought that the elder Taishang would definitely be very excited when he heard the news.

But after hearing the news, the elder Taishang smiled very calmly. After looking at Chen Feng, he said with a slightly free and easy way.

"Hahaha, it's so good. Actually, you don't need to be so troublesome. Anyway, I've lived for so long, and I'm already satisfied."

Chen Feng didn't explain either, just sat there silently, waiting for Liu Bugui to arrive.

Before making them wait long, Liu Bugui came.


Along with him, there were elders who knew Liu Bufei and others, and even Liu Buzhi was brought over at this moment.

After all, he is also a direct descendant of the Supreme Elder, and it is natural to come here.

It's just that his face is not very good-looking. I don't know if it's because of seeing Chen Feng again, or something else.

"Chen Feng, inside this jade slip is the general outline of medicinal pills, and the medicinal herbs are also included. As for the medicinal materials, they are stored outside. Would you like to go and have a look?"

Liu Bugui took out a jade slip and handed it to Chen Feng.

As soon as he got the jade slip, Chen Feng received a prompt from the system.

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