When I got home, I took off my clothes and went to bed.

Thinking of this, Nami hurriedly lifted the quilt, immersed herself in the inspection, and found that there was no discomfort, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she put her chin on her knees and stared out the window, not knowing what she was thinking. If it wasn't for Nuoqi to call her, she wouldn't know how long she would stay in a daze.

Chen Feng, who was reading a newspaper at the dining table, heard footsteps and looked up habitually, just in line with Nami's gaze. Both of them became embarrassed and turned their eyes away.

Nuo Qigao peeked at the two of them while serving the meal.

Seeing the current situation of the two, he couldn't help but snicker.

"Time to eat."

"I'm starting~!"

Nami and Nokigao said something politely before eating.

But Chen Feng was not so polite, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

"Nami, what are your plans next?"

While eating, Nuoqigao remembered something and looked up at Nami.

"Guess, you have to ask him."

Nami didn't lift her head, she said vaguely while eating.

But when Nuo Qi Gao looked at Chen Feng, he found that this guy had been eating non-stop, and he didn't seem to hear his words at all.

Several black marks appeared on the forehead, Nuoqigao asked again.

"Hey, where are you taking Nami next?"

"Huh? Are you asking me?"

At this time, Chen Feng, who had just regained his senses, raised his head and looked at Nuo Qi Gao with a blank face.

"Well, let's go for a walk on the Great Route."


Hearing this, Nuo Qigao stood up, and Nami also stopped the rhythm of eating and looked at Chen Feng in astonishment.

"What's wrong?"

The reaction of the two made Chen Feng a little confused, and it was unclear why they had these 473 reactions.

"The great route, that place is very dangerous!"

Nuo Qigao looked at Chen Feng with a serious face and said.

"And, do you have a boat?"

"Dangerous? It doesn't exist."

Chen Feng smiled and said to Nuo Qigao.

"My existence, for those people, is a danger."

Hearing this sentence, Nuoqigao remembered.

The man in front of him, but in an instant, solved the man known as the overlord of the East China Sea, Crick.

From this, it can be seen that his strength is definitely more than that.

With such strength, there should be no problem in going to the great route.

"Uh, okay."

After that, several people didn't speak, they were just destroying the things in front of them.

After eating, they began to prepare to leave.

When it was close to noon, all the supplies and the like to be prepared were put on the boat.

"Nami, come back often!!"

"Okay! I will definitely come back often!!!"

"Nami, take good care of adults!!"

The sails were raised, and amid the reluctance of Nami and Nuoqigao to part and the villagers' thanks, the ship slowly sailed towards the great route.


"Hey! Chen Feng! Can't you do it yourself?".

Chapter 2 Bucky the Clown (5/[-] for subscription and customization)

"Hey! Chen Feng! Can't you come and help me?"

When Nami spoke, her tone was full of resentment. (Bookstore shu05.com)

Chen Feng was lying on a beach chair, basking in the sun leisurely.

Nami, on the other hand, took a rag and wiped it hard on the ground.

"Well, you are the subordinate I paid a lot of money to find. You must do these little things."

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