[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the potential is advanced to the realm of Xiaocheng. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the potential is advanced to the Dacheng realm. 】


[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the potential is advanced to a transformation. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, the potential has reached the top level, and the advancement is the domain. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, Domain Advancement is the entry level. 】


[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the advanced domain is transformed into a realm. 】

The series of prompt sounds from the system made Chen Feng a little confused, especially the last one prompting him to enter the advanced stage, which made him even more confused.

Inadvertently, the newly advanced domain was used directly.

I saw an invisible aura that enveloped the entire arena. This time, everyone in the arena fell directly on the ground. Only a few people struggled and climbed up from the ground.

And Yuan Yingyao and Wei Chenyi, the so-called Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list, immediately vomited blood and passed out in a coma the moment Chen Feng's power transformed into a domain.


Seeing this scene, the dean on the jury's seat immediately stood up. He, who has always paid attention to his personal cultivation, couldn't help but burst out swear words that he would never say before.

"This kid is so amazing that he has advanced his potential into a realm, this kind of comprehension, this kind of talent, there is no one in the past, no one in the future!! He is only sixteen years old now, what am I doing when I am sixteen years old. !!"

"Ah? Ahaha, ahahaha..."

As he spoke, he actually laughed a little absentmindedly.

Chen Feng's advanced comprehension on the spot can be said to have a great impact on him.

You must know that it is not bad for ten people out of a thousand to comprehend such a thing. Generally speaking, only one or two out of a thousand people can understand it.

To be able to advance the potential and comprehend it into a realm is not only about comprehension. The cultivation base must at least reach the realm of heaven and human. Only after comprehending the potential and advancing it to the top can it be possible to comprehend it. to the domain.

At this time, Chen Feng is only a sixteen-year-old boy. With his strength, it is impossible to reach the realm of heaven and man. How can you make him not excited.

However, he is also a master of Heaven and Human Realm, and he quickly adjusted his mentality.

With a sigh, the dean's eyes were full of complicated colors. Finally, he waved his hand, summoned a person, and after explaining a few words to him, he left here.

He can't leave if he doesn't leave. He is afraid that if he keeps watching, Chen Feng will reveal some more evil aspects, and his heart will not be able to bear it.

Chapter 2 There is no one before and no one later (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

He can't leave if he doesn't leave. He is afraid that if he keeps watching, Chen Feng will reveal some more evil aspects, and his heart will not be able to bear it.

"Well, what's going on here?"

"Why are those people on the field falling? How can this be compared?"

"Well? Am I the only one who is concerned that Chen Feng is strong?"

"No, I've noticed it too, Chen Feng is really strong."

"I'm afraid, the Tianjiao list will be updated soon, and Chen Feng, the dark horse, is going to beat the elites."

Seeing that everyone in the arena fell down, Chen Feng pouted and put away the domain.

"These people are too weak, boring, go back to sleep."

With that said, Chen Feng jumped off the ring and left the martial arts arena without looking back...  

After Chen Feng put the domain away, the people who were struggling to support them also loosened suddenly, and finally rolled their eyes and passed out.

When he left the martial arts arena, all the spectators realized that there was no one standing in the arena. In an instant, the entire martial arts field seemed to explode, and there were constant discussions.

As soon as Chen Feng appeared in the martial arts field, someone came to inform him that the dean was waiting for him in the conference room and asked him to come over.

Hearing this, although he was a little confused, he still walked towards the conference room.

Following the prompt on the jade slip, Chen Feng came to the conference room, pushed open the door and walked in.

"Classmate, come, come, come, sit here."

When the dean saw Chen Feng coming, he changed his previous solemn image, shyly trotted all the way to his side, and pulled him aside.

"Classmate, your talent is unprecedented, the number one in the world, that..."

Chen Feng was pulled by him and sat on the chair with a bewildered face. He didn't know what medicine he bought in the gourd.

Now when he heard what he said, Chen Feng understood that this was something he wanted to help himself.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

Impatiently restraining his desire to go on, Chen Feng asked directly.

"Hehehe...you saw it."

The dean's face turned red at 3.8, and he rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

"Hurry up and say, don't say I'm leaving."

After all, Chen Feng was about to get up and leave.

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