"Hahaha having a banquet? How about adding Laozi, hahaha~"

A man covered in local tyrant gold with multiple gun barrels was standing on the square while laughing and shooting around.

Many people had fallen on the ground, but they were only slightly injured, and there were no casualties.

This person is exactly the overlord of the East China Sea, Crick, who has returned from the great route in embarrassment.

"You bastard! What do you want!!!"

The town policeman, Jianzhu, hid behind a big rock while protecting the village chief, and shouted loudly outside.

"What do you want? Hahahaha, this village, I will have the final say in the future!! Now prepare food for me immediately!!"

Crick hid the barrel of his gun, then sat on the ground, grabbed the food for the banquet, and began to eat.

"Damn it! Aaron was just dealt with, and now there's another one? Really!!"

Nuoqigao and Nami hid behind a big tree not far away, secretly watching the situation outside.

"What should I do? There are so many people outside!!"

Chapter 5 The Overlord of the East China Sea (5/1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"What should I do? There are so many people outside!!"

Nami was a little anxious, stared at Crick, and sat there swaggeringly eating and drinking.

On the ground around him, there were several injured people lying.

Nami, who was about to rush out just now, moved again, but was stopped by Nuo Qigao, who had been watching her.

"Don't move! You rush out, can you stop his gun? Don't be impulsive!"

Nuoqigao, who held Nami tightly to prevent her from rushing out, said to her.

"Then watch him like this?"

Nami stared at Crick in the square and said through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry, the man you brought back, he can't hear the voice here, maybe he will come soon."

Hearing Nuoqigao's words, Nami finally calmed down, but she still looked at the situation outside very angrily.

Not long after Nuo Qigao said these words, Chen Feng's figure appeared beside the square.

"Are things ready?"

Crick heard footsteps, turned his head and said...  

But when he saw that Chen Feng had nothing in his hands, his expression changed suddenly, and he threw the thing in his hand to the ground, and the hidden barrel of the gun appeared again.

"Did you not hear what I just said? Where's the food I want!!"

Seeing this scene, Nami's heart couldn't help but lift up and said anxiously.

"Flash away!!"

However, due to the distance, Chen Feng didn't hear her words, and even if he did, he probably wouldn't care much.

Chen Feng frowned and looked at Crick in front of him.

"You know, there are two things I hate the most in my life, do you know those two things?"

"I care about those two things? Have you prepared the food I want you to prepare? If not, go to hell!"

scratching his ears, Chen Feng continued.

"The first thing is trouble. As a person, I hate trouble, and you, in my eyes, are trouble."

"Well? Didn't you understand what Uncle Ben said?"

Crick raised his hand and pointed at Chen Feng.

"The second thing is that I annoy others the most, and hold a weapon at me, that way, I will be particularly annoyed!"

"And you happened to have both, so you can disappear."

Crick was taken aback for a moment, then laughed.

"Hahaha, are you crazy?"

He hammered the Golden Armor 5.1 on his body, and continued with a look of contempt in his eyes.

"You actually want to rebel against my uncle, but my uncle..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked out by Chen Feng who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"A lot of nonsense."

After saying a word with disdain, Chen Feng's figure appeared in front of him again.

One punch...

Hit him again.

"Hahaha... Give it up, this uncle's armor is indestructible!!"

Just when Crick thought that Chen Feng had nothing to do with him, a mutation happened.

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