"It's really boring, when will I find the saint..."

That's right, this girl is one of the people who came out of the Ming clan to look for the saint, Shisha'er.

As soon as the three of them came to the top, they separated directly, and Shisha'er chose to come to the Qimu Academy in Wufu.

Chapter 3 Shisha (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

As soon as the three of them came to the top, they separated directly, and Shisha'er chose to come to the Qimu Academy in Wufu.

At this time, a small sound was caught by her.

"Huh? Is there some fun at last?"

Turning his head to look at the place where the sound was made, he saw only dense bushes and nothing else.

"Che, what's there to hide?"

With a wave of her hand, a black gas flew out of her hand and drilled into the bushes.

After an obvious commotion, the black qi rolled up a monster with a huge body and came to her.

"Well? Is the third-order monster hidden wolf?"

The Hidden Wolf is a Tier [-] Monster Beast. It is called Hidden Wolf because it makes almost no sound and is very concealed when it moves.

Although it is only a third-order monster, due to its characteristics, many people are planted on it.

When the hidden wolf came to her, there was no movement.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Yinlang's forehead. The black energy condensed and burrowed into Yinlang's head. When it came out, there was a silver crystal nucleus on the black energy.

"Cut, only a third-order crystal nucleus."

Looking at the crystal nucleus in his hand with disgust, he threw it into the storage bracelet.

"Ah, would you like something exciting?"

On the other side, Chen Feng and Yulan Meng walked together in the Ten Thousand Demon Forest.

Originally, after entering Wan Yaosen, Chen Feng wanted to act on his own, but Yu Lan Meng wanted to follow him no matter what, he had no choice but to let her follow.

While walking, he suddenly heard the sound of fighting in front of him. Chen Feng and Yu Lanmeng looked at each other, then speeded up and ran towards the place where the fighting sound came from.

When they got there, they heard a familiar voice.

"Han Yide, I'll give you one last chance to join us, otherwise, when I finish solving you, I'll just kill your boss in Wan Yaosen."

"Yuan Yingyao, you still want to beat my boss? Just dream about you."

Looking closely, Han Yide fell to the ground with injuries all over his body, while Yuan Yingyao and several others were standing beside him.

At this time, Yuan Yingyao was holding a sword, facing Han Yide.

"You are still stubborn when you are about to die. If that's the case, then you should die!!"

Saying that, he raised the sword in his hand and was about to stab it.

"you dare!!"

Just when the tip of the sword was about to stab Han Yide's throat, a pressure suddenly came and made Yuan Yingyao lie on the ground.

"Chen, Chen Feng!!!"

Yuan Yingyao turned his head with difficulty and looked at the place where the voice came from. When he saw Chen Feng, his eyes were full of disbelief and horror.

"Why are you here!!!"

"Why can't I be here? This is Wan Yaosen, not your home."

While speaking, Chen Feng slowly came to his side, crouched down, and picked up the sword in his hand.

"I heard that you are going to kill me here?"

"You, you heard wrong, I, I didn't say anything...".

Chapter 4 Xuexiang Jackal (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"You, you heard wrong, I, I didn't say anything..."

Yuan Yingyao looked at Chen Feng in horror, and while speaking, moved to the side with difficulty.

However, Chen Feng's domineering has now advanced again. With all his strength, he can't even move an inch.

"Well? But, why did I just hear that you said you were going to kill my little brother first, and then kill me?"

"No no no, no no, really no."

Lying helplessly on the ground, his eyes showed despair, and he kept begging for mercy.

"Let me go, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, Chen Feng, please let me go."

However, when he saw Chen Feng pointing the sword at him, his face became grim.

"Chen Feng, you can't kill me, if you kill me, my family will avenge me!!"

"Oh? Your family?"

Hearing his words, Chen Feng couldn't help but be stunned, what kind of family made him so confident.

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