"Well? Got a cold? Can't you?"

Wiping his nose, Chen Feng was a little puzzled.

Logically speaking, with a physique like his, it is impossible to catch a cold.

But this sneeze doesn't make sense.

After thinking about it for a while, I didn't understand it, and I just didn't want to.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't ask her for leave this time, but went directly to the old dean to ask for leave. I'm afraid she's going crazy."

Thinking of Fang Qingtong's face turning blue with anger holding the leave slip, Chen Feng wanted to laugh.

After returning from the dean yesterday, Chen Feng returned to his residence and refined the flying boat again.

Chen Feng, who now has a general outline of the refining equipment in his head, as long as he has the materials, he can practice "Seven Four Three" and make a flying boat that is better than the one rewarded by the academy.

Now his flying boat is much better than when it was just given to him.

Whether it is speed, defense, performance, it is ten times the original.

After recognizing the direction, Chen Feng controlled the flying boat and drove towards the city where the Yuan family was located.

The speed of the flying boat was very fast, and after a while, it had arrived at the city controlled by the Yuan family.

Yulong City is smaller than Fucheng, but it is relatively large compared to other cities.

When there was still some distance from Yulong City, Chen Feng took the flying boat and walked over.

When they got to the gate of the city, they were stopped by the guards.

"City entry fee..."

The guard who stopped Chen Feng looked him up and down.

"Ten crystal coins."

"Ten crystal coins? Are you sure you're right?"

A chill flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

When the person in front of him entered just now, he clearly only handed in one crystal coin.

When I got to him, I guess it was because he was well dressed and young, thinking that his cultivation was not high, so he wanted to make more money.

However, is Chen Feng's cultivation base low?

"Can you get in? You only need ten crystal coins to get in. If you don't get in, get out early, don't block the people behind."

Seeing that Chen Feng hadn't paid the money, the guard said impatiently.

"Do you know that there are some people you can never offend."

"There are people who can't afford to offend, but it won't be you."

A fat man dressed like a squad leader with a big belly came over and said.

"Come here, arrest this person for me and question him carefully. I suspect that he is the thief who stole the City Lord's Mansion some time ago."

Hearing his words, several guards next to him approached Chen Feng with malicious smiles.

Nearby people who were about to enter or leave the city quickly avoided it.

"Is this guy a foreigner?"

"Who doesn't know, these guards are all from the Yuan family, and they make a lot of money by collecting black money."

"This guy, I'm afraid the cultivation base is not very high. It's over now."

"Yeah, these guards are at the lowest level in the real world. Although they are not higher than the seventh grade of real people, they are enough."

Listening to the discussions around, the fat man who looked like the captain suddenly looked triumphant.

"Boy, did you hear? It's not easy for you to cultivate in this city's Shou Nian. Judging from your clothes, your net worth should be good. You will be fined [-], no, [-] crystal coins, and you will be saved from prison."

Chapter 1 Yulongcheng Yuan Family (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Boy, did you hear? It's not easy for you to cultivate in this city's Shou Nian. Judging from your clothes, your net worth should be good. You will be fined [-], no, [-] crystal coins, and you will be saved from prison."

Chen Feng sneered, and slapped the city guard, slapped it out, and stuck it to the wall.

"You, how dare you attack the city guard!! You are finished!!"

"There is an enemy attack!!!"

The guards next to him and those ordinary people were all scared when they saw that Chen Feng had actually killed the real man's seventh-rank city guard with one palm.

The guards shouted and signaled.

When ordinary people see this situation, how dare they stay here.

Taking advantage of the chaos, those who slip into the city should run away.

After a while, a large space was left in front of the city gate, and the guards spread out to surround Chen Feng to prevent Chen Feng from running away.

Chen Feng didn't leave, he just stood there, waiting for their support to arrive.

This time, he wants to completely clean up the foundation of the Yuan family.

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