"Elephant Sword Assault!!"


The people who were attacked by the clones all used their abilities one after another.

Either dodge or attack.

However, they soon discovered that their evasion or attack basically had no effect.

Because there are more than a dozen of Chen Feng's clones on the field, no matter where they hide, they will be attacked.

If it is an attack, they can't beat it, which makes them very distressed.

"Attack the deity! As long as the deity is defeated, these clones will disappear!!"

Kalifa once again released a bubble on herself as a defense, and shouted to several other people.

"Well, I'll come first."

Rob Luqi heard the words, changed from beast form to human beast form, then jumped up and hit Chen Feng.

"Six Types of Profound Truth 'The Biggest Wheel Six Kings Spear'!!"

This is his strongest move. It gathers all the power and releases it. When activated, a huge shock wave is generated. The shock wave will penetrate the human body and cause huge damage to the internal organs directly.

After his attack, several other people also avoided the clones and attacked, all using their strongest moves.

"Lanjiao Zhou Duan!!"

"Lanjiao · Pack of Wolves with Stars!!"

"Finger gun Q!!"


With their attack, the surrounding clones turned into ice chips and disappeared.

Seeing that the clone disappeared, Cp9 and several people thought that their attack had taken effect, and they all smiled.

But when they landed on the ground and looked up into the air, the smiles instantly solidified on their faces.

"Have you had enough? It's my turn!".

Chapter 1 The Erased Judicial Island (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Have you had enough? It's my turn!"

I saw that Chen Feng did not know when a throne was condensed, and he was leaning on it lazily. A cloud of white smoke was supporting the throne, and he just floated in the air.

"This, this is impossible to win!! How can it be beaten!!"

After all, Nai Luo is a newcomer who has just joined Cp9. At this time, he is looking at Chen Feng in the sky with a look of horror, and he has already lost all his fighting spirit.

"Yo hoo, this guy has some eyesight, he knows he can't beat him, so why don't you hurry up and run?"

Chen Feng, who was watching their reaction, immediately encouraged him.

"Don't run, even if you run, he won't let you go."

Kalifa stared closely at Chen Feng and spoke to dissuade Sea Weasel Nairo.

"That's not necessarily true, in case I really let him go."

Chen Feng did not deny or admit Kalifa's words, but just said an ambiguous remark.

"Damn, what should I do now?"

Spandam looked at Chen Feng with a gloomy face, and slowly took a few steps back.

"By the way, I still have this!!"

Suddenly thinking of something, Spandam slowly touched his inner pocket and took out a golden phone bug.

"Chen Feng! Don't be arrogant, believe it or not I press this button, you will perish with us!!!"

"This, this is!!!"

"This is the golden phone bug that launched the slaughtering order!!!"

"Spandam, don't mess around!!"

When the other people saw it, they all panicked.

You must know that once the Demon Slaying Order is activated, it is irreversible. If the target is not completely destroyed, it will not stop at all.

"Missing? Hahahaha..."

Spandam let out a nervous laugh, then said.

"If I don't live, no one wants to live!!"

"This demon slaughtering order seems to be very useful. I took it."

While he was laughing wildly, a voice suddenly sounded from his side.

Turning his head to look, he found that Chen Feng had come to Spandam's side at some point, and he was holding a golden phone bug.

Looking at Spandam's hand again, there was nothing left.

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