"Oh, Chen Feng!! Let's fight!!"

When Kaido saw Chen Feng, he immediately stood up and shouted at Chen Feng who had not yet landed.

"Give me a face, everyone, and don't fight first, okay?"

Chen Feng, who was going to suppress Kaido, almost lost his temper when he heard this.

"Okay, don't fight, I'll give you this face."

Holding a smile, Chen Feng flew to the top of the headquarters fortress, looked at the people below, and said.

"Now, I'll give you two options."

"One, continue to be your pirates, and then be annihilated by me one by one."

As soon as Chen Feng's words came out, the following immediately boiled.

"What are you! How dare you talk like that!!"

"You come down!! Without our captain, I can beat you down!!"

"You still want to annihilate us, just dream!!"

The other pirates were talking a lot, but their captain looked at Chen Feng with a solemn expression.

"Shut up!"

Finally, Kaido roared, and the scene was quiet.

"Go on."

Chen Feng glanced at Kaido with a deep meaning, and then said.

"The second choice is to join my subordinates and surrender to me, the Emperor Chen Feng!!"

"Gu la la la, today's young people really don't know how high the sky is!!"

Whitebeard laughed a few times, and then he exuded a strong momentum.

"I can give you what you want most, as long as you surrender to me 々々."

Speaking, Chen Feng rushed to the side and waved.


A loud roar resounded in everyone's ears.

When everyone heard the sound, they found a huge figure flying towards the square and landing on the square.

This figure is Sphinx.

The Sphinx at this time was bigger and stronger than before.

Falling on the ground, a powerful momentum enveloped the entire square.

The weaker pirate was overwhelmed by this momentum and fell directly to the ground.

"This, what is this!!"

"Is this a monster?"

Everyone looked at the Sphinx in horror, not knowing what it wanted to do.

The Sphinx, on the other hand, ignored anyone and just looked up at Chen Feng.

"Sphinx, let them see your current abilities."


Hearing the words, Sphinx shouted, opened his mouth, and a wave of energy condensed in his mouth.

Not long after, a beam of light shot up into the sky and scattered the clouds in the sky.

Whitebeard, Aunt, and Shanks all looked at this beam of light in astonishment, and even Kaido's eyes revealed a trace of fear.

"Now, is there anyone who is unwilling to obey?"

Looking at the people below, Chen Feng said coldly.

"Looks like it's still going to be a fight."

Chapter 1 Zhu Qiang Gathered (Add 1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Looks like it's still going to be a fight."

Kaido looked at Chen Feng coldly, clenched his fists, squatted down slightly, and then charged towards Chen Feng.

At the same time, almost all of them took up their weapons and rushed up.


Seeing this, the Sphinx roared again and slapped it out.

With a slap, many people were slapped away by his slap.

And Kaido also came to Chen Feng and punched him.

Seeing this, Chen Feng also punched him.

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