At the moment when the medicinal pill was formed, bursts of strong fragrance spread out, making the surrounding people intoxicated for a while.

Just as people were immersed in this Danxiang, the sky suddenly became overcast, and there was a roar of thunder.

Liu Bugui looked at the thunderclouds in the sky and said with a serious expression.

"This is a pill robbery!!!"

"What? Dan robbery???"

Chapter 4: Pill Tribulation? (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"What? Dan robbery???"

"Isn't the pill robbery only available in heaven-ranked pills? Chen Feng said that the pills he made were high-grade pills."

After hearing this, Liu Bugui explained.

"There is also a certain chance of advancing to the heavenly rank, but the probability is relatively low, and there must be a special technique, so that the earth-rank medicine can be successfully promoted."

After listening to Liu Buhui's words, everyone understood why only high-grade pills on the ground level would actually have pill calamities.

After understanding this, he began to worry a little, because Chen Feng had two high-grade gold pills that had advanced to the sky.


Listening to the roar that even the ban could not stop, Chen Feng raised his head and glanced at it, and then continued to concentrate on alchemy.

Now that the last step has been reached, after the medicinal pill is formed, it can be used to transcend the calamity, absorb the medicinal calamity, and form a medicinal grain, which is considered a heaven-rank medicinal medicinal material.

As for the failure of transcending the calamity, Chen Feng did not consider this at all.

There is a god-level alchemy technique given by the system, and the elixirs obtained can still fail to advance. Do you think the system will allow him to appear in that kind of thing?

Observing the medicinal pill with his divine sense, he felt that it was almost the same. Chen Feng's eyes flashed, he stretched out his other hand, and began to perform the last step of alchemy.

"Fairy Finger!!"

A huge amount of spiritual power poured into the medicinal pill from his hand, and the golden light on the medicinal pill became brighter and brighter, and finally completely turned into two golden light groups, which kept shaking in Chen Feng's hand. .

After about a minute, he stopped the transmission of spiritual power, and then put away the flame in his hand.

As soon as the flame in his hand disappeared, the elixir rose into the sky and stopped in mid-air. . .

The thundercloud in the sky seemed to feel the breath of Dan Cheng, and the roar became louder and louder. Finally, a thunder light descended towards the two medicinal pills below.

boom! !

The light group formed by the medicinal pill was smashed by the thunder robbery, and the light above was also a little dim.

Because two advanced Heavenly Pills came out at one time, the pill robbery seemed to be a little stronger than the average one.

The first one came down, and Jindan endured it. It didn't take long for the second thunderstorm to come down, and it was also endured.

In this way, a total of eight thunder tribulations fell, and the thunder clouds in the sky dissipated.

After Lei Jie was over, Chen Feng printed his handprint and took the medicinal pill back.

I put one of them away, put it in the space that comes with the system, took the other one, and walked into the house.

When Liu Bugui and the others saw Chen Feng entering the room, they all quickly followed.

Inside the house, Liu Xia'er was shivering in the arms of the elder Taishang, while the elder Taishang was comforting her with a wry smile.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was stunned, not understanding what was going on.

On the contrary, Liu Bugui, saw this scene, and immediately laughed.

"Xia'er, are you still so afraid of thunder? Then what should you do during the tribulation period?"

Hearing her father's voice, Liu Xia'er raised her head cautiously, and found that everyone in the room was looking at her, she immediately buried her head in the arms of the elder Taishang again, embarrassed.

"Elder Taishang, the medicine pill is ready, you can eat it."

Chen Feng walked to the bedside and handed the golden elixir with a pattern on his hand to Elder Taishang.

The elder Taishang looked at this medicine pill, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed.

"This is the Tiandan of the first rank of heaven!!"

"Well, eat it. After eating 4.0, your injuries will be fully recovered, and your lifespan will also increase. It's just that your cultivation level will probably require you to cultivate yourself."

Putting the medicinal pill in the hands of the elder Taishang, Chen Feng explained it.

Looking at the medicinal pill in his hand, the elder Taishang trembled a little. He looked at Chen Feng gratefully, without saying much, he swallowed the medicinal pill directly, and then let Liu Xia'er get up, sat cross-legged on the bed, and started refining the medicinal effect. .

Gradually, his gray hair turned black little by little, and his skinny body, like blowing a balloon, slowly recovered.

The efficacy of the Tianjie medicinal herbs is naturally self-evident. Not to mention the effect is good, refining is also very easy.

After a while, Elder Taishang opened his eyes, jumped off the bed, walked back and forth a few steps, and stopped in front of Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, don't say more, you saved my old life. In the future, if you need me, if you need me, feel free to speak."

Chapter 5 The Elite Tournament (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

Seeing that the elder Taishang was up, everyone was overjoyed, and Liu Xia'er even jumped on him and cried.

"Okay, Xiao Xia'er, great grandfather, shouldn't you be happy? Why are you crying?"

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