Those navies also turned into nothingness with this blow.

Chapter 5 Earning Interest (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Those navies also turned into nothingness with this blow.

After solving this, Chen Feng continued to fly towards the back.

"Who are you? You dare to attack the navy, and now I pronounce the sentence, you are guilty!"



As soon as he flew past the ruins of the front door and came to a passage, Chen Feng heard someone below him whispering and looked down.

I saw a group of navy men holding iron chains with the word "guilty" engraved on their arms, standing there, looking at Chen Feng aggressively.

Behind them, two tall giants, armed with weapons, were holding in front of another door.

"Why are there so many doors in this ghost place?"

Chen Feng didn't care about those two giants. What he cared about was that there were too many doors in this place, and it was too troublesome.

Looking at the group of navy below, there was a hint of impatience on his face.


With a wave of his hand, a large swath of cold air poured out of his hand and drifted toward the group of navy.

Anything touched by the cold air turned into ice sculptures in an instant, and after a while, all the navies on the passage were destroyed.

Seeing that Chen Feng had easily dealt with so many navies, the two giants swallowed their saliva.

If it is ordinary people, they are naturally not afraid.

However, the few times Chen Feng just shot, because of their height, they naturally saw it clearly, so it is natural to be afraid now.

"Hey, you two, is it Oymo and Casey?"

Those two giants looked at Chen Feng with serious expressions, and were waiting with weapons in their hands, but when they heard him call out their names, they were all stunned.

".〃En? We are, do you know us?"

Oymo asked.

"I don't know you, but I know your leaders, the blue ghost Dongli and the red ghost Broki."

Although Chen Feng alone could turn the world upside down, he felt that it was too troublesome, and it would be good to have two more helpers, so he started his own trick of fooling around.

"What? What evidence do you have to prove that you know our leader?"

"That's right, our leader was arrested by the World Government, how could you possibly know it!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, both of them were startled at first, but they were skeptical about his words.

After all, the world government told them fifty years ago.

Their leader has already been arrested, otherwise, they would not have been here to show the door of the World Government for fifty years.

"Cut, do you still believe what the world government says? I said your leader is now on Little Garden Island, do you (Noli's) believe it?"

"You, what are you saying is true?"

Glancing at the two of them, Chen Feng directly crossed the second gate and continued to fly inside.

"If you believe me, just wait for me here. If you don't believe me, you can attack me, but think about the consequences."

The two giants heard the words, looked at each other, and then sat on the ground.

"Oymo, he won't lie to us, will he?"

"Well, probably not, he is so powerful, it should be easy to defeat us, there is no need to lie to us."

"I hope so."

At the end, both of them sighed involuntarily, then looked up at the sky.

After the second gate, it is the main island of Judicial Island.

At this moment, a voice came from below.

"Hey! Are you brave? How dare you attack Judicial Island?"

Chapter 9: The Tragic CP1 (plus [-], please subscribe, please customize)

"Hey! Are you brave? How dare you attack Judicial Island?"

Chen Feng heard the sound and looked down, and found nine people with different shapes, standing not far below him, looking at him.

"No, I'm not attacking, I'm collecting debts."

Chen Feng shrugged and said to them.

These nine people are Cp9, the secret intelligence agency directly under the world government.

The full name of the organization is CipherPolNo.9, and its members include Spandam, Rob Luqi, Kaku, Gabra, Bruno, Lion Snuggle, Soundless Owl, Kalifa, and Weasel Nero.

The most powerful is that Rob Ludge with pigeons on his shoulders.

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