With that said, Fu Ying flipped her hand over, and she had already received the medicinal pill in the ring.

All the alchemists could only watch Fu Ying put away the pills, but they had no choice but to sigh and look at the only pill left.

"Oh, what a pity..."

"Yeah, I haven't been able to see if the other one is the same."

"However, being able to see the eighth-grade pills of perfect quality in this life is already enough."

"Oh, when will we be able to reach this level?"

The leader, ever since the pills were taken away, had a cold face and didn't speak. Now that he saw them like this, he was even more upset, snorted coldly, and left the room.

Fu Ying saw all this in her eyes, and looked coldly at the back of him leaving, her eyes filled with murderous intent.

If it hadn't been taken into account, this person was from the Hidden Realm, and with her character, she would have gotten rid of this person long ago, even if he was a fourth-grade alchemist!

Chapter 1 Oh, woman (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

If it hadn't been taken into account, this person was from the Hidden Realm, and with her character, she would have gotten rid of this person long ago, even if he was a fourth-grade alchemist!

"When are you going to appraise? The auction is about to start, right? Have you not finished appraisal yet?"

At this time, Chen Feng, who had been waiting for nearly two hours, asked impatiently.

"It's over, my lord, your auction location is in the Tianzi No. [-] box. Originally, this box was prepared for us, but since you sold this eighth-grade medicinal pill to us, it was naturally used for not up."

Hearing the words, the old man at the beginning quickly came to Chen Feng's side, handed over a number plate, and said.

"Shall I take you there?"

Having said that, the old man was about to take Chen Feng out, but Fu Ying, who was standing on the side, spoke up.

"Uncle Wang, take this pill to the backstage, and I'll take Mr. Chen to the box."

"But, miss, waiting for the auction..."

Uncle Wang said hesitantly.

"It's okay, I'll be back soon."

Fu Ying shook her head, interrupted him, raised her feet and walked out the door, while Chen Feng had already reached the door.

Seeing this, Uncle Wang had no choice but to respond. Under the reluctant gazes of several alchemists, he put away the medicinal pills and walked towards the backstage.

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After going out, Fu Ying's eyes flashed with surprise when she saw the three women beside Chen Feng.

You know, the looks of Liu Xia'er's three daughters are on par with hers.

After Chen Feng's countless medicinal herbs and daily irrigation, the three girls became more and more attractive. Anyone who saw them would be fascinated by them for a while.

Although they are wearing veils now, Fu Ying, who is also a woman, can see at a glance that the three women's looks are rare in the world.

"Well, these are the ladies, aren't they?"

Fu Ying adjusted her clothes, walked up with a smile, and said to Chen Feng.

"Well, let me introduce you to..."

As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, Chen Feng noticed that a small hand touched his waist and continued to exert force, so he paused for a while.


Although the force used is quite strong, but Chen Feng's body of a demon god, even if he comes at the level of a venerable one, don't even think of causing him any harm, let alone a scratch.

How smart is Fu Ying, naturally she saw the hostility in the eyes of the three girls, and even Nami's self-conceited little actions were clearly seen.

With a slight smile, Fu Ying came to the three girls.

"Hello, my sisters, I'm Fu Ying, the head of this auction house. The sisters are so beautiful. If they weren't in my place, I would have thought I met a goddess."

As soon as these words came out, the attitudes of the women changed a lot in an instant, and they all blushed and humbled.

"Because Mr. Chen has helped us a lot with what he is going to auction this time, and now I will take you to the Tianzi No. [-] box..."

"Oh, woman..."

Chen Feng looked at the women who were chatting together and threw himself aside, he could only sigh helplessly, and followed them forward.

In a hidden corner of the auction house, the shriveled alchemist just now took out a communication jade slip with a ruthless face, while muttering and passing on the message.

"Damn, isn't it just a bitch, to actually embarrass me so much, and still pay an eighth-grade medicinal pill? Hmph, soon, this medicinal pill will no longer belong to you, and this Ziguang Auction House will no longer exist, right? , and that stinky boy, who can actually take out an eighth-grade medicinal pill, it seems that his net worth is not simple..."

"Tianren Mansion Wanshan City, eight-grade medicinal pills are now in the world, and there are more important things, come quickly!!!".

Chapter 2 Auction begins (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

The Tianzi No. [-] private room is probably the best private room in the entire Ziguang auction house.

The whole box is incomparably extravagant, and all the designs are designed to allow people who come to this box to enjoy it better.

After Fu Ying sent Chen Feng and the others to the box, she left, because she had to preside over the next auction.

Sitting in the box, boredly picked up a jade slip on the side, and checked what was in this auction.

This kind of jade slip is equivalent to a list. All the items in this auction are marked on it, but there is no reserve price.

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