With Liu Shengzi's murderous intent and a lot of momentum, Liu Buzhi was speechless, with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

His cultivation base does not transition to the fourth level of calamity, how can he withstand the momentum and killing intent of so many people?

Fortunately, they knew that Liu Buzhi couldn't bear it, and after a while, they all withdrew their momentum and killing intent.

Liu Shengzi returned to his previous appearance, leaned on the back of the chair, and said lazily.

"Tell me, who is that person?"

Liu Buzhi, who was freed, didn't care about the cold sweat all over his body, and quickly told all of Chen Feng's situation.

Including his ability to deduce the remnant, as well as his super-high comprehension.

To talk about why Liu Buzhi is here, we have to start with Chen Feng and the others after they left.

After Liu Bugui took Chen Feng and others to leave the Misty Sect, because Liu Buzhi couldn't help the killing intent in his heart, he quietly left the Repentance Cliff and came to the secret town.

On the way, he met people from other sects, told a lie, and asked them to bring him here.

After all, it is an existence of the fourth layer of transcending calamities. Outside the Central Territory, the deterrence is still relatively strong.

As soon as he arrived here, he contacted the major sects everywhere, and it was difficult for people to believe his words and gather these people together.

So the above scene happened. .

Chapter 4: Mountains and Rivers Records Show Power (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

After Liu Buzhi finished speaking, the Sect Master of Pan Shizong spoke thoughtfully.

"The Chen Feng you mentioned, isn't there a girl beside her?"


Liu Buzhi was stunned when he heard the words, then thought of Liu Xia'er, and hurriedly responded.

"Yes, that is the daughter of our sect master. I wonder what is wrong with you, Sect Master Wang?"

After getting the exact answer, Sect Master Panshi Sect King roared with murderous intent.

"This person, just this evening, killed my son!!"

Sect Master Wang's words aroused the sympathy of others, and they all comforted them.

Liu Shengzi played with the teacup in his hand and spoke after a while.

"This Chen Feng will participate in the competition tomorrow, right?"

"Will do."

"That's good. Tomorrow, I will throw an olive branch to him in the competition. If he accepts it, it's fine. If he doesn't accept it, hmph, then die for me!!"

As he said that, the spiritual power erupted from his hand, directly turning the tea cup into nothing.

Others looked at it, but did not dare to speak.

"Three Six Zeros" This Liu Shengzi is the number one sect in the Central Territory, the holy child of the Shengzong. To put it bluntly, he is actually the successor of the next Sect Master, and his strength has already reached the eighth level of the transcendence period.

When Liu Buzhi and Pan Shizong sect master heard the words, they wished Chen Feng would not accept it. In that case, they would be able to take revenge through the hands of others.

The matter here, everyone dispersed, Liu Buzhi lived here, waiting for news.

After the others returned, they summoned the participants in the Zong Nei and gave orders.

When he met Chen Feng, he pursued him with all his strength.

Because, although the Holy Sect is the largest sect in the Central Territory, it is impossible for other sects to watch them become stronger and stronger.

Therefore, the order was issued by coincidence.

I can't get it, and you don't want to get it, otherwise, there will be a chance for them to breathe in the future.

The next day, Liu Bugui took Chen Feng, Liu Xia'er and others to the entrance of the secret realm.

By the time they arrived, there were already a lot of people here, and the time was about the same.

It didn't take long before a person came out. This person was the representative arranged by the Holy Sect here, and he had a tenth-level cultivation base in the Dacheng stage.

Other sects are also represented here, but because the strength of the holy sect is the strongest, this person is the main one.

Without much nonsense, after the rules were announced, they cooperated with other people to open the entrance to the secret realm.

Before leaving, Liu Bugui explained to them and told them to act carefully, the grades didn't matter, the most important thing was to be safe.

In the end, under Liu Xia'er's impatient expression, she finally let them enter the secret realm with a wry smile.

"Sect Master, what do you think they can get this time?"

After they all entered the secret realm, Liu Bufei came to him and asked.

"This, it's hard to say. After all, there is Chen Feng. If you think about it, their results will not be too bad."

Liu Buhui looked at the entrance of the secret realm in a trance and muttered.

In fact, he didn't care about the ranking or anything. Because he had offended the people of Pan Shizong before, he was afraid that Chen Feng and others would be besieged.

After Chen Feng and others entered the secret realm, they were separated by a mysterious force.

Because it was a random teleportation, he still had to find Liu Xia'er and the others.

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