The village chief walked to her side and looked at her with a look of pity.

After listening to the explanation from the village chief with a confused look, Nami realized that it was not that the villagers hated her, but that she did this to protect her.

Knowing this, tears of joy flowed from Nami's eyes.

The villagers also faded their disgusted expressions, put on kind smiles, and came to her side to comfort her.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was filled with emotion.

Both sides have good intentions to protect each other, but Nami, who did not know it, has been wronged for many years because of this white lie.

However, now that the Dragon Pirates have been killed by herself, Nami doesn't have to suffer these grievances anymore.

After watching for a while, Chen Feng waved his hand to the ground, and a pile of Baileys and some treasures appeared.

"These, Nami brought you from the station of the Dragon Pirates for you, and now they are given to you."

Hearing this, Nami looked up at Chen Feng in surprise.

She had been to the place where the dragon put the money and knew how much.

The pile of money in front of her was clearly more than one-third of what she told Chen Feng at the beginning.

"That's too much!!"

Chapter 3 The Truth (5/1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"That's too much!!"

Although Nami agreed to Chen Feng when she was at the Evil Dragon Pirates station just now, she paid attention to it.

After Chen Feng gave her the money, she would definitely find a way to leave.

However, Chen Feng's actions now made her a little moved.

"It's okay, anyway, there are a lot of places to make money in the future, which I don't like."

After replying to her, Chen Feng then turned his head and said to the village chief.

"Village chief, let them take the money according to what each family loses, and give the excess to Nuoqigao."

Nuo Qigao glanced at Chen Feng unexpectedly, and asked in Nami's ear.

"Who is this person? Helping you so much?"

Nuoqi Gao Yi said, Nami just remembered that she didn't know Chen Feng's name yet.

"Uh, I don't know either..."

Nami said embarrassedly.

"I didn't have time to ask."

"Tsk tsk, I don't even know the name, he is so helpful to you, there is a story in it."

Nuoqi Gao teased Nami loudly.

"What's the story! There's no such thing, don't talk nonsense!"

Nami was a little embarrassed by what Noqigao said.

"Okay, you can arrange it yourself, let's go."

After Chen Feng explained to the village chief, he left here directly.

"Thanks benefactor!!"

Looking at Chen Feng's back, the village chief bent down and gave a salute.

The villagers next to him also shouted loudly.

"Thanks benefactor!!!"

Seeing that Chen Feng was gone, Nami quickly followed.

Seeing this, Nuo Qigao hesitated for a while, but did not follow, but stayed where he was, helping the village chief maintain order.

"where are you going?"

After catching up with Chen Feng, Nami asked.

"Go to your house."

"What are you doing at my house?"

Chen Feng stopped and said angrily.

"Big sister! Don't you look at what time it is? It's already night!! Do you want to live in the wild?"

"Uh, okay."

"Don't hurry up and lead the way."

"oh oh……"

Just as the two were walking towards Nami's house, a ship approached the station of the Evil Dragon Pirates and slowly docked at the port.

"Well? Has it been solved by someone?"

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