Nami's eyes narrowed.

"If you don't pass it, you have to hand over all your money to me for safekeeping, how about it?"

"make a deal!"

Reaching out his hand and giving Nami a high five, an agreement was reached.

When he came to the big bag of clothes, Chen Feng waved at the clothes and put them into the system space.

"Well, your ability is really convenient.'"

Seeing this, Nami looked at him enviously.

"By the way, by the way, what kind of fruit ability do you have? How do I think you already have several abilities? Didn't you say that you can only eat one devil fruit?"

"My ability?"

Chen Feng looked at Nami's curious expression, and deliberately sold it off.

"I won't tell you, you can guess for yourself~~"

After speaking, Chen Feng ran out.

"Chen Feng! You bastard!!!!"

After being stunned for a while, Nami came back to her senses and chased after Chen Feng with a look of embarrassment.

The two came to the place where the competition was held, which was the seafood market in another port.

"Well, the registration is over there, right? I hope it's still too late."

Arriving at the place of competition, Chen Feng looked at the crowd in front of him, thought for a moment, let out a little chill in front of him, and then walked towards the registration place.

The crowd in front of him involuntarily fought a cold war, and then ducked to one side.

"What's the matter, it's so cold?"

"you too?"

"Cold? I don't feel it here? Did you guys feel wrong?"

"How is it possible, are so many people delusional?"

"It's strange, the sun is so big today."

With Nami, I went all the way to the registration place unimpeded.


A man wearing glasses and a chef's uniform sat there carefree, holding a pen and doing registration.

At this point, most of the people who should sign up have already signed up. People like Chen Feng came last. In his opinion, most of them have no real skills.

Chapter 2 Cooking Competition (Add 1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

At this point, most of the people who should sign up have already signed up. People like Chen Feng came last. In his opinion, most of them have no real skills.

"Chen Feng."

"Okay, let's go to the competition venue. There are preparations for ingredients and so on. Pick them yourself, and don't waste food!"

The person who registered, after he finished speaking, he lay down on the table and registered for an afternoon, and he was also a little tired.

"No, you really want to participate?"

Seeing that Chen Feng really signed up, Nami said in surprise.

"Otherwise? I lied to you? Well, I'll go over first, and wait to kiss me."

As Chen Feng spoke, he walked towards the arena.

"Who wants to kiss you, bastard!"

Nami, who blushed, looked at Chen Feng's back and whispered.

"come on!"

When he came to the infield, Chen Feng saw Sanji who had taken off his coat at a glance.

"Yo, Sanji."

"Huh? Boss, are you coming to the game too?"

Seeing Chen Feng, Sanji froze for a moment, and asked with a little doubt.

"Well, yes."

"can you cook?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Hearing his words, Sanji's face darkened.

".〃You can cook, why do you still let me cook it for you every day?"

"Hey, don't you know that I hate trouble? Besides, if you don't cook for me, what am I going to do with you?"

Glancing at him, Chen Feng said disdainfully.

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