"...Yo, this little girl actually has a man, but it doesn't matter, this young master doesn't mind."

When the young man saw Chen Feng, he was not afraid, but even more presumptuous.

"A girl with a man means you have experience, and it's more fun to play that way."

Yin's evil gaze was revealed in his eyes, and he looked at Liu Xia'er in Chen Feng's arms with impunity.

Hearing the young man's words, Liu Xia'er's body trembled even more.

To say, Liu Xia'er should not be afraid of this man because of her strength in the fusion stage. The main reason is probably the old man behind this man.

However, in Chen Feng's opinion, whoever dares to bully his own woman, even if he is in his prime, he will kill him for you to see!

Patting Liu Xia'er on the shoulder and letting her stand behind him, Chen Feng looked at this person with murderous intent in his eyes, and spoke coldly.

"After all, how do you want to die???".

Chapter 2: The Powerhouse in the Dacheng Period (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Ha? Are you kidding me? You're only in the Divine Transformation Stage, dare to tell me that..."

Before he could finish his words, Chen Feng's aura had already erupted, and he was so overwhelmed that he couldn't speak. (Book^House*Small}Said + Net)

Seeing this, the old man behind him quickly stood in front of him and helped him resist Chen Feng's aura.

However, is Chen Feng just imposing?

"Since you don't say it, it's up to me to decide."

While speaking, the figure disappeared again, and under the horrified eyes of the old man, he came directly to the young man's side and slapped his forehead.

The young man stared at Chen Feng who was standing in front of him, his eyes were full of disbelief, and in the end they all turned into regret and unwillingness.

The battle was over in an instant.

After killing the young man, Chen Feng returned to Liu Xia'er's side.

The old man turned around and helped the young man who fell to the ground, felt his pulse to check his condition, and found that he was no longer alive, and immediately became annoyed.

"Who are you! You dare to attack and kill the young sect master of the Panshi Sect in the Central Region!!"

The old man angrily pointed at Chen Feng and shouted, and at the same time, his cultivation in the tribulation period also broke out.

After hearing what the old man said about Pan Shizong, the surrounding crowd erupted in discussions.

"Pan Shizong? It seems that the strength in the middle domain is not too big for 470, right?"

"Hey, even if people are not very powerful in the Central Territory, can you compare to a scattered repair?"

"That's right, any sect in the Central Territory, even if it is a low-ranking one, outside the Central Territory, at least it can be ranked in the top ten, let alone the middle-ranked Pan Shizong."

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity that this pair of handsome men and beautiful women has provoked forces that can't be provoked."

"That's not necessarily true. If they flee now, find a place with no one, and hide in the mountains and forests from now on, there is still a chance to survive."

"I'm afraid, they won't be able to escape. That young man, although his strength is good, is completely hanged and beaten by God Transformation against Shangdu Tribulation."

"Oh, what a pity..."

Listening to the words of the people around, the old man showed a hint of color on his face and said to Chen Feng.

"That kid, if you don't hurry up and capture it, in that case, you may still be alive. You will be a hard labor in my sect. After a hundred years, maybe you will be able to become an outer disciple. If not, I will take you on the spot. kill people."

"Huh? Kill me? That depends on whether you have the ability!!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Feng shot, and Chen Feng never had the habit of holding hands against such (bgeb) people.

The ultimate rebound is activated, and hundreds of martial arts are constantly being greeted to the old man.

In an instant, the old man was suppressed to the death.

The last move, Wuqu Shenfeng, sealed all the old man's cultivation.

"Impossible! How could you possibly be able to seal the art!! It's still the seal of the earth-level transformation!!"

The old man looked at Chen Feng in horror and slumped on the ground.

"This question, if you go to the underworld, you can ask the king of hell!!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng stopped talking nonsense and slapped him directly, killing him.

"Who dares to kill my son!!"

Just after Chen Feng killed him, he heard a loud shout that came from a distance, and at the same time, a huge momentum came over.

"This, this is the coercion that can only be possessed by the strong in the Dacheng stage!!"

"It's over, this kid really can't leave this time."

Chapter 2: The Powerhouse in the Dacheng Period (5/1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"It's over, this kid really can't leave this time."

"Tsk tsk, I can't think of it, this Pan Shizong actually has a great master of the Dacheng stage."

"Yeah, who would have imagined that only a middle-ranked sect in the Central Territory would have great masters in the Dacheng stage. Wouldn't the top ten sects be a group in the Dacheng stage?"

"Hehe, you think too much, the Central Domain Dacheng stage, the top ranked ones, at most, there are a few more half-steps to break the void. As for the Dacheng stage, do you really think it's that easy? I am afraid that many people will fall, right?"

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