"Report, report! It is said that there is only one enemy."

The soldier swallowed his saliva and replied earnestly.

"One? It seems that he is really confident in himself!"

A cold light flashed in Sengoku's eyes, and then he said to the soldier.

"Send a message to all those above the rank of brigadier general, and let them rush back to the Navy Headquarters as quickly as possible!"


After the soldiers left, Sengoku took off his glasses, rubbed his eyebrows, and looked at the seaside square from a distance through the window.

Chen Feng stood on the square and closed his eyes, waiting for the coming of the Lord.

However, when the naval forces were assembled and they aimed their guns at Chen Feng, he opened his eyes instantly, and a cold light flashed past.

Without any movement, everyone only felt that a coldness swept across their body, and then they lost all consciousness.

Chen Feng looked at the large ice sculptures around and shouted at them.

"Warring States, give you one minute, come out and apologize to me, otherwise, don't blame me for making this Marin Fando become the second judicial island!!".

Chapter 2 Chen Feng vs Warring States (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

As Chen Feng's voice fell, his voice echoed throughout the sky above Marin Fando.

Everyone heard this sentence, and for a while, they were all stunned in place.

After a moment of silence, everyone was boiling.

They knew that someone had invaded Marin Fando, but what they didn't expect was that this person was so arrogant.

"Become a second justice island? What do you mean?"

The Warring States in the office naturally heard these words. After pondering for a while, he raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of incredible expressions.

"Could it be that he destroyed Judiciary Island?"

After being shocked, he became furious.

"How dare he!! How can he do such a thing!!!"

The Judiciary Island is one of the three important components that make up the world government. Now that "[-]" has been destroyed by Chen Feng, how can this make him not angry.

"Come here, organize all the people, prepare to fight!"

And because of the long waiting time, Nami and Sanji who followed behind were shocked by the changes in Judiciary Island and the destruction of the Gate of Justice. Now hearing his words, the whole person is even worse.

"Ah!!! This bastard!! What is he going to do? He wants to destroy Marin Fando, where does he think this is!! This is the Navy Headquarters! Bastard!!"

Nami held the side of the boat tightly and roared loudly.

"Sister Nami, I think we can step back a little now. I believe the boss will definitely be able to solve it."

Sanji looked at the soldiers who had assembled again on the square and said.

"Retreat! Retreat! We didn't see that bastard here, so we'll just wait here. If he can't beat him, we still have time to run."

Their current location is not far from the Gate of Justice, and it is also some distance from the shore, which is really suitable for running.

However, will Chen Feng lose?

In front of the giant fortress of the navy headquarters, a large number of navies gathered again, but this time they did not dare to make any movements, even with firearms in their hands, they did not dare to face Chen Feng.

It didn't take long for the Warring States to appear on the fortress, and behind him were Kizaru and Aokiji of the three generals, followed by lieutenant generals, major generals, and brigadier generals from the headquarters.

It can be said that the highest combat power of the navy has been assembled here at this time.

"Chen Feng, what are you trying to do!!"

Warring States stood on the upper level of the fortress, looking at Chen Feng below, his eyes were full of anger.

"It's okay, it's just that the reward title your navy gave me is too ugly, I'm very upset."


Chen Feng's remarks immediately made everyone dumbfounded.

What is your logic?Just because of a name that doesn't sound good, you will destroy the Judicial Island if you are upset?Also, the special mother was marked with Marin Fando?

What the hell! !

This is the current thinking of many navies, but they only dare to think about it in their hearts, and dare not speak out, for fear of accidentally angering Chen Feng.

"What do you want?"

Sengoku felt that he was having a headache now, took off his glasses and pinched his eyebrows.

"Well, changed my name."

"Change to what?"


Hearing this, Sengoku and other senior navy leaders felt a groan in their hearts.

Is this Chen Feng trying to become emperor?Subvert the world government regime?

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