"Damn!! Hurry up and start that thing, I'm dragging him."

Andre and the swordsman looked at each other and charged towards Chen Feng from both sides.

"Please you!!"

Seeing that the two of them acted, Charmarco and Stufield did not dare to delay, and immediately fell down and returned to their previous house.

"Cut, all conspiracies and tricks are rubbish in the face of absolute power, so please die again!".

Chapter 5: The King of Heaven (5/[-], please subscribe, please customize)

"Stop for me!!"

Stufield controlled the trees below to grow wildly upwards and turned into a tree giant. Controlled by Stufield, he stretched out a thick fist composed of many branches and hit Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took the knife he grabbed from the old man and cut off the tree man's branch. However, what he didn't expect was that the tree man actually grew again under the control of Stufield.

"Hahaha, you can't kill it, as long as I don't die, no matter how you cut it, it will recover quickly!!"

Seeing the tree man return to his original form, Stufield laughed proudly.

"Really? I don't know if it can be recovered after burning it?"

Saying that, a cloud of magma appeared in Chen Feng's hand, and then threw it down.

Seeing this scene, Stufield was shocked, and just wanted to let the tree man escape, but it was too late, and the magma fell firmly on the tree man.


There was a crack in the human face of the tree man, and a huge howl came from inside.

The fire spread rapidly, and in a short while, the tree man's whole body was covered with flames.

Looking at the tree man who had turned into a huge 18-torch, a sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth.

"Now, it's your turn."

After speaking, Chen Feng waved the knife in his hand and charged towards the two of them.

When the two saw it, they flew in two directions respectively.

"Do you think I can't do anything about it? Humph!"

Seeing that the two of them wanted to separate and escape, Chen Feng snorted coldly, and a clone appeared beside him.

One by one with the clones, they chased after them.

Not long after, they caught up with both Stufields at the same time.

"go to hell!!"

With a flash of cold light, the two stopped at the same time, and a large amount of blood spurted out in front of them.

After killing the two, the clone dissipated directly.

At this time, there was a huge roar from below.

Looking down, a crack appeared on the ground, and a strange machine slowly rose up.

"Chen Feng!! This time, just stay here!!!"

As the machine rose up, Charmaco shouted loudly.

"This, it can be compared to an ancient weapon's God-killing Cannon!!!"

Hearing his words, Chen Feng almost laughed.

Compared to ancient weapons?There is a king here.

"Ancient weapons, I have them too."

With a wave of his hand, the silver king appeared in front of him again.

"Oops!! How could I forget that he took the King of Heaven!!"

Charmaco looked at the king, and his face became very ugly.

"He shouldn't know how to use the king, don't care, fight!!"

With that said, the switch was turned on.

As soon as the switch was turned on, the mechanism changed, a dark muzzle was exposed, and then energy began to condense.

Soon, the energy was condensed, and then a dazzling beam of light hit Chen Feng.

It seems that he felt something, and the king changed on his own, and turned into a round shield to block Chen Feng.

The beam of light hit the round shield, and the surface of the round shield fluctuated violently.

Although the fluctuations were very violent, there was no change.

It took nearly a minute for the shooting to stop this time.

The two of Charmaco looked at the air expectantly, but after the smoke dispersed, the expected picture did not appear.

Although the surface of the Heavenly King fluctuated very strongly, it was not damaged in the slightest.

Chapter 5 The King of Heaven (5/1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

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