But today, Chen Feng actually did such a thing, how could he not be angry.

"Chen Feng, you are courting death!!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhuge Yan made a bold move.

Speaking of which, Zhuge Yan deserves to be a character who breaks the emptiness by half a step, and Shengzong is not the head of the Zhongyu sect. .

With a wave of his hand, a black crack appeared out of thin air and quickly spread towards Chen Feng.

However, halfway along the way, he was blocked by a huge body.

Zhuge Yan looked at it and saw that it was not a Heaven-shattering beast.

Zhentian Beast glanced at Zhuge Yan with an idiot-like look, and then disdainfully exhaled two breaths from his nose.

Do you not take me seriously?Can't you see that I'm still here?idiot!

Inexplicably, Zhuge Yan read this meaning from this look.

Immediately, his face turned purple with anger, and he immediately shouted behind 017.

"Why are you still stunned? Let's do it!!"

Only then did the sect master elders behind him react, and they greeted the disciples of their sects to start.

Liu Bugui was about to greet the disciples to come forward to help, but was stopped by Chen Feng.

Originally, Chen Feng, the so-called Zhongyu Sect, would be so powerful.

But now it is a big disappointment, so he is ready to quickly resolve the battle.

"Zhentian Beast, go ahead and get rid of those junk."

Standing next to the Heaven-shattering Beast, Chen Feng pointed to the disciples of the various sects in the Central Territory and let them deal with those people.

And his goal is those elders and suzerain.

"Come on, let me play with you."

With the body of a demon, Chen Feng said that he was fearless.

Carrying all kinds of attacks, Chen Feng went up and beat him.

For a while, the scene was extremely chaotic.

In the front, Chen Feng and the elders of the sects had a heated battle, and the disciples of the sects in the back were chased by the beasts and ran around.

On the other hand, everyone from the Misty Sect was stunned to see it, and gave full play to the characteristics of the melon-eating crowd.

"(bgad) Tsk tsk, Elder Chen is amazing, I can blow this thing for the rest of my life."

"Isn't it true, there is such a monster. It seems that they are finished this time."

"Can it be finished? Looking at the size of this monster, it must be ninth-order, right?"

"When can I have a ninth-order monster as a pet?"

Not to mention the discussions of the disciples, Liu Bugui and others were also very surprised.

Because Chen Feng hadn't mentioned to them beforehand that there was such a ninth-order monster.

If they had known that there was a ninth-order monster, why would they be so nervous.

It has been the ninth-order monster, and it has topped half of them.


He was chased and beaten by Chen Feng, but he couldn't do anything about him. This made Zhuge Yan very aggrieved. Finally, he shouted and stopped.

He stopped, will Chen Feng stop?

Certainly not, so, an extra martial skill that could have been activated hit him so straight.

Although it didn't make him do anything, it still made him embarrassed.

"Chen Feng!! Let's discuss it?"

Chapter 1: God Execution Formation (additional, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Chen Feng!! Let's discuss it?"

However, thinking that he still has something to look for Chen Feng, he had to hold back his anger and said in a good voice.

"Discuss your sister, weren't you arrogant just now?"

Chen Feng stopped, but the Heaven-Shocking Beast would not, and still chased and killed those sect disciples everywhere.

Looking at these disciples, Zhuge Yan showed a hint of pain on his face, and said politely to Chen Feng.

"Mr. Chen, can you stop your monster for a while?"

"This, you ask him to go, I can't control it."

Just kidding, just now, I didn't see you being so polite, now

Want to beg for mercy?late.

Chen Feng also counted on this time to escalate the killings.

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