I saw a silver-white ball floating more than one meter above the ground. The surface seemed to be in a liquid state, and it looked very mysterious.

Chen Feng put his hand on it curiously and felt a little bit of coolness.

Just as he was about to take his hand away, the silver ball changed and turned into a human figure.

If it weren't for the human figure on the opposite side, it was silver-white, and if there was still a trace of ripples, Chen Feng would think that the one on the opposite side was his clone.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, I found the ancient weapon king, may I ask if it is bound. 】

King?Is this his meow the king?

Chen Feng stared blankly at the human figure similar to himself in front of him, but he couldn't recover for a long time.

After repeated prompts from the system, Chen Feng recovered.

"Bind, bind."

It's strange if you don't bind it, leave it to others!

[Binding... Binding is successful. 】

The system's voice had fallen, and Chen Feng felt that he seemed to have a faint connection with the King of Heaven.

Feeling this, Chen Feng tried to issue an order in his heart.

"Return to its original form."

In an instant, the king regained the silver-white spherical shape again.

At this time, a message was transmitted from the Heavenly King's side.

Chen Feng was able to close his eyes to check, only to find out that this information is the instructions for the use of Heavenly King. .

Chapter 1 Advance City (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

After bringing the King of Heaven into the system space, Chen Feng swept the entire Mary Joa.

Afterwards, in the wailing of all the dragons in Maryjoa, they returned to the boat and left floating.

"Hey, what did you do? Why do I seem to hear so many people crying?"

Nami looked back suspiciously, and then said to Chen Feng.

"It's nothing."

And Chen Feng said calmly.

"It's just looting them all."

"Oh, looting, you said, said, said..."

Halfway through speaking, Nami felt that something was wrong, and then looked at him, Jieji Baba said.

"You, you say, what did you say? Wash, wash, loot?"

"Yeah, what's the matter, didn't I say, I'm here to ask the Five Old Stars for the account."

Watching Chen Feng who was still calm while watching "One Seven Seven", Nami felt that one day she would die of a heart attack.

Although it was only a temporary decision to come to Mary Joa this time, Chen Feng still felt that it was correct that he went to Warship Island a few days ago to extract all the energy of the Millennium Dragon fossil.

Looking at the column of the level in the information column, it has been upgraded to the emperor level.

If it was the level before he went to Warship Island, the general level, now he is not sure that he can kill all the five old stars so arrogantly.

Now that Wu Laoxing was killed by him, even if the navy tried to cover up the news, he believed that those Tianlong people would spread the news.

At that time, the world will be in chaos.

The best thing about copying ability is to advance it.

Because, in the city, there are all kinds of people, maybe there are other surprises you can get this time.

Advance City, located in the windless belt in the first half of the Great Air Route, has extremely tight security.

The prisoners are all felons, and the inside is very eerie. There are various monster jailers and videophone worms to monitor. There are a large number of large sea kings on the seabed outside the prison, which makes the city known as a copper wall.

There are six floors in total, and each floor holds prisoners of different strengths.

Flying all the way, I came to the vicinity of Marin Fando.

Seeing this ship with the golden dragon logo again, the navy was very panicked, and the alarm sounded again throughout the Marin Vando.

"What is this time?!!"

Sengoku, who was sitting in the office reviewing documents, heard the alarm sound, his heart jumped, and then he said with a headache.

"Report to the marshal! Heavenly Emperor Chen Feng's ship, over, over here!!!"


Hearing the soldier's report, Sengoku ran out in a panic.

When he came to the platform at the top of the fortress of the headquarters, which was divided into two halves, he found that Chen Feng's boat did not stop, and flew straight into the door of justice with the door wide open.

Watching him enter the gate of justice, Sengoku was relieved at this time.

"Is that the Heavenly Emperor who caused such a huge loss to Malin Fando, Chen Feng?"

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