

Fang Qingtong's eyes turned cold, and she stood up. The strength of the real seventh-rank burst out instantly, and a powerful coercion shrouded the field.

"Shut up! This is the assessment site of Qimu Academy, not the vegetable market! Whoever dares to make a loud noise will be directly disqualified from the assessment!!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

Although it was quiet, the anger in his heart grew even stronger, and they all looked at Chen Feng on the stage coldly, waiting for him to make a joke.

Chen Feng didn't care about the farce just now, he came to the Tianji Pillar and put his hand on it.

Ten seconds have passed...

Half a minute has passed...

A minute has passed...

Everyone in the audience saw that Tianjizhu did not react in the slightest, and they all showed sarcasm.

And Fang Qingtong also showed such an expression as expected. Just when she wanted to call Chen Feng down, a sudden change occurred. .

Chapter 5 The dragon soul comes out, shocking the world! (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

Just when everyone thought that Chen Feng had failed, a sudden change occurred.

I saw various visions appearing in the air, and after each vision appeared, they quickly entered the Heavenly Secret Pillar.

After the last vision entered the Pillar of Secrets, changes began to appear on the Pillar of Secrets.

Various colors are constantly changing on the Tianji Pillar. As the color changes, the light becomes brighter and brighter, and a dragon shadow also faintly appears on the Tianji Pillar, and it keeps swimming on it.

Everyone was stunned to see this scene, they couldn't believe it.

"Dragon, dragon soul????"

"This, this legend is actually true?"

"How is it possible that he, who walked through the back door, can actually trigger the dragon soul? Impossible!!"

Even Fang Qingtong and Director Wang looked at Chen Feng in astonishment, their eyes full of disbelief.

Especially Mr. Wang, when he received Chen Mingxuan's invitation, he had already inquired.

The third son of the Palace Master of Wufu is a playboy, not only has a bad reputation, but also has a very poor cultivation base.

At the age of sixteen, under the huge accumulation of resources, he returned to the cultivation base of the third-grade source.

With so many resources, if you give a person with a slightly better talent, they can easily cultivate to the real world.

Therefore, it was difficult for him to accept that this person was the Chen Feng that he had found in the news, who was so talented that he was dying.

With the passage of time, the pillar of heaven became brighter and brighter, and the shadow of the dragon became clearer and clearer.


With a thunderous dragon roar, a dragon shadow jumped out of the Heavenly Secret Pillar, rushed straight into the sky, and shuttled through the clouds, as if celebrating his birth.

"hold head high!!!!!!"

The roar of the dragon sounded again, and this time, it was not only heard near the Qimu Academy, but spread throughout the entire Earth Immortal Realm.

"This is!!"

In the main city of Wufu, Chen Mingxuan's expression froze, and he flew into the air, looking in the direction of Qimu Academy.

"Could this be, Dragon Soul?!!〃ˇ!"

When he saw the huge dragon shadow in the clouds, he couldn't help but gasped.

"Dragon Soul is now, the prosperous world is born, is it true that the legend is true?"

At the same time, there are strong people everywhere, flying into the air one after another, looking at the dragon shadow in the clouds from a distance, their eyes are full of joy.

"The prosperous age is coming, and I will have the opportunity to peep at that higher realm."

In an old forest in a deep mountain, an old man was sitting by the creek fishing for fish, and he heard the sound and looked into the air, and said faintly.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't know all of this. At this moment, he was staring at the radiant Tianji Pillar and the dragon shadow in the sky with a dazed expression.

"My God!! It's actually a dragon soul!!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

Everyone was awakened by the sound, and they all looked at the place where the sound came from.

An old man was standing beside him, looking at the dragon shadow in the sky with tears on his face.


When Fang Qingtong and Director Wang saw the old man, they shouted in unison.

"President, why are you here?"

Fang Qingtong came to the dean and asked suspiciously.

However, the dean turned a deaf ear to her words and kept staring at Chen Feng on the stage.

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