In this way, Chen Feng waited in this room alone for about half an hour before the old man came back.

However, this time, there was a woman behind the old man, about twenty years old, giving people a very charming feeling.

The cheongsam on her body showed her perfect figure, with light makeup on her face.

Just seeing her makes people have an urge to possess her very much.

"This lord must be the lord who wants to auction Guiyuan Dan? I'm the head of this auction house, Fu Ying, what do you call the lord?"

The woman smiled at Chen Feng and stretched out her hand.

Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and found that he had an impulse towards this woman whom he met for the first time.

The silent movement mixed with the sky, calmed down the restlessness in his heart.

He reached out and shook hands with her, and said.

"Well, it's me, just call me Chen Feng."

"En? Chen Feng? Chen Feng of the Three Young Masters of the Wufu?"

When Fu Ying heard this, a surprised look appeared on her face.

"Huh? You know me?"

Chen Feng is also strange, is he so famous?Even the people in Tianren Palace know 487 of them?

"Hehe, do you know that Chen Feng, who suddenly rose to the top of the Tianjiao list and the tenth place on the earth list, is like us, can you not understand?"

Fu Ying showed the charming smile just now, and her eyes showed a satisfied look.

"Oh, so, then, can I participate in the auction?"

This time, Chen Feng controlled himself without any fluctuations, and said lightly.

While speaking, he flipped his hand, and two jade bottles appeared in his hand.

Seeing the medicinal pill in his hand, Fu Ying narrowed her eyes and took the medicinal pill from his hand.

When he was about to say something, Chen Feng spoke one step ahead of her.

"These are two eighth-grade medicinal pills, the golden pill of Qianyuan's good fortune. I think these two medicinal pills, even if I participate in the end, will be no problem, right?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Fu Ying shook her hand and almost dropped the two bottles of medicinal pills to the ground, but fortunately she steadied in time.

However, she was able to stabilize, but the old man behind her couldn't stabilize and sat down on the ground.

"Eight, eight medicinal pills!!!"

Fu Ying glanced at Chen Feng suspiciously, as if he didn't quite believe that he could come up with an eighth-grade medicinal pill.

You must know that in the Earth Immortal Realm, only the Hidden Realm has the best alchemists. Sixty percent of the medicinal pills that circulate in the Earth Immortal Realm every year come from the Hidden Realm.

And among these medicinal herbs, the best ones are only the seventh-grade medicinal herbs and eight-grade medicinal medicinal herbs, which exist in legends, or if they are lucky, they can be found in the ruins.

Just this time, Ziguang Auction House, the thing in the ruins to be auctioned is half an eighth-grade medicinal pill.

"Chen, Mr. Chen, you can't believe this medicinal pill just because you said it. We need to identify it."

Fu Ying solemnly said to Chen Feng.

Even if Chen Feng is a genius who suddenly rose, ranking first on the Tianjiao list and tenth on the weighbridge, Fu Ying believes that Chen Feng will not lie to herself because of this status.

But, if that's true, it's horrific.

Chen Feng definitely has a big secret! !

As soon as this idea appeared, it took root in Fu Ying's mind, and it never lingered.

"Well? Do you need to be identified again? Do you still need someone to test the medicine?"

Chen Feng frowned and said unhappily.

Chapter 1 You, are you broken? (Add one more update, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Chen Feng frowned and said unhappily.

Fu Ying smiled awkwardly and then said.

"Mr. Chen, I'm really sorry, the Guiyuan Pill just now was eaten by me."

"Did you eat?"

Chen Feng looked at her suspiciously, and then swept over her body with his divine sense, only to find that it really seemed to have the residual medicinal power of Guiyuan Pill.

"Oh, it's okay, anyway, your auction house will give it to me at the auction price, right?"

"Well, Guiyuan Dan's highest auction price ever reached [-] million Amethyst Coins. We'll round it up for you, [-] million (bifb) [-] million Amethyst Coins."

Saying that, Fu Ying took out a Bauhinia card.

"The extra [-] million is a thank you for bringing Guiyuan Pill at such a critical moment."

"A normal Guiyuan Pill can restore a broken dantian to its original state, and a top-quality Guiyuan Pill can restore a person whose dantian is broken not only to its original state, but also to restore more than [-]% of their cultivation."

Looking at Fu Ying, Chen Feng said lightly.

"Because your dantian has been broken for a long time, you have been hanging with various medicinal herbs, so your muscles and veins have not been completely abolished. However, because of the long time, a lot of potential has been consumed, and the medicinal power seems to be replenished in your body. Bar?"

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