It can be seen from this that no matter what it is, he is bluffing now.

"Really? Then I have to go in now. Come and curse me to see."

After saying that, Chen Feng lifted his foot and walked inside.

"You!! Ignorance child, you will pay for your ignorance!!"

The voice seemed to be provoked by Chen Feng's words, and said a little angrily.

"Ha ha."

With a disdainful sneer, Chen Feng ignored the voice.

No matter how he shouted or shouted, Chen Feng still walked towards it on his own.

After a while, the voice stopped talking.

Since that voice no longer appeared, Chen Feng was also happy to relax.

As he walked, he surveyed his surroundings.

Probably because the trolls are tall, everything here is huge.

After walking for a long time, Chen Feng came to the apse, which seemed to be a banquet hall.

More than a dozen tables are placed here, with some decorative objects placed on them.

Here, Chen Feng saw the murals again.

But these murals have no special meaning, they are the scenes of those troll banquets.

However, the person above caught Chen Feng's attention.

That person, sitting in the main seat, was slightly smaller than the other trolls, and more human-like than the other trolls.

However, it is such a troll, sitting on the main seat.

Looking at the attitude of the other trolls towards him below, they are very respectful.

Suddenly, Chen Feng seemed to sense something was wrong.

Because, in all the murals here, the eyes of other trolls are rigid and dull, only this troll's eyes are slightly agile, making people think they are alive.

After taking a closer look, there was no movement from 650. Chen Feng couldn't help but scolded himself for being a little nervous.

When he turned to leave, he suddenly found that the troll's eyeballs seemed to move.

Turning his head and looking at it, on all the murals, the eyes of this troll are looking in this direction.

This discovery made Chen Feng immediately alert.

An ice spear condensed in his hand and threw it into the troll's eyes.


A piercing scream rang out.

As this scream sounded, screams one after another sounded from all around.

"Boom bang bang bang..."

After a few muffled sounds, more than a dozen monsters appeared around.

The body is like smoke, erratic, no fixed shape, no head, only two red dots at the top, which may be their eyes.

Chen Feng watched the dozen or so monsters vigilantly, and he had already let go of his domineering arrogance.

However, the domineering arrogance that used to be unfavorable this time had no effect. After those monsters screamed, they charged towards Chen Feng.

(The author had a cold and fever last night, and was dizzy. It was only a little bit better just now, so the update is a bit late, please forgive me! Continue to work hard in the code, and today's chapters will be updated one after another.).

Chapter 3 Brahma (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Seeing that domineering is useless to these monsters, Chen Feng's eyes narrowed, his body turned into a white light, and he left his original position.

Those monsters were trending rapidly, and because Chen Feng was hiding just right, the monsters collided.

In the chaos, Chen Feng suddenly discovered that those monsters actually merged together.

"MD, what the hell is this, how to fight?"

Seeing this, Chen Feng couldn't help muttering depressedly.

I saw the monsters that merged into several, and one of them had the ice spear just thrown by Chen Feng.

The cold air on the ice spears has no effect on them at all.

Common sense throws a magma ball in the past, and it is still wrapped by their bodies, without any effect, which makes people very depressing.

Chen Feng didn't know that the things that made him more depressed were still to come.

I saw that there was an ice spear and another monster wrapped in a magma ball in the body, and the body surging for a while, and finally digested the ice spear and the magma ball, turning into a light blue and slightly red look.

After the change was over, an ice spear and magma ball that were the same as the one he threw out just now were thrown out by the two monsters and attacked Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng saw this, he didn't have time to be surprised, and quickly turned away.

"Hahaha, outsider, I said, you will pay the price!! Hahahaha!!"

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