"The characters on this seem to be... a cultivation technique?"

Hearing what he said, Chen Feng carefully observed the characters on it.

[Ding, I found out that there is no grade of practice, whether to practice. 】

The system prompts are always so surprising.


Without saying a word, he gave the order directly, and then Chen Feng also sat down cross-legged.

[Ding, the host has learned gradeless exercises, Chaos Gods and Demons. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, the Chaos Gods and Demons have cultivated to the entry-level realm]

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, the Chaos Gods and Demons have cultivated to the realm of Xiaocheng]


[Ding, the host has an epiphany, the Chaos Gods and Demons recorded cultivation to the realm of transformation]

[Ding, due to the Chaos God and Demon Record, the body of the Demon God has evolved. 】

[The body of the devil (evolution): indestructible, can absorb energy, convert it into experience points according to a certain proportion, and improve its own level. 】

This news made Chen Feng overjoyed.

With this, he doesn't need to care about the level at all, even if the opponent is higher than his level, he can't beat himself, and it's useless.

Moreover, when the other party hits him, he can also add experience to himself.

This is simply a must-have technique for leapfrog killing monsters! !

Just when he just got up and was about to say something to Liu Xia'er and the three, the system prompt rang again.

[Ding, the host learns god-level martial arts, god and devil finger. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the gods and demons have cultivated to the entry-level realm. 】


[Ding, the host learns to…………]

Another series of prompts caused Chen Feng to fall into a daze again.

As for Liu Xia'er, the three of them looked at Chen Feng in confusion, not knowing what was wrong with him, but they laughed so happily.

".¨Chen Feng? Chen Feng?..."


Suddenly, when Chen Feng heard someone calling him, he naturally responded. (with money)

"What's wrong with you? Don't scare me!!"

Only now did he hear who was talking.

It turned out that Liu Xia'er watched him smirk for a long time, but didn't respond at all, thinking what was wrong with him, and anxious tears were about to come out.

"Uh, it's alright."

Seeing Liu Xia'er looking like she was about to cry, Chen Feng quickly stepped forward to hug her and comforted her.

"It's just that I just got the inheritance of the god-level exercises, so for a while, I was a little too happy."

No way, it's impossible to say that you learned it through the system, right?

After finally stabilizing Liu Xia'er's emotions, Chen Feng decided to take them out.

Because, the game or something has no meaning to them.

The Huntian Tower has already recognized him as the master, and the rumored god-level exercise has also been obtained by him, so it is meaningless to stay any longer. Instead, it is better to go out earlier.

Because, Chen Feng still has some accounts to ask those people to settle. .

Chapter 1 Exposure (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

Since Chen Feng has already mastered the Pagoda, he can go out without waiting until the time is up.

However, before going out, he teleported all the people in the secret realm except the monsters and them.

These disciples, standing in the place where they entered the secret realm, looked at each other in dismay, not understanding what happened.

"Fuck? Is it time?"

"MD, I'm about to kill a fourth-order monster!! Why did it suddenly appear?"

"Didn't you say you won't come out until the time is up? It's only been three hours, why did you come out?"

The leaders and representatives of the various sects who were waiting on the spot were also dumbfounded.

Because the mainland elite competition has been held for nearly a hundred years, this kind of thing has never happened before, why did something suddenly happen this time?

Just when everyone was at a loss, suddenly someone noticed something was wrong.

"Huh? What about the disciples of our sect?"

"Well? Yes, why are there so many people missing?"

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