"It's my limit to take you alone, and in other worlds, you can't come out for the time being, unless I have a certain strength, I can release you."

Hearing this, Liu Xia'er lowered her head sadly.

But it didn't take long before she raised her head again, with a firm look in her eyes.

"Although I am very reluctant to daddy and the others, I am even more reluctant to part with you, brother Feng, so I decided to go with you!!"


Looking at Liu Xia'er, Chen Feng slowly lowered his head.

Seeing this, Liu Xia'er blushed, then closed her eyes, raised her head, and waited for her lover's kiss.

Chapter 3 Entering the domain (5/1 for subscription, for customization) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Seeing this, Liu Xia'er blushed, then closed her eyes, raised her head, and waited for her lover's kiss.

The two kept warm for a long time, until the moon rose, and Chen Feng brought Liu Xia'er to the main hall.

"Chen Feng, you are here."

As soon as he came to the main hall, Liu Bugui noticed it and looked at the man whose daughter had entrusted her life with a smile.

"Well, Sect Master, I came here tonight to get you ready."

"What to prepare?"

"Enter the Central Domain!!"


At night, both people and animals have entered a state of cultivation or sleep.

One after another, huge black shadows flew silently from the air and flew towards the Central Territory.

At the gate of Shengfeng Mountain, where Shengzong is located, several night pearls are inlaid on the gate, illuminating the front.

The two night-time disciples of the holy sect fell asleep directly against the mountain gate. At this moment, a person appeared in front of them and raised his hand.



Two loud slaps directly woke them up.

The two who woke up hurriedly picked up the weapons that were placed beside them, and looked around vigilantly.


One of the disciples saw the figure standing in front of him, probably because he had just woken up and didn't see it clearly, so he shouted out.

"Who do you say I am!!"

The man took two steps forward, and under the soft light of the night pearl, the two of them could see his face clearly.

"Ah, Brother Ye!!"

After the two of them saw his appearance clearly, they both hurriedly saluted.

"Hmph, come on, during the night shift, negligence of duty, according to the sect rules, what should be done?"

The person known as Senior Brother Ye snorted coldly, and then asked with his hands behind his back.

"Teacher, senior brother, give us another chance, we must stay on duty at night and stop dozing off!!"

As soon as the two heard his words, they immediately knelt on the ground and begged bitterly.

"Hmph, I ask you, how to deal with it!! I didn't let you beg for mercy!!"

"Yes, yes, dereliction of duty, according to the sect rules, it is right, (Wang Dehao) is right..."

"How is it right?"

"You should be punished for eighty years with the rod and punished with hard labor for fifty years."

"Hmph, you can go and receive the punishment yourself tomorrow."

After that, Senior Brother Ye left, leaving behind two pale-faced disciples who continued to work at night.

Suddenly, in the direction where Senior Brother Ye left, there was a muffled hum, and then there was no movement.

Those two disciples, who were thinking about their miserable life in the future, had no energy to pay attention to these things, and still stood there in a daze.

Immediately afterwards, a cold light flashed, and the two fell to the ground.

To death, the two of them still think about why they dozed off.


The night passed, and the people in Zhongyu got up as usual and lived their own repetitive lives.

However, a piece of news instantly blew up the entire Central Domain.

"The major sects in the Central Territory have all been destroyed, leaving only some weak sects.".

Chapter 4 The New World (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

[Ding, the data input is completed, and the attribute reset is completed. 】

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